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Tuesduy, Oet. 12. " llave you registered yet ?"' is the greeting now-a-dayf. 8's memorial meetinr Saturd.iy, Oet., Oth, In Room A, at 9 o'clock a. m. Tbe firet meetisjr of the Choml Uninn occurred yesterday, with good atiéndanos. Miss Nina Walker of Salem, commenc es n course in the homeopathie department of ilie uuiversity this year. Tlie flrst meeting of the moot congiess will be held Satnrday. Oct. 9th, in the law lectare room, :it 1:80 i. m. Members of the sopliomore class held a prayer meeting Monday evenlng in the Students' Oliiistian Association rooms. Woods Hutchison, med. '84, is visiting bis alma mater, and hosts of friemls. Ile is doing ii good business at Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Prof. Stowell returned froni their slimmer stay at Petnskey.botli wy mach Improved In health, we are liappy to state. Dexter sends four students to tbe university thisyear : Will M. Warren school of pharmacy; R. S. Copeland, homeopathie college; Gordon Stannard and Elmer Mains, both to the literary departinent. The boys all leave tbr Ann Arbor to-morrow. - Leader. Fred. W. Stevens, lit. of '8G, and one of tbe most oompaBiouable and pleasant gentleman of bis class, has been a visitor in the city during tho week. Fred is doing excellent work on the Eaton Rapldl Journal t present, and has entcred upon the active duties of lite with a right good will. Bro. Holmes, of tbe Chelsea Ileratd, has i rare old Greek Lexicon, wlth Latín definitions, published at Basel, Switerland in 1005. Every page contains more or less annotatlont, showing tbat some one has gone thoronghly tbroturh the book at inimenee labor. Mr. Holmes bought tbc book for a trille forae 30 years ago, at Rome, and says tbat did be know its bistory he would present it to the university. Allow us to suggest tbat perhaps tbe university inight tlirow some light on its hUtory. At any rate it would be a prize that would no doubt be uppreciated. The books of Secretary Wade sbowed a fine array of names up to last night, in fact 129 in advance of last year's entries thouirb tbe literarv and pliarmucy departments are one week later In commenclng than last year. The figures for the .ivous departineiits are: Li torary department ri" Law gj Uedloal " 2J Htomeopatblo ' J Dental " " l'iiarinacy " 0B Total 130 at tbis rate it i-; coiilldently expected that the record of 1,638 reaclifld In '80-'si and '81-'82. will be Burpasaed. The oidor literary claasea not belnfr obllged to register before next Momlay, they hare been slow to matricúlate, but the frehman class uitli it 804 looma op grandly. The Ypsilanti Sentincl, alter Blating tbat a new chapter house, to cost $30,000 is to be nrected at Ann Arbor, proceeds to growl viclously over the fact, and deducts the conclusión ibat the university is only for the rieh. As usual Hro. Woodruff is way oll'. There are hundreds of young men attending the university cvery year wbo work tbelr way through, and they are tbonffht as much of and treated as veil by Uie faculty and by the citizens as are thö.-e who haviug wealtb, procure the luzoriei whlcb wealth can secure. The Sentinel deducía wrong couclusions from its reawnlng, and mbrepreients the facts. There is no inore aristocracy abouttbu university than about the state normal -(hooi, and In proportlon there nre proliablv no more weafthy students In attendanee. These Chapter Houses, whlch appear to attractoor brotber1! green glasses, uc built not by the people of the stat;, but by individuáis. Capitalists who are Mrklng investmentfor their luoney build these houM's and rent tbem to the various ■ocietles, tlius lecarlnga fair rate of interuston their Investment b there anything outot the way about it 15ro. Woodruff? Then again, it strikes us tliftt the interests ofour Ypsilanli people and the interests of Ann Arbor people are identieal Zf free cducation at Aun Arbor ibould receive a blow, free cducation at Ypsilanti must of a necewity fall witb it. Frcil Besimer lost bis valuablc horse today of inflammation of the lungs. That brick pile etillhokls the fort In the street on Washington st., oppoilta the M E. church. Fred Rettich, .Ir., says the returns are still coming iu from that $10 received to work tor "H. L D." Bride are being drawn for the new building to be erected by the northern brewery in the 5th wird, August Golin and Miss Louise Fahner, both rf Bharon, rere married by the Hev. Mr. Sayle, on ()■'. Ifth. The O. C. Social club give another of Uieir popular hops at the K. of L. attentbly rooms on Friday evenina, Oct. 8. Senator H. W. Blair, of New IIampshire, spoke to a good slzed audience at the rink yesterday afternoori, and ably preaented the issues of the campaign. The calendar of the circuit cotirt whicli convened yesterday contalna 72 cases, o which 8 are criminal, :ii civil jury oases 8 foreolosoie, 13 divorce and 6 mi-cel lancous. Two new two-story brick stores are bcinjr built on Fourth street ailjoining the block of Alvin Wilsey to the north. One by Mr. Wilsey the other by A. V. Uobison. These wil 1 make a fine aclilition to thls part of the town. The Washtenaw ('ounty ConTentlon of W. C. T. U. workers occurs at Balein Station, October 18 and 14. Mrs. A. S. Benjamin will give the adUreM the eveuing of the 14th. A cordial invitation is extended to all friends of tempéranos to be present. The following tribute to Hon. Andrew Campbell, is fiom the Adrián Times: "The Washtenaw republicana have nominated for senator In the state legltlatare, that sterling and tiied republican and honoied man, Andrew Campbell, of Pittsfield. A botter felection could not have been made, and if the people of Washtenaw county vould do a good thing, they would see to it that they were represented in the upper house of our state legislature, by a man with the coramon sense, the sturdy integrity, and the ability of Andrew Campbell." In the democratie representaüve convention it is stated on Rood authority that the delegates from Lyndon, Sylvan, etc., agreed to vote for John V. N. Gregory for representative in considcration of the Scio and Iima delegates turning in for Howlett for clerk. Wcll, the Lima and Scio men keptlheir part of the agreement and Howlett was nominated. But as soon as the representative convention met the Howlett delegates who had carried their point left Gregory out In the cold, and turned iu for Manly. What cared they as long as "Howlett's nomination was equivalent to an election?"


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News