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Common Council Proceedings

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There was a special sessioti of ihe comnon couiicil Monday evening, at wlilch liere was nearly a full atteiulance. The Mayor aimouucetl tliat tlio business of be BenioD would be toconsider the Street allway mntter; tbe electric light matter; lio sproading of taxes for city purposes, etc., etc. The matter of írranting a francliise for a street railway was taken from tbe table, and on motion ot' Ahí. Swift was again ;iil opon tlie table until the next meetng of the couucll. On motion of Aid. Poland, a committee of five, the mayor to be one, was apjointed to Investígate tbe matter of a street railway and report at the next meeting of tbc couocit. Carrled, and Aids. Poland, Martin, Allmendinger and Swift were tppotnted. The Reeorder presented the amounts necessary to be raised by tax the coming year, as follows: For Court House ald bonds, due February lat, 1887 2,000 For Interest on the name S20 Kor General purposes, general fuiul 0,000 For General purposes, general street tand 2,000 For Tax voted lu ald of Poutlao strect brlilRe 5,000 Vorlrt wuril street fund 1000 Por M ' 1,000 For Sd 1.000 For4th ' " " 1,000 ForStb " " 500 For (tu " ' 1,000 Total 20,10 On motiou of Ald. Allmendinger the suin of $5,000 for Pontiac street bridge wasreduced to $2,500 and the Mayor and Recorder were uutliorizeri to certify the imounts to the various supervisors of the city. On motion of Ald. Allmendinger the sum of $67.13 was placed upon the lot of F. L. Parker, No. 8, N. Main street, as a special assessment for expenses incurred In taking down the condmned building tbcreon. Ald. Poland wanted the Marshal instructed to prevent bill posting on the new railroad bridge, but tlie inajority of tbe council thought tbat tbe railroad was capable of cariui; for its own property. The Keeoider then read tbc report of the Business Men's committee and Street Ligbtiojroommlttee of the coturnos counCtl in reference to the feasibility of securing the clectric system of street llghting, and tbe sume was accepted and adopted by tlie followiiiK vote : Yeas- Aids. Allraendinger, Nelthnmmor, Wals, KontiiiB, 8wlft, Poland. Wftra, .Murtlu, Bteere, Mayor and the llecorder. Nays - AKIs. llerz, uud Kearns, Ycas, U ; nuys, 2. Tlie matter of making a contract with soine company was then ttioroughly discoaed, Ald. Allmcnding ofterin" a resolution autboring tbe freest latitudeof expression by all present. The discussion was taken part In by the Mayor, Ald. Swift, Allmendinger, Martin, and Poland, and by Herman Hutcl. John F. Lawrenci; und A. L. Noble from among tlie cltizens present, all la fayor exoept Mr. Liwrenee, wha opposed the scheme on tbe ground of economy and the inability of the city to atl'ord IL The Kecorder moved tbat the matler of maklng contract with an electric light coniiany be reterred to a committee ot three to report at the next meeting of the council. Which wascirricd, and Aids. Allmendinger, 8wft and Kearni were appointed as such committee. On motion of Ald. Allmending, Ald. Steere and the Mayor were appointed a Oommlttee to ask the Regents of the University as to the desirability of tbe placing 01 some two or three liglits in tbe caniiii8 to assist in the lighting thereof. A pctltion for n city maiket was received and read and on motion of Ald. Ware llie matter was laid upon tbe tablc. On motion of Ald. Allmendinger tbe suin of $100 was ordered returned to Christian l'iufel who had gone out of tbe saloon business. Tliis W.s In accorci anee witli pievious custom.


Ann Arbor Courier
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