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The Zeta I'si'a are " at home " in tlieir new quarters. The Chronicle opens the vear newoy and full of life. '89 has already chalenged "90 to that awful game of foot-ball. Harry W. Davis, D. D. S., '86, willtake a post gradúate course this year. Patterson, M. D. '8G, is ward raaster of the university hospital this year. H. 8 Chapman, M. D., '84 hns located at Pontiac, and commenced practice. W. V. Campbell has been chosen assistant matiging editor of the Chronicle. There were 229 ladies in the university last year, 155 being n the literary dept. J. E. Buil takes the place of E. D. Adamd resigned, on the board of Palladium editora. The degree of Ph. C. was conferred upoii Win. Condón by the regents la t even i ng. The university team wlll play the Albion college team on their grounds next Huturday. Prof. Cady wou ld be pVased to receive the mimes of all who wisli to unite with the Clioral Union. Gen. Lew Wallace, the author ofthenow fnmous lïen Uur, opens the lecture mmod here Oct. 29th. He will have a rousing house. Miss Kuiinii Bower has been obliged to resign as assistant il the HouicEopnthic department because of ill heallh. Wliich is to be regretted. The Cass club of Detroit failed to enter an appearance last Saturd:iy afternpon, and the Ann Arbor club played a game with the university club. The' tiental tlepartmertt is gelting far famed, and among its students tliis year are representativesof Enjdand, Italy,Isthmus of Panama, and San José, C. K. The Oberlin nine won the championghip of the state of Ohio last year, and now wants tocóme tip tiere and learn liow to play ball of our nine. Well, come on. On the evening oL October 17th, Kev. M. S. Terry, D. D., of the Garrett Bibllcal Institute, of Evanston, 111., is to deliver a lecture before the Cocker League in the M. E. church. What is beiug done by the directors of the Itugby Association about the gymnasium? Now is the time to show the faculty and board of regents that we are In earnest.- Chronide. The lengthenlng of the course in the dental department from six to nine months has liad the eftect of increasing instead of lessening the attendaiice. The freshman class is the largest ever known. I. N. Huntsberger, law'80, was recently examined betore the supreme court atColumbus, Ohio, and scorcd 100 points, standing first in a elass of i'.i, we understand. Qood card for our law department. The University Glee Club will hold a meeting in Room 24 to-morrow, Thursday, evenin;;, at 7 o'clock (standard). Every student who dc3ire9 to become a meraberof the Club iscordially invited to be present. J. E. M. Pennington, class of '8:i, Charlotte high school, will enter the department of medicine, and Fred Pennington and Allle Smitli, class of '85 will take the literary department of Michigan Universltyf - Vermontville Echo. At a meeting of the board of regents held last evenlnu President Angelí was chosen as a delégate to represent tliis university at the celebration of the 2"0th anniversary of the foundlng ol' Harvard university on Nov. 0, 7 and 8. A. O. Crozier, '80, who gave In bis age as twenty-two at a bar examination last spring is the prohibition candidato for congress in tfaU district. - Cbronicle. After speaking down at Detroit, tbey reported him as " plcked too soon." Seyeral changes have been made in the faculty this semester. Prof. Ellsha Jones will resume bis work. Prof. Harrington will again conduct the courses in astronomy. Prof. Carhart, of Evanston. will BiieceedMr. Urace. Mr. Walter Miller, A. B., '84, asslsts Prof. Pattengill. Mr. A. C. McIiHUxhlin, A. B., '82, will take the place of Mr. B. L. D'Ooge. The facultv has accepted the resignation of Mr.T. J. Wrampelmeier, wlio internis to go to California. - Chronicle. The lltcrary frcshman clnss ig the larjrest one that ever entered the university, The university base ball nine bids fail tobe stronger this year than for manv years previous. Prizes to be awardeil to contrlbutors to '8i)'s Oracle are now on exliibltiou in Kamhill'a winilow. A. B. Stevens, F. G. Dovie and E. I). Sinith have been appointcd assistants In the Pharmacy dopartment. Librarían Davls in bis animal report wants the regents to ask the legislature tor aüditional funds to buy books with. The state board of hcalth wants the regents to establish a hygenic laboratory in which the adulterations of food and all gauitary problema could be studled. A liandsome silver urn has been presented the Lawn Tennis Association bv VVriftht, Kav Co. of Detroit, which wiïl be oflered asa prie, together with the gold medal. Among the noted speakers who will appear hefore the Student's Lccture Association this year are Gen. Lew Wallace Justin McCarthy, Uev. Josepli Cook and A. P. Kurbank. There are 120 students in the engineern department atid the new building is already inadequate. It was not econotny for the state to cut down the appropriation two years ago. In his annual report President Angelí recommends the securlng of more ground in the vicinity of the campus for hospitals etc, and complains that the room is already too cramped. There are now 60,201 volumes, 12,267 pamphleta and 212 charts In the libraries. Of these 47, 187 volumes are in the "cnral library, 9.250 In the law, 3,300 in the medical and 404 in the dental libraries. The increase has been 3,040 volumes tor the year. The rink lias been rented the cominj year for the gymnasium, and $700 wortt ¦ of new apparatus is being put in undei t the superintendence of Prof. Iieinhart. who has taken full charge of the .'yin Tickets are now on sale at $2 a piece foi each semester, and at this rate 600 members must be secured to make It a success. There will be another examinatlon foi 1 admission to the Ulioral Union on Friday eveninsf, in the ante-room of university hall, at 7 p. m. standard. The examination consists of: 1. Slngjng the acales tojudge ot the range and (luality and truepltch of the volee. 2. An ear test, 1. e., repeatlng modulations wilh an J without piano. :). Au easy readlugat slght, of half a dozen bars. The examiners do not know the candidates, being in an adjolnlng room, and the names of the unsiiccessful remain always unknown, because, they put their names in an envelope, whicli is numbered. If uneuccessful, the envelope is destroyed. 15y this means, better judg ment is obtained aud i candidato may anply several times without it being kuown except in case of admission. The followlng preamble and resolutions were adopted by theStudent's Chris tain Association, at their meeting, Oot. 6, 1880 in memory of Lizzie Wanner. Whkbias, Our Heavenly Father has pulled home our irleuil Lizzie Keed Wagner aud Whereas, The Assoulatlon has lost one of lts member8 whose L'hrlstian Work wrs so effectlvely performed l whose Chrlstlan character will serve to gulde our llves toward perfectlon; belt Besolved, That whlle bowlng our heads In humblesuhmlKslon to the will of Hlm who "doeth all thlngs well," we mourn our loss and yet we rejolce that her llfe ol modest simpllclty flllsourheartswlthadeslreto be more Christ-like. Jiesolved, That we assure tne famlly of our sincere Hympathy, and that we earnestly pray thiit wliil.' ihe bereaved flnd comfort In the aKKuraiico,"whom the Lord loveth He chas ten. eth" the rnay also learn perfectly Ihe lesson our I" ather designs to teach.