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Short advortlsements not to exceed three ilnea, of Lost ana Found, Honses for Saleor Kent, Want, etc.. inserted three weeks for 25 cent. Sltuatloos wanted. free. TO BENT- A part ol a Furnlshed House - frornS to Hoorns. Sultable for house - keeping. (Jood locatiou. W. W. Wuedon' Keal Kstate. 13il TÏVJR SALE- Two gol work Mares, wlth Jt? foal, oheap ; 2 Colts '. 3 good Mllch Cows, and other young cattle and a lot of Plgs. Apply of J.S. Maun, Whltmore Lake Kond. 23' rpn RENT CHEAP- A small house on East _L Aun street, near Observatory. Apply to O. L. Matthews, Real Estnte Agency. 213 T O RENT - 41 Washington street, also a good house on Thompson street, both well calculated ior boarding house purposcs and both centrally locatod. ('an bc rented In parts apply to ü. L. Matthews, Reul EsUUe Agency. 21 ¦" S1TUATION WANTED- By a Law student. Office work of any kind to do ouUtlde of Lecture hours. Address, Box Ï8. 203w LOST- On Liberty, Hurón or Washington street a Haud-raade, iJice Hanilkorchlef. Finder wlll be rewarded by leavlng thosama at Mrs. M. M. Tuttle's Mllllnery Btore, Keck's block. 20-Sw GOOD H0D8E and flve acres of land In good condltlon with good water on Mlll Street, city, for sale cheap. Apply WO.U MattUews, Real Estáte Agency. 198 FOR SALE- A number of Holsleln Calves by Mills Brothers. 18-20 HOUSES TO RENT- Cheap, pleasant- one corner of Huron and Thayer street, on o OD Mosely street, second house west of Mrs. Kllls on South Main street. E. J. Knowlton, 21 North Stat streek _-m. TTiOR RENT-COTTAGE-Flva rooms, large H basement and cellar. New, clean, warm, water lndoors. fuel shelter. Less than one block from Campus. Capt. L. L. Jauies, E. Unlverslty avenue rpo RENT- House No. 18, Cemetery street. X Apply at CouKiKKofflce. EVERAL HOUSES TO KI3:rl'LLo! limilltles and repair - for 13 to tX por monTh Enqulre of J. Q, "Blons ltel KsWte and Insurance agent. Office over Express office, Ann Arbor. T OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-class j Iteal Estáte Mortgage at Current rates r fmerest. Satlsfactory arrangements made with capitalista desirln snch lnvestments. rivery conveyance and transactlon In ab%lr of tlll yff,SMgaMJ&&


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News