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WHO !S UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WIL. 8EE BY EXAMININO THI8 MAP, THATTHè !¦ wp i jj '_ 73 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By roason of ita central position, close relatlon to principal lines East of Chicago Sd contíiiaíua lines at íerminaí pouits West, Northwest and Southwest-ia the only tam" middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facü' itatea travel and trafile in either direction between the Atlantic and Pacific. Tho Rock Island main line and branches include Ohicag-o,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Peoría, Oonoseo, Moline and Bock Ialaud, in Illinois; Davenport, MuecaUno, Washington, Fairflold, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, Wept Liberty, Iowa City, Dos iloiñoo, lndianola, Winterset, Atlantio. Knoxvüle, Audubon, Harían, Quthrio and Comioil Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Tronton, St. Joseph, Cameron tid Kaoaaa City, in Missouri; Loavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert I,ea, I-Tivmapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreda ei itcrinediate cities, towns and villages. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guarantoes Spoed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts rondbed i3 thoroug-hly ballastod. Ita track is of heavy steel. Ito bndges are Bolid ctructuroa of stone and iron. lts otock is perfoct as human ekill ceja maka it It haa all the safoty appliancee that mechanical genius has invented and experience proved valua'ole. lts practical operatiou is conservativo and methodtoaï- its discipline strict and exacting. Tho lixury of its paseeneor accommodaUons is unequaled in the Wost- unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TRAINS botween Chicano and the Missouri Eiver cons;st rf comfortablo DAY COACHES, maeniflceiit PULLMAN PALACE PARLOn and BLEEPING CAKS, elofrant DININO CABS providinsr excellent meals, and - botwoen Chicago. St. Josoph, Atchison and Kanaas City- rostiul RECLUiINO OliAiE CAK3. TH AIWOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Io tho dircee, rnvorite line betwocn Chicapo and Winneapolia and St. Paul. Over thia routo eol'd Past Express Trains run daüy to tho summer roaorts, picturotquo lrcaliUos and hunting and fishini (irounda of Iowa and Minnos9ta. ïho ïich wheat fields and prazingr lands of interior Dakota are roachod via "Wotortr. . . A short desirable route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducementj to travolera botween Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Laíayetto and Conncil Bluffs, 3t. Josoph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, TYTinneayolis, St. Paul anü mtormouiato pointa. . All clasoea of patrons, especially families, lndies and ciiildren, receive rron'. oiUcial and employee of Rock Island trains protootion, reepectful couxtcsy a:.U kiü'ily Gttention. ïickots, Maps, Folders - obtainablo tX ali principal Ticket Ofilcee ia i.2'. ¦ TJniuid States and Canada- or ony desirod information, oddreos, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, 'reslcbnt and Goneral Manager, Chicago, GoüSral Ticket and Passender Acent, Ctiicaao


Ann Arbor Courier
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