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nvMU.VH' iiui ( o.; ASN A.KROR OOMMANDKItY, No. 1! lunet s Hrst Tuesday of eaeli jnoiith, W. O. Doty, E. CL; W. A. Tolcliard, Keeorder. Wasiitksaw Ciiaitkk, Xo. f, H A. M.- Mwts nrst MiMi.l-.iy eaoh montb. lsauc Haudy, H. P.; Z. Kuuth, Secretiiry. BUSINESS CARDS. o. :m:. :m:.á_:rti:n, CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Coramon Cofflns. Calis atteninl t Day or Ñlght. Embulmlng a speclnlly. Btorer oom on E. Washington street. Kesidence Cor. Liberty and Flfttt. V. II. JACKSOX, XilElilB"llTIIIIISIITIL OFFICE : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Good Store. Entrance next to National Bank. WILLI4UI IIEKZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlng, Olazing, (ildini;, and C'alcimlnlnp, and work of uiery descrlption dono íd the bi'st style, and warrantcd to givc atisfactiou. Jtiop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. &. . C. MCIIOL.S, DENTISTSRooms Over Ann Arbor Savlngs Bank, Masonic Temple Block. OASorVITALIZED AIR Adminiutered for the paiulcss eitractlon of toeth. STATE STREET Mui Mui Establishment ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, DkarSik: Ifyouwant a noat Sult do not ordor untü yuu lmve soen JOSEPH BERR1, MereUant Tallor, State Street, Aun Arbor, Midi. You will tlnd a very Hoe line of Eiikllsli Worsteds for Dress Sults, aml all the Newest Sliades and Weaves In Sack Sult lngs and trowsenugs in stock and samples to order froin. Our long experlenen In CUttlng enables us to glve yon a neat aud perfect fit, and ('lothes made In flrst-class order, at Lowest Living Prloes. Cali and see for yourself. "JWBrHBBèRY, Merchant Tallor CEt THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held for the protection of the pollcy holdtrs. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta the followlDK flrst-claís companles, of wnlch one, the Etna. has alone yald Í5,ÜOU,000 ttre ossee In nlxty-five ycars : iEtna, of Hartford $ 9,192,044 Fraiiklinof Puüadelphta 3,118,713 Gerraania, N. V 2,700,729 Oerman American, N. Y 4,066,968 Londoti Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan K. & M., Detroit... 887,608 N. Y. Unilerwriters, N. Y' ¦J,5'.ii,t;:i National, Hartford 1 ,774,505 Phcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,03G Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Policies issucd at the loweut rates of premium. 1191tf LTJMBER! LUMBER! LUMBER! If you contémplate building, cali at FERDON Luit liiii! Corner Fourth and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and guarautee AERY LOW PRICES -Glve u a cali and we will make t to your interest, as our large and wcll graded stock fully tustains our assertion. Telcphone Conncctions r.'jl KBECH SupL JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance Plate laas Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjiistments and Losses Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attkntion oiven to CoLLErTtoN or Rknts and Manac;i:mknt of Keal E-state INTEEESTS FOK N, ,N - Kl SI NKNT8. E.NTIRE 8ATISKACTI0N TO OWSEHS GUAKANTB"D A. DeFORKST. Mmore money than at anythlng eje br taK lne an apency fr tb'! best selllng book out Beginner sucfcegrndly. None rail Ternjs tree. Hallett Book Co., Portland, Malne. ññññ CLEANSE ¦Iv AlfJfM YOUR SCALP ¦wAMHBKU A9 Evcry Other Dy with P XjJrVl BmViITIIIS and you will bc kld ïilïïïï PJflsurprlood at the ¦¦¦¦MBMHH H remar knb'.o clianee . F i B I HcmovcB Scurf and B ¦DaiidruüTaiidproTcnUi ¦¦¦¦¦B ¦discases of tbo Bcalp. IMJIltCjSEM It Imparta vitallty ¦¦ÉMMn ¦ tothoroot-bulbs, malcB j % I II 'M ing hcalthy ftction. BAbBVI It Cures BaldneM, KH ¦prcflervcsthehairfroin KVTxRH tallind out or fading H bH BBandifllu-iurlouBfortho mAI Htadfl Q toilet. Givoo a natural, Kloo and soft appearanco to thohoir. OOccntttot yourDmegiit. PcrfootlyHarmleas. lanotadye. Send tUmp for treatlae "Howto havo flno Hair." J. n. WTKltTrr.M A TTTJ t CO., Baltimoro, Md. SaTe IS . by mending any thi ne that 'e broken.with ' rootCT' Alway Llquld Qlue. Bold ovcrywhra.


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