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It is useless to attempt the cure of any disorder, if the blood is allowed to remaln impure. Neuralgia and rheumatisni are traceable to a disordered conditlon of the blood, and in numberless cases have beca cured by taking a few bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. SCROFULA I do not belicve tliat Aycr'i 8arsap:irill:ilia.s an equal as a remedy for tierofulous Humors. It is pleasant to take, gives strenrth and vigor to the body, Humnrc alu' l""ducr-s a more nuinuio, permanent, lastlmr, result thao any medicine I ever u'sed. - E. ïïaines, Xo. Lindale, O. I have used Ayer's Sars:iparilla,inmyfamily, for Scrofula, and know, ii it is taken ErVSinPlaS faithfuily, It wlll crysipeias, thoroughy 'eradicatc fliis terrible disease.- ¦V. F. Fowler, M. D., Greenville, ïenn. For forty years I have sufl'ered with Erysipelas. I hve tried all orts of remedies Canker,and SSsi commenced uslng Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After taking ten bottles of this medicine r ani completely cured. - Mary C'. Amesbury, Hockport, Jle. Catarrh, I have suffered, for years, í rom Catarrh, which was so severe that it destroyed my appetite and weakened ¦my system. After tryinii otlier remedies, and Ketting no relief, I _.. ¦ bMM to take Ayer's 1311 06 Sarsiiparilla. and, in a few months, was cured . CUTfid DV - Susau L. Cook, 909 bUIGU UJ A]hanj sti Boston p u i j ii y,i SarsaparIlla ? hu hlnnri is superior to any blood inB DIOOQ purifler that I havo „¦il ever tried. I have Wlln taken it for Scrofula. Canker, and Saltlihcura, and received much benefit from it. It is good, also, for a weak stomach. - Millie Jane Peirce, South Bradford, Mass. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, l'repred ky Dr. J. C. A yer & Co., Lowell, tliii Frlce l'; lx bottles, SS. FOR DYSPEPSIA, MENTAL AND PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. [f m wrs3ré ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparation of the phosphatei and puosphorlo acid. Recommended by Phyblcians. It makes a deliclous drink. Invlgoratlng and strengtheulng. Pamplilet free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldence, - Bhode Isiaml. ISST BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Scrofula- Whal it is and how to Overeóme it. Scrofula U a eonstitutional disease Ín which there U a deposit, or tendency to a deposit, of tubtrcU ia various tissues and orgtins of the body. Scrofula, which in modero times is almost without exception an Jurtdüary distase, undoubtcdJy had its origin tmong the poorer classes in new countries whert water was bad, miasma prevalen!, food with littlo variety, insuflicient, and exposure te cold and wet common and frequent. Scrofula is fhe cause of nearly all chronic distases. It impairs the ense of smell and enlnres the glands of the throat, or breaks mto consumin? ulcers on the neck. It destrona the lungs or filis them with tuberculous aecretions. It eats away the coating ot the stomach, enlardes the liver, clogs the kidoeys, creates consti pation and induces pifes. The musdes it contract and renders power les with Rheumatism, while the secretions of the joints conUminatcd by it cause the pain ful gout. The hereditary blood poison of scrofula develops in the delicate tissues of the brain menUl weaknesses and infirmities, idiocy and insanity. Itslowly undermines th constitution, and we brliere it to be, as above stated, the cause of nearly all chronic diseases. We all know what this disease ii, and w know, too, that medical science is very much at sea as to the best mode of it What we need is a remedy that will build up the blood and destroy its acría charseter, and this we have found in Hibbard's Rheumauc Syrup. A rem cdy absoluteiy free from mineral or vegetable pois ons, and may b prescribed for any species of skm or blood disease with the certainty of specdy relief and permanent cure when all other remedies fail. Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup is not a pateat medicine, but a pronrietary article, compounded and skillfully preparea by a procesa peculiar to itself, of the acüve medicina! properties of the most approved alterativa, tnnic and blood purifyin remedies of the vegetable kingdom known to medical science. But wc do not ad vertía to cure Scrofula, Salt Rheum or Khemaüsm with one bottle, nor with two or three, as most vendors of quack nostrums do. We have, it is truc, cured many cases of Inflammatory and Sciatic Rheumatism with two and three bottles of the Svrup, but in chronic cases of years' standing1, to effect a permanent cure it has been found necessary to use die medicine from two to six months, and in one extreme case the patiënt continued its use for fourteen months, but was entirely cured of Scrofula in ita worst form. He says it did not cost him onetL-nth what he had paid before for various trcatmenis from which he received no benefit. Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup, the peat blood purifier, nrevents the deposit and dissemination oí tubercle in and through the blood, and protects the ysttm from scroiulous aHections. Beinp rtsolvent and dtttrgent, H disorg-anizes accumulations of tubercU and elimínales them from the systcm, thus becoming the most potent and ellïcient cure for Scrofula known attho present time. By its action unon the stomach, liver and blood it cures strumous dysfrpsia, aud renders iu recurrene impossible. In Kheumatic case the patiënt, after nsing; the econd or third bottle, feels dartin? pains where he never before feit them, and many times feels that he is growing worse from ita use, but this is a favorable symptom, and by a continued use of Hibbard's Kheumatic Syrup the patiënt flnds hitnself entirely freed from all pain or soreness, and his whole system inviforatcd and strengthened by it. Hibbard'a Kheumatic Syrup is put up in lar bottles, and Ís sold by druggists jfenerally. Pricc $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. If your druiat does not have it writc to us and we will send it to any address on receipt of price, i'rcght prepaid. Scod m our medical pamphlet RHEUMATIC SYRXH CO., Solc manu facturen t Jacksoo Mick


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