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Our City Council

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There was u speel. il Bésalo o of the oommon counctl held last Frlday evenlng for the parpóte 't oODsklerlng tho report of the committee appolnted ut u preylom meeting to ilrnft a contract witii some responsible electiic light Co., to llght our city. The mayor prwlded and nenrly n full council was present. The committee made the following report : To the SItiyor, Recorder and Aldcrmen of the city of Ann Arbor: Your committee to whom was refVrred the making of a contract for Mgbttng the city by eleotrloUy bave luresUgaied leveral planj and report ns follows: It ha alrcaily been practlcally deolded hy tlie couucil not lo parchase a plaat. lu enso of leasing water power, uot only power for running the street llghts would be D606Mary luit ilso for {neratiDg electrlclly lor private lilils. It 1h Impracticable for the city to enter into (i clieme of thln kind. The committee, however, were deslrous of obeapenlDg the cost of tlie liKhtliie if p ssiil by th of water poweraiul have i'ili''tcil n mei between the Messrs. i ornwell :i n 1 tho trlc Lighting Company wiili whom m pOM to oontraet, The matter haa beentnorooghly cimvussed by tlie genllemen Intnrested and the Lighling Co., whlle Onding some tnlngs In thelr favor, bnve on accounl of distance and cost been compcllcd to decline U8lng the water power. Actlng uuder your dlrectlon we now propose a contract for tho Thompsou-Houston llght, and tmbmlt a contract berewltn for your approviil. The tei'ins proposed difï'er from thone heretofore made. [ñatead of paylng JltWÜ lor lin liulils, it is now propoaed to pay $t),OUO for K Mulita, tlie terrn to ron tur three ycnre. Thu lluhthüj wlll continue nntll 12o'clock p. m. Standard time inslead of midnight sun time, giving us uearly ', hour longer time of lichting. The committee leel satisfled thnt the work wlll bc done In the Batlifeotory manner posslbleand that when completed "the ÜKhting system wlll be regarded as one ol bbe most iitlnictivo features ol our con.-tantly improviugcity. Two otner polnti we may note. Ist. Wo have arramied for the dropplnc of gMOline linhtiug upon the oompletlon or thenew n.tem, without expense to the city. üd. We have the auuranoe of Mr, Darldson of tba Llghtlng Co. that two men only win be brnuglit by theiM lo Ann Arbor. For t li constructlon of the work our o'.vu work men wlll buglvcu the prelerencu. All the above Is re8pectfully submilted. O. P. AI.I.Mr.NDINQER, .1. M. 8WIPT. THOMAS KSARN8. Wh'ich report was unanlmomly adoptad. Tbc contract was Uien rond by the Recorder, as follows: Tiis AjfrttmmU, made between the Ann Arbor VuuDepoele I.lght and Power i ics assigns, Ann Arbor, Mloblgan, ¦. rporaUon orgaolzed nul exlstlng uuder the lawiof Mloblgan, party of tbe ïlrst part, and the Mayor, Recorder and Aldermen of tlie City of Aun Arbor In the County of Waahtenaw. a municipal Corporation, party oí the secoud part, wltuesseth as follows: fint, The sald party of the first part, In constderatlon ol the agreerneut on the part of the party of the seeond part, hereinafter expressed, promlses and agrees i r ltself and lts successors, that It wlll set up, furnl-h and keep in good running order for a perlod of threeyears, ulxty-three electric are lamps of two thousand cautie power, standard, ti. at Ir to say, lamps that are known to the trade as two thousand candle power, Im-Imlc such lamps as are now e.xhlbltod by the party o f the flrst part on Main street In the city of Kalamazoo, and of the same kind, qaailty and style, and of tlio Tnompson-Hooston system, and for two hundred and slxty-nve nlghts or more lf oalled apoo by the city councll or lts duly aatborlzêd oommlttee ia to do In Mob of said years; and wlll keep sudi lamps llghted at such tlmee as rnay be prescrlheü by the olty ooanoll or li duly authonzed comaiittee; and at sueh otber Iiiiks not generally preeorlbed, as sald couucll or sald comraittee may requíre. Provlded, Uiat the nolice of such Dn asnal llghtlng Is given by sakl oonaoll or lald oommlttee lo the person lu charge of the works of the party of the flrst part, by tour o'olook on tbe afternoon of the day that it is deal red to have sald lamps burned in the evening. Sald lamps, and accompanying poies and apparatusare to be loeated In such placesou the streets and public places of said city, and in such a muuiier as the city councll ol sald city or sald commit tora shall direct. Thi structlon of the same to beeqnal to thecon' structlon lu the city of Kulaina.uo, and tha party of the flrst part will re-licate auy of such lamps upou the request of the city councll or said committee as soon at practicable and withiu at least five days alter sucn notlce so given to actual oost lul;, m of such reinoviil. On request of the common cnunoil, one iron tower, not to excetil seventv-tlve leet m height shall be erected by the party of the first part without cost to the city. Stcond, Said party of the flrst part will commence lightlng sald lamps as soon as practicable, and withln uiuety days after the executlon of this ooiitraot for tbe period atoresald, to-wit: Three years, wliicli hall oommenee to run from tne flrst day of January, 1887. The rental of the lanips iball OOmmence as lamps are placed as afbreaaid and llghted, and ii tbe olty couneil of tbe said city or said cominitte shall at any time diieci the establishineut of addltlonai liglit party of the flrst part aereen, tbat they wlll on notlce to them there of as soon as practicable, aud wltelu ten days establish si:ch alditional llghts at luob places in sald city as may be designated by the city councll or said committee; and such additional llghts sliall there-upon there-after be subject toall provislonsof thiscoutract relatiUf; to sixty-threc lampe, TMrd, Sald party of the seeond part In conideratlon of the foregolng, agrees to take and use the aforesald number ot lights for the term of three years, commencing as aforesaid ; the time of llghtiug to be from twillght uiitll 12 o'clock p. ïu ..Htandard time, aud that It will pay to the sald party of the flret pari six thousand dollars (,$(i,UOUj per annilfD, to be pald In equal montbly Installmenta, and for eachaddlllonal llgbt operateil, from twilight to twelve o'clock p. in. standard, fony oentt per night, and for each lamp operaled Irom twillKht followiiiK, the party of the seeond part will pay to sald party ot the iirst part, ilxty cents per ninht. Fourth, In case of all night lighting, it is agreed that the nuniber ot lights operated after midnlght shaü not be less ttian twenty and the party of the second part wlll make full settlement and payment to the part; "1 the rlrst puit rasulariy eacli inonth. rifen, lt is furtlier uuüerstoud mui aereed that In absence of notice from the party ol the flrst part of the termiuatiou of the contract before the last qn:iriir ol thethlrd year, this contract shall, ia tlic optloa of the party of llie second pait, be deemed blndlug for the year commenclng at the expiratlon of the sald thlrd year, and toe Mme rula sliall apply to the rollowlng year as now applles for the three years iiicludlng sald rules as to notlce. Sixlh, It is furtlier understood and agreed that the party of the ürst part Is to furnlsli everything aii.l to be at all of the expenses in i-oiinectlon wlth the llghting and furnlshIng sld lamp. polea and apparatus exoept as hereln otherwise provlded ; and lt Is lurther agreed, that the sald party of the flrst part and lts mooeason, hall, and wlll hold suoh city harniless, and save and indeiniiiiv lt from andagalnst all loa, oosts or damages, claims, (Iemands and proceedings elther in law or In equlty for the lnfrlnjèment of patent rlghtsur for the use oí tala lampa without the rlght by sald city ; and alao from and on accountof all decreenanil jmlu' ns and orders of any court on account ol sai. i llghts or the use thereof; and that they wlll üike upon tbanuelTea the defenu of any and all of sald salta that may be brmiglit againsi sald city at their own expense wüen nutltled by sald city of the oommenoement or peudency of any sucli suiis. Seventh, And lt Is further aurccd that sald party of the ftntpartihall enter Intoa bond to sald city witii suiMci.-nt teourlty orearetles to be approved by the city oouncll, In the penal sum of flve thonaand dollars (fö.iWO) for the falthful performance of thls contraot upon tbelrpart. It Is furtlier understood and agreed that sald party of the flrt part shall not be luid Hable lor any Ion, dam age or Inlury ut' nonllghtlng caused by rlot, tire, or unávoldable accidents. In Witnkss WitEiiEiiF, the partlea hereto, have executed this rontrnct by thelr rel tive oflicers, and cansiil thelr oorporate Beals tobe afflxed thls 2-'d day of October, A . 1). The Ann Arbor Van DePoele Llirht nn,i Power Co.. By W. F. DAVIDSON, 8.] Vice Prest, and Tiens. The Mayor, Rpconlor nnd Aldermen of the City of Ann Arbor. Midi., Hy UEO. H. POND, ' S.] Reeorder. Aid. Martin offered tlie followlng: Btmlved, thnt the Recorder be anthorlxed to ezecuto the contract wltli the AnD Arbor Van DePoele Electric LlKht umi Powi or lts asslgns, In tbe mime of the city. at once, and uttach the corporate seal thereto. Wliich rcsolution was adopted without any opposition. Aid. Polaml moved tbat tbc city marshal be instructed to enforce the city orditiiince relativa to the aumberlag oí dwellings nnd places of business. Carried. Ad. Swift moved tbat tlic chairmm of the street oommitk'e be iiutlioiizrd to employ sonie competent piiinter to furnifli material and palnt tbe city lnv over the Ilurou rivur, at once. Carnt'd. Aid. Allmendlnger moved that Aids. Swift and Martin be appolnted oomtnittee to can; for ami dispose of tbe elty gaa and gatoline hunps and pottl when the the same should be of no furtlier use. Carried. A UI. Steere presented a petltlon of G. R. Tower and tour otliers aaklng for B new walk to be built on the west slde of East Uuiversity ave., between Honroe and Ilill streets. ; also that the grade bu established and the necessary cruss-walks COD8tructed. Referred to sidewalk comuiittoe with power to act.


Ann Arbor Courier
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