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Orange Blossoms

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Miss May Breakey, sister of Dr. W. F. Breakey, fof thls city, was marrled In DíetA?!t' ,On Wednesday last to Mr. Beal, sLMar8-ha The C0"Ple remaliMrf ove; famil '" C'ty W'th Dr I!leilkcy a"d Misa Ella Steveson daughtcr of Mrs. Jas. J. Parahall, is to be married at the Congregaron al church Satnrday evenim: at 8 oclock, to Mr. W. D Washburn, of Chicago, a former gradúate of the university, lit. class of '80, and now a lawyer of Chicago. Chris. Donnelly, the genial and frlcndly Chrls., has been "called." His "cali" will take bim over tho border into Canada, and when he returns it will not be as a lone bachelor, but witli one of the fair young ladies of the Dominion as his bride. Particulars later. To-day occurs the marriage of Mis Jessie Statira Eiving Pond, of Springfield 111., and Mr. Herman Chas. Joy, of Kan sas City, atthe former city, at 8 o'clock p ni. Miss Pond is a cousin of the families of E.B. and Qeo. H. Pond of this city, and has many relatives and friends hen. This evening, at the residencc of the bride's mother, on North Fourth street, Grant Jenkins and Miss Lona Sweeney will exchange the vows that make the twain ono. The couple have been in the employ of the Courier for some time, and their marriage niakes the nlnth that has occurred among the employés of this office. To say that the good wishes of the entire force go with them, but faintly expresses the feeling of their companions in this office. May they live long and prosper. Yesterday the cereniony was performed by Rev. H. F. Belser, that united tfje Uves of our genial friend George Apfel, (who has been one of A. L. Noble's faithful lieutenants for so many years), and Miss Edith Kemper, daughter of Adolph Kemper, of this city. The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride's father, No. 45 N. Fifth street, and was witnessed by a iiumber of relatives and intímate family friends. The couple had a house already prepared for their reception, at No. 95 S. Main street, wiiere they may be found in the full happiness of housekeeping. A large and pleasant company assemblee! on YVednesday eveulng last, Oct. 20th, at the residence of Mr. A. B. Beal of Dexter, to witness the marrlaffe of MI88 Mabel It. Beal to Mr. Herbert A. Williams. Aftor the ccremony and tlie congratulations were oyer, a bountiful repast was partaken of. Al! were in the best of spirits, each ready to contribute to the happiness of the occasion. The parlor was handsomely decorated with llowers and evergreens, the presents were numeroii8 and beaotlful, and the eveniug passed delightfnlly. The happy conple took their departure for a short bridal tour, while all unite we know in the hope that life"s journey inay be to thein a long and happy one.