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MADAME tëORA'S CORSETS. V%, Merehanla saythry givebetter f ",. , SWE pat lsf act t on tíiaii nny corwt jBHtSHf ''c-v evi'r solii. Dn -imakrrH jHf Hr lfcomnund ti.i-m iHrthuir lino H oW shape. Cunnot Iirtuk over y jf nip. Aro luirtk-nlarly hkert hy V&j ir' Laüiraorfi:: . oV fcSPS TOIK' M 1 "U.ISINK" B A. 2 } I'1 1 :n r'li;iri.ElUCK. J-Vv; ív Whlch covers tho o-n pparo luuthspopoUu V - VARI.K STKELS, Wlikll " -f enn he lnBbntlr taken ft ont. wjtboot evmya oit Irs, pfk for .¦HQmL Ji.Ul.lMi: .MOÜVsV'OKvV. BET8. No ol "¦S ' ,. coMmt."l I'niiih ('urvvd f'! ¦:' I !. Iinn.1. ilcwnri'of imitutlOM m I BSttHi Ofrcr! to iluci'lvc thn public. ,', ' HHB 'or K;','" bv "" l"',''' dualMadame Mora's Contour. L. EKAUB Cfi., Madama Mora's La Reine. Birmingham, Oinn. Madame Mora's Aldine. J. FltipatH-k As ¦., Madame Mora's Comfort Hip. H Luouard St., H. ï MACKINAC. The Most Dslirhtful SUMMER TOUR Falaoa Staoman. Low Bstei. Tour Trip par Week Eatwean DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Xvery Weak Dy Bstwaan DETROIT AND CLEVELAND TO'rila for oup "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated. 0 ConUins Full Partioulor. Killed Fre. Ontrolt & Clevehnd Steam Nav. Co. C O. WHiTcoaa, oen pas, act. DETROIT. MiCH. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND Fiour and Feed Store. Wc keep conetantly on htind, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For Wholesale and Hetall Trnie. Wc shall al80 keep a pupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour!: Delhi riour, Bjrc Fia, Buckwlicat Flour, Corn Itlt-al, Fcod, Etc, At Wholceale and Kctall. A Keneral stock of GROCERIES ani PROVISIÜNS Conetantly on hand, wtiich l] he nld on as reatfoimble t6rni ftf at nny otlwr bonte tn thu eity. Cash paid tor BUTTKH, BOOS, and COUNTKY PKODl'CB nnertüy. (ioods delivered to any part of the city without extra Charge. RIXSEY A SEABOLT. lfrilTP WANTED 'or scott's i ll.miV beautirul Electrlo r 11 l.lCorsetB. Sample (ree to those boHUbll I V comine agent. No risk, quick so!ei. lerrltory (fivcn.satislaction gnarautüed. Addreas ÜR.SCOTT.842 Broadway St.,N.Y' GIOVANNI DÜPRE. Th story of a Florentina Sctltptor, by Henry Bimmont tYfau, JYoessor in tht Untotrtity of Michigan. London : Sampson Low, Mtrs ton,Searle,tnl Hirlmjlon. New Vork : ! ner and Welfortl. "The story Is tolil In simple languagi' ; the aiiihor ha witii great skin and oeilaao] brought out the leuitiiiii tiaits of DuproIOA reer." - Londoa Ulattratéd Nawi, Aagust 1886, "We have rnrely remi a moro ili'lluhtful honk npoa tho llfe atul ainis ol an artist 'Olovannl Dnpre,' a blography wbiob lias just appeared from the pan of Mr. Henry ¦Sinunons Frleae. Toe Mok nai "11 lliefusRinatlon of a well tol. i story, so tbat trota the besinning to the end readen wlll followth fort unes of the great Plorentlne Scuiptor wlth unwaverlng loterest."- (London) PuhllsUers' Circular, July 11, 1886.


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