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MICHIGAN fTBNTgAT, The Magara Falls Route. Time tab],: Uktaf efttt May aOih, 1886. Central Nlnn.Ianl Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. "TflFfTi í, . ï stations. L ïi := L e 5 aft ï.lïi telt if Í_ r. 3_ il g_ Sa A.M. A.M. P. M p. M n. p ¦ a ¦ Chinto.. I.v. 6S0 MIK) 880 4 0 815 9 HlchlganClty 918 1111 517 682 1018 1202 gUw 1088U15 614 780l]H4 120 Kalamiaoo... 1S1T 150 7 23 80 12 3.5 8 rei " 'is BatUeCreek. 10S 2 27 8 01 130 3 60 ? s? Marshal] ' 2 r' St IJ?.423.9.15 5 fg helsca 358 ... ... KORflM Dcxler 4 13 . ?! Ann Arbor.... 4 33 6 30 10 09 ""." 'iffi 8 40' n Ypsllanti 4 60 5 45 10 21 .... 452 6 55 10 40 VVayneJnnc. 515 605 515 717 nns Itr.,...,.Ar. 00! 8 4S 111.-,. y.;; 6 0C 8("n4fi DKTBOIT TO CniCAGO. h I . i i = WJ o; ca 6 m5 S ST.T.OXS. &E ! H S _S_ C M _ . . ¦! A.M P.M !¦ M. P.M. P.M Detroit... .I.v. 700 910 130 4 00 8 00 915.... ovmJuiic. 740 958 2 n:i 4 45 8 40 996 Ypsilanti .... 8011012 2 SU 905 1021 . Aun Arbor... 8 ir. 10 2.1 232 580 923 1038.. " Chelsea...... 8 48 605 1009 (usLake... 10 62711099.... í?ck"" 9 85 1180 332 7 15 1055 1208..;" Mutilan..... 1038 1245 4 82 822J1155 104 . ... Bllle Creek.. 1103 1 OK 4 40 H52!li22 1 30 a m kalaniazoo. . . 11 H 180 5 15 45 112 i 35 4 45 ZíSS,""íi-L 147 3ï2 63S 80 1 640 MichlRaiiClty 3 10 4 35 7 32 4 35 5 40 8 08 lMcaL'...Ar. 5 45 n w 80 7 00 805 1020 anatla División. Detroit To dutfalo.- Standard Time. STATIONS. Iê'FSi iljS II !láL P. M. P. M. A. H. i. M. Detroit. ...Lv 7 45 11 25 5 00 6 10 12 05 t.m St.Thomas Ar 11 10 2 40 10 00 9 45 8 40 A. M. p. M. Toronto...Ar 9 05 6 25 Ottawa pinSK 4 88 Montreal 10 00 8 08 Quebec !a63ü!f. j. a. m st.Thoniaa,Lv 1118 4 V 1 i 9 668 41 Waterford.... 12 31 } 8 5l 3 04 11 1H fi dl Wellanrt 153 5 17 5 12 U 64 37 Falls View 5 45 1 2 6 55 N. FnlK Ort. 2 22 5 48! 1 ji6 58 Silfp'pHdgc. 2 35 5 59; 150 7 10 ¦ ¦ bitffalo to DETKoiT - S'amlnrd Time. oi Ú J-i!„l STATIONS. 3 gS =gc!3LlTjï A. M. p. tl. Philadel'a..Lv 9 00 P. . 8 00 New York... 10 30 6 00 9:6 Boston, $ M 3 00 7 W Worceter... 9 50 4 80 8 3 Sprincfleld. . . U 35 6 05 10 I6p ¦Albany 3 OOpm 10 05 i 16 Utica 5 45 lS33im 5.5 Symcuse 7 40 2 00 7 Ï0 Kochester.... 9 65 4(10 10 00 Bufflo....Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p . m. a. m. Búllalo.... I.v 11 30pm 5 45 6 05 9 00 1135 N.Falls.NY ii.m Susp'uB'rt'ge 12 31 6 43 a 88 N. Falle.Ont. 12 51 7 00 12 56 Falls View 7 08 105 Weiland 115 7 28 7 10 10 15 138 St. Thomas Ar 4 10 9 55 11 15 1 10 4 35 Oaebec.Lv 2 80 10 00 Montreal 9 10 9 00 Ottawa 1140 12 23 Toronto, 8 10 105 St.ThomaBLv 4 15 10 00 2 55 1 15 4 45 Detroit.... Ar 805am 1 lHm 7 30 5 20 8 4ó t Stops only to let off paggengt rs. t Stops only 011 siDale. O. W. KUGGLE8, II. W. HAYES. G. P. & T. Agent Agt.. Ann Arbor. Chlcaco. Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan ItaÜHay. TIME SCHEDULK. To take effect at 12 o'clock, noon, on Sunday, Oct. 24th, 1886. Train rnn by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. GOING SOUTH Ili 11 l i P.M. A.H A.M. Lve. Arve A.M. I. M P. M 3 40 10 45 5 30 Toledo 9 35 1 30 5 00 3 45 10 53 5 35 Mauh'tn Jnnc 30 1 26 4 54 3 50 11 Uj 5 42 Alexis 9 23 1 19 4 48 4 02 11 3f5 57 Samarla 9 1 01 4 30 -1 15 11 5J 6 U Monroe June 8 51) 12 45 4-l5 P. H. P. M 4 25 12 08 fi 22 Dundee 8 42 12 36 4 08 4 87 19 2: ti 32 Azalia 8 30 12 25 3 53 I IS li' i i-i Milan 8 22 12 13 3 40 5H5 12 5Ü 6 55 Uianla 8 0)1151 3 25 5 15 1 10 7 05 l-utetteld 8 Ot 11 41 8 14 5 30 1 26 7 17 Ann Arbor 7 47 11 30 3 (O 5 45 1 48 7 30 Lland 7 30 1112 2-0 6 35 3 10 8 30 Ho Hl ü 35 10 20 142 7 30 4 9 30 Diirand 5 43 9 80 12 5S 7 52 4 53 10 03 Cornnna 5 23 9 08 12 33 H 0 5 05 10 15 OwosfO 5 15 9 I (1 12 25 8 05 10 18 Owcsso June 8 66 1110 9 15 1135 libara 7 4 10 57 9 33 1152 SU Louis 7 27 10 48 9 41 1159 Almi 7 20 10 87 10 30 12 45 Mt. Pieaant 6 30 9 45 South Lyon Urancli. NORTIIBOUND. STATIONS. SOUTH BOÜND. Train 8 Train 7 P. M. F. M. 12 25 Lv. Lelands Ar. 2 50 12 35 Ar. Wordens Ar. 2 40 U 60 Ar South Lyon Lv. 2 25 Connections: At Toledo, wlth rallroads diveïgiri!_' ; at Manhattan Junction, with W heeling A Lake Erle K. R.; at Alexis Junction, with U. C. H. R., L. S. & M. S. Ry. and F. A P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Jnnction, with L. S. & M. S. Ry.; at Dundee, with L. 8. & M. S. Ry., M. & O. Ky.; at Milnn Junction, with Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Ry ; at Pittsfield, wlth L. S. & M. S. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Landing & Northern K. R., and Micb. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ky. H. W. ASI1LEY, General Supt W. II. BENNETT. Gen'l. Pu. Aeent. THE ANN ARBOR SATINGS BANK, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL, $50,000. Orcnnizcd nnder the Ueneral Bankincr Law of tbli Stat'-, the etockboldors are indivlduully Hable for an additlonal amouut equal to the stock held bj tbwn, thereby creating a Uaarantee Fuud lor Ibe bcneñt of Depositara of $100,000.00. Three per cent. Interest is allowed on all Snvinjr Deposita of one dollar and npwanlx, accordinu to the rules of the llank and interest compundi'd seml-annually. Konev to Loan on unincumhtriil reul cstatc and other ood security. DIRECÏÜHS: l IIKISTIAN MACK, WM. 1. ilARRIMAN, W. W. W1NES. DAN1KL IIISCOCK, WILLIAM DKDBEL, WILI.AKU B. SMITH. DAVID UINSEY. ÜFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. IN ES, , 'ce-Pre. j. jL. HISCOCK.Cashier. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, No. 2, First Floor, llnrallton Block. Parties deslring to lmy or sell Renl Estáte wlll flnd U to tlielr BdvaBtaga to cali on me. I repressnt 15 flrst-elass Uw Insurance Compaiiics, liuvint; ftO iiggregnte capital over J30,linies Low. Losses llberally atljusled and proinptly puM. 1 tlao laaoa Lift and Itivettment Poilcle in the New York Mutual Life Insurance Compnny, Assetta, $55,000. Persons deslrlng Accident InsuraiH-.', Sao have yenrly pollcles wrltten for tliem orTniviler's l'oupon Insurancö Tickets lssued at Low rates In the AACtuVnl IiiMiranctf l'ompany f Nrth America. Monei 10 1 .0:111 al Oarreot Rata. Orllce liour froni 8 a. 111. to 12 ru. nnd 2 t, 6 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
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