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Grand Callfornlan Excursioiis. The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway announces three grand first-class excursions to the Pacific Coast, leavlng Chicago November 9tli, November lOth, and December 7th, at extremely low rates. For addltional information, tickets, sleeping car accoinmodations, etc, apply to nearest ticket agent, or address E. A. Holbrook, G. T. & P. A., C. H. I. & P. R'y, Chicago, III. Pure blood is absolutely necessary in order to enjoy perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood and strengthens the systero. GIOVANNI DUPRE. The story of a Florentin Sculptor, by Benry Simmom íYiezc, lrofessor in l'niverêtty of Michigan. London : 8amp$on Low, Marston, Searle, and üivington. New Tork : Scrlbntr and Welford. " The story Is told In simple langnage ; the nuthor has wlth great skill and delicacy brought out the leadlng tralts of üiipre's ohreer." - London Illustruted News, August .8S6. "We have rnrely read a more delightful look upon the llfe and (ilms of an artist than Olovannl Dnpre,' a biography whlch has ust appeared from the pen of Mr. Henry öimmons Frleze. The book has all the fasclnatlon of a well told story, so that from the jegiunlug to the end readers wilt follow the fortunes of the grent Florentlne Sculptor wlth unwaverlng interest."- (London) Pubishr' Clroular, Jnly 14, 1SS6. HALE'S HONEY is the best Cough Cure, 25, 50c., . GLENN'S SULPHOR SOAP heals and beautifies, 26c. GERMÁN CORN REMOVER kUls Corns & Bunions, 25c. HILL'S HAIR & WHISKER DYE- Black & Brown, 50c. PIKE'S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure in 1 Mmute, 25c OEAN'S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure cure, 50c Exclteinent In Texas. Greatexcltement lias been cnused In the viclnity of Paris, Texas, by the remarka)le recovery of Mr. J. K. Corley.who was so helplea8 'he could not turn in bed, or ¦aise hls head; every body said he was dyng of Consumptlon. A trial bottle of Dr. ving New Discovery was-senthim. Findng relief, he bought n large bottle and a )ox of Dr. King's New Life Pilis; by the itue he had taken two boxes of Pilis and wo bottles of tUe Discovery, he was well md had gained iu llcsh thirty-six pouiuls. Trial bottle of this Great Discovery for Consumption free at Eberbach & Son's. Dlxon's "Carburet of Iran" Stove Polish was stiblisticil in iSa7, and is to-day as it was Uien the ic.itest and brightcst in the market; a pure plumbago, givins oB' na poisonous rapors. The aize is now doubled and cake weighs nearly half o. pound but the quality and price remain the same. Ask your groter for Dixon's big cake. 1117-13)0


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