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The road to political success does not He over the prohibition causeway. "Earthquake prlces," is the latest appelation for extravagant charges. A more beautiful election day nevcr was enjoyed by residents of this locality. With water works, electric lights, and a street raihvay, whosays Ana Arbor will not forge ahead ? Tüe gold headed cañe giveu Dea. II i lis by the Congregationalists was furnished by C. Bllss & Son. If a fellow had only known how this thing was coming out couldn't he lmye coined some uionev thouh ? The popular thing to do ucw is to take a trip over the line of the new Toledo & Aun Arlor K. H., to Mt. Pleasant and return. The second of the series of K. T. hops will occur ncxt Kritlay evening, Nov. lOth. If you wish to hop that will be a good time. The meeting of the demócrata Monday evening, addressed by Hon. Win. P. Wells, was not considored a perfect success every way. Rev. Dr. Ramsny s announced for a lecture at the Central M E. Church, Detroit, Tuesdny evening next, on "Cromwell,'1 the proceeds to go to Asbury ChapeT. Congressman elect E. P. Allen, of Ypailhnti, will speak before tlie Unity Club next Monday evening upon the "Reminiscences of the War." Everybody invited. Too much politics last Monday night, so itwa8 impossible to get a quoroin together at the council meeting. It is understooii th.-it another attempt will bc made Thursday evening. The old sigu "Argus office," which has rested over the third story Windows of D. F. Schairer's store for the past thirty years, was taken down last Monday and removed to the new quarters. Mr. Wm. Luderer, whose work In building up the violin department of the school of music bas been 80 long and favorably known will give the first of a series of violin recitals In university hall, Friday eve., Nov. 5th, at 7:30 standard A varied and pleasing prognunme will be presented. Persons desiring to attend can obtaiii tickets free of charge at the book stores on and after Thursüuy morning, also at the door on the evening fo the recital. The newspaper scribes of tliis city are lndebted to Thos. J. Keech, manager of the telephone exchange, and the very accommodating employés thereof, for so full a report of the election news as they re enabled to give this week. The gatliering of the vote of this entire county, EO fully in one evening, and the publicaClon of the same the day following is a triumph of modern improvements and inventions that the public can hardly iully appreciate. But the newspaper men do. The series of letters from Germany which we are publishing are written for the Courieb by a graduate of the university who is carryinjj on his studies in Berlin. Our correspondent while in college was known for his thorough and diligent work and these letters further evince liis careful and intelligentlyformed views of the Oerman capital. They will prove of interest because one can get a correct idea of a forcign penple only by a residence among them, but not by a hasty trip across the country as too many travelers go. A young "kid" nanied Xordrok, who has been repeatedly cautioned about liis carele8sne88 around the cars on the T. & A. A. R. R. tracks, had an experience Monday that wil! probably lust him some time. He attempted to jump on the front of the yard engine while the sanie was In motion, and losing his balance feil directly bctween the front wheels. He had sense enough to lay still and before the ash box of the engine reached him the englneer had stopped the engine. The youngster crawled out and run like a whitehead, and will probably not attempt the thing again very soon. At a meeting of the Congregational society last Thursday evening in the parlors of the church, a farewell was said to Lorrin Mills, previous to his departure from the city for his western home. Dr. Ryder, on behalf of the congregation presented him with an elegant gold-.headed cane, bearlng this inscription: "Presented to Dea. Lorrin Mills by his frienda of the l CongregaUonal chiirch, of Ami Arljor, Mich , Oct , 18G." President Angelí also had a few words to say. D8. Mills, who has livcd here a lull half-ceiitury, and been ideutiüed with that churcli from its beginning, has helped iinmeasurably in building it up, and is certainly richly deserving of Ui Is slight token of the esteem of its congregation. He is now 82 years of aee, but vigorous and active as many men in their fifties. He lett Satuiday last for his new home in Manhattan, Kansas where he will iive with a daughter. It is perhaps needless to say that he regrcttcd to leare his old home lor a new one. The last tlirec days in October werc beautiful ones. Iu ict we hare had a beautiful fall. Among the patent! recelltly issued is onetoDr. P. B. Rose, Aun Arbor, lor footl compound. Winter sets in once inore witli ubout as poor a lot of sidewalks in Anu Arbor as any city can show up. Kev. Dr. Whyte, of Pittsburgh, Pa., delivered a very prosy discourse before the Student's Christian Association last Suudayevening at univeiaity hall. Coinmencing with Mondaj last the maunfacturcrs of oleo marijarine will bereiinir- cd to payan anmial tax of $000, whoIesale dealers $480, and retail dealers $-18. A writer in a recent publication gives this sound advice : "Stop work the moment you feel it telling vipon you and take yonr vacation on your feet- not on your back." Tlie Argus paid the Coukiek a cora. pliment last week. It took some of our political items and hashed them over for its own columns. It is bound to be original or noluine, yousee. A copy of the San Antonio, Texas, Daily express, of Oct. 5th, comes to us with a notice of the death óf Garry Van Ripcr, of 3,'4 N. Brazos Street, who died October 4tli, aged 73 years, and a request to copy the same. The Hallow'een maurauders were oul with tin horns and natural bazoos lasl Saturday night, tearing np walks, carryIng oft" gates, waking up babies and disturbing sick people with their noise, What was fun for the boys was not fun for otliers. Services In St. Andrew's church next Siinday as follows: 10:30, holy communion with an aildress by Bishop Coxe under tlie auspices of the Woman's Auxlliary. 18, lecture by Prof. Morris and Sunday school. 7:30, lecture by Bishop Coxe before the Hobart Guild. The following ofticers of the Typographical Union No. 154 were elected nnd installedon the lst of Xovember: President- Uobert Shanon. Vlce President- Ed. Secretary- auiuton Kowell. Hec.-Treas.- Fred öchultz. Sergeanl-atarms- Clyde Kerr. Board of Dlrectors- Qeo. Stauoh, Adara Qoelz and Quy Slevenson. Aftcr the lirst of January the popular book firin of Qco. Osius & Co. will be out of trade, as thcy announce their intention of closing out their mammoth stock entirely at that time. Mr. Osius contemplates returnitig to Germany, wliile Mr. Wahr expects to try business in the far west. The third lecture on the B.ildwm Foundation will be delivtred to the Hobart Guild on Sunday evening next in St. Andrew's Churoh by lüshop Coxe, at 7:30 o'clock. Subject, "Constuntine and the conversión of the Empire.'' The fourth leeture will be given on Monday eveningat S o'clock. Subject, "Charleinagne and the Holy Roman Empire." The guild extends a cordial luvitation to every one to attend. On Monday last Jacob Stark pn old gentleman of the 3d wiird, started down the Huron river on a lishing excursión. Not returuing tliat night his relatives becarue alarined, organized 9earch parties and have been looking for him eversince, but without avail. As Mr. Stark was subject to sinking spells of soiue sort, It is íeared he niay be drowned, and the river is now belng dragged. He is a brotlier-in-liiw of' Gottlob Luick, of the lst ward. David Heniiing s i wealthy man. He was a resident of Arin Arbor for inany vi-.-ir-, and laid the foundation for his wealth in this city. Ileowns quite a portion of the triangular block to the north of the new M. C. station. If he could flnd it in his heart to buy up all the rcinaining portdoD of the block to the river and present the8ame to the city for a parkto be known its "Henning Park" he would be erecting for him?elf a monument that would hand his name down to posterity in a nimmer that would be very desirable. No man has ever had a better opportunity to do something haudsome for his old home tlian is now presented to him, and that spot of earth could be made beautiful and grand. The lecture of Gen. Lew Walluce last Friday evenlng, before the StudenU' Lecture Association, was listened to with markcd attention. The General not onc of the most pleasing voiees, but still ranks higher in that respect titan the niajority of big guns thatcomehere to speak to us. llis lecture was fllled with knowledge concerniug "Turkoy and the Turks" that was new to hls audicnce, and he drew a picture of that nation far different from the iinpression prevailing among the people of the United States; showing them in a far better light than has ever dawned upon the visión of Americans in general lie does not bolieve that tlc "end of the Turkish empire is near at hand, for the reason that the great nat ion of Europe can not agree as to its división. Tlie rain carne down in torrente, almost equal to the famous waterfall of Lodoro last Weilnesday evening, notwithstanding which theie was a good sized audience at the opera house to hear Gov.Alger, Capt Allen and Mrs. Hazlett, and no one went away disappointed. Mrs. Hazlett was especially brilliant, and her quick and witty replies to the young men who went down to the meeting to "break her up," as they clainied, sent thein away feeling asliamcd of theinselves for ever attempting anything so ungcntlemanly. They cauglit a Tartar every tune they opened thclr mouths. But few speakers possess the power and eloqnence to hold au audience until after 11 o'clock p. m., yet Mrs. Hazlett did that, and the audience was as enthuslasat tlie end as at the beginning. Last Saturday morning the telephone broogbt the news to thls ofllce that a woman and child had fallen froui the high trcstle bridge of the Toledo & Ana Arbor R. R., over the Huron river, into the water below, and was probably drowned. Dr. Darling, who was at this office when the news cauie, hastened to the scène, and by prompt action restored hutli the woman and babe, who proved to be the wlfe and cliild of V. S.üabrelski, a young gentleman clerking in BsCh & Abel's store. Mrs. Gabrelski evidently dld the deed with the intention of "endtag her troubles," as slie said, and DO doubt now exista but slie was suffeiinf; from mental aberration. Slie was married something over a year ago, and evidently quite happily married. There has been no domestic unhappiness to cause such feelings on her part, but since the birth of her babe she has suffered gome of the troubles women friquently have, and the babe is very lretful and restiv. The case is a very sad one, and the family all have the sympathy of the coinmunity in their afflictions and trial?.


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