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The Greatest Tonic And Appetizer

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Ever Produced. Compounded from Roots, Herbs and Barks. No Poisons nor Opiates Used. A Sure Cure for all Kidney and Liver Complaints, and a Positive Proof Against Bright's Disoase. A AwïeninbleGreaütre Incest in Jt A Wonderful OccurrBnce. flnfl flhOllt iPOKCnn A 3B9Vfe In November, i, 1 was i ut in the d!IU dUJUl JabftdUII VPEW KSh SS r? wrUt l.y ;. brokcn lrtlk-. ïrom hu h I sulfcred Jackson, May S( 1SS6. vv iPKe?' NflH Fl extreme ji.iin. I c.iilcJ upnn .1 il",-tr who proRhetimatic Syrup Co.: ft '¦'(: X -L -'- KHSttA nnjmnl u Sci.itic Ulieumaiisni. lic ifave me a Gentlemen- tor ten years I have been il prent -MftisiaKy "ÍJfc """ )'Ilin" 'llJ' l luin 'n M1.v r' 'Iu liunivU-r, wim-h íererfrom Dyspcpsia and Neuralgia. AbouttweUo !jt BjC& mMU rouited in .ir:linu inv riiht si )¦.. 1 was kt-nt years ago my kidneys and liver becanie diseased, my K&KW' %WEEf under iliu iuMiunce t" murpliinc until Lift M.nth. whole systcm derañged, my stotnavh became vc;ik, Myrtffht k-tf and umi hul Uceóme badly wilhcrod and I was atticked with the worsl form ot B&JVWB .... iltu' in' joinls vverc s Milt uw i ¦ lut htile sia, which lasttd until quite recent ly. About the V 'SP_T-r.::;i:::r. action ín (hem. Abo'il 1 ilisi-oniinueii the same time Dyspepsia took so firm a hold on me "-"-"(jH ffitlJTw'jsS'wgr1"" ''""H:? ust ol i"r'hinc. Sume -l wcks nn l Krst hcard ralgia set in, sometimes attarkin me in the hcad ¦"¦::-4ÍSBhÍ E' ' ' " """"""i, ol vour KhtMiin.iüc Syrup and ulvicJ u try iL about the temples, Üen in the back ot" mv neck and ,vB9 -uÊÊÊMÊÊsÊl ni' 'lurc 'tl "u 'inIrtïs tllls '1"t uP(lfï our inind ghoulders, then in my stomach. The sutlt-rin and HBJ Ë t''t "n r'ul1' iiri" ;llu' 'lti wt're, p.iralvzcd extreme pain which I have endurad the past tvvclve ZmÊÊM He and íth :rod o mmh tliat I could hurdly walk r years ís more than I can describe. I have taken '3BB3 B winj; nlnni;, and luit little, and altend ed wilh ncarly every medicine I could learn or heur t; bu g proit eftrt and pain. $incE I have been iaking employed the most skillful physicians. Dt Sleaou, ¦ HE your Syru I bftva left èff the use of crutchet one of the best and ablest ooctors ut' our city, ofhcu 3hH8BHHIbI fc entirt-ly, r.d onlv use a cañe, and lor tlic past few 125 Main Street, doctorcd me lor a long1 time, a ml gg Mj days 1 oftcn forijét it and walk without ;my aid. 'lo can testify as to the severity of my dieae. 1 dvw ?03k I :"êL "" ' ay that 1 am happy, and that it reatlv bwnflted tuceceded in gettintj anv permanent relief until I g:feHSSg tÈfcJEËkl' 1 1' " nic Hlt Poor'y exprosses my tilea ot jour Uhcutnatic had used Hibbwd' Kheumatic Syrup. 1 have "5 laft- 3=? Syrup Yuurs truly, gained ten pounds of flesh in seven weeks. The g "l l ¦ '}- lKNIO, Dealer in ( Croceries, allowness which so disfigured my complexión ZËJË&&SÊÊsSÊpzZ 'l'niil and Mechante Sis. and caused me years of orrovr has been entirely - Mr c j D(.ni() is ;l I1]:ln wc[ kn()Wn in ,llis oam. removed, jmd my (feneral health is better than it Q _ q-ja munity, and was probably ifte worst reek phy.ibeen in th.rtcen years 1 he severity of he Neu alH KKÜHI) S callv oí" nv m,n' Ihis country ever w. 1 1. w:ls Kie pains had caused a contracüon of Uie "iscles, IIU WHI U W parilyzed irom Rheumatic poison, and no one ever or nerves, on the nKht side of my face to uth ftn O LI C 1 I Kü A Tt c-xpected he would Ket well. He is well, thoogh, extent as to partially close inynght eyc, which you. H H t U IV1 A IU "d il s mply maïvelous. Th above suu-mïni Syrup has entirely cured. My face and eye a A 1 ¦ W 1TI.T ¦ ¦ W WmTtrue, and may be fully relied upoo. restored to their natural state. I most cheerfully L%Sn I' IR I am trulv vour. recommend it to tny afflícted in like marnier, or for WV IJ II VJ X KUANK I SMJTH ¦""ISasa ' „ t '-..k-ívkí - ¦-¦-"- sgsïsïf RheumaíiCLllasters. SSHaSBSS ¦ïïHïHSI&ÏHï'ÏÏi A Speolflo fto tho Blood 3-''= for our medical pamnhM - ANDi!- 1111 IXM ATK S" ( O. ABegnlator of the Liyer and Kicbeya L_ soic,..,„„u,1urc,a, i, ¦¦,.,.. Mi.h. Tliere is no Remedy known that equals this "NATURE'S SPECIFIC" for Removing Blotches and Brown Spots and all Skin Eruptions from the Face, thereby Beautifying the Complexion, Giving a Bright and Clear Expression to the Eye. ___ IT CUBES' IT CTTIRIES RHEUMATISM. Malaria and Headache. IT CUEES IT CUEES Scrofula and Salt ftheum. All Blood Diseases.


Ann Arbor Courier
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