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Tur pulilic-dclit rtatemml on thü ist shows tho total dabt to ba 11,734, 43:). 468; cash n troasury. 159,788,199; 1-I t lom coiib intreasury. íl.:!.Vl,:ii7,'.iir. 1 real i d uring October, 118,901,619. A coi.okki munloior nnmed Hewpy was lynched at Bad Sprints, Tez., on th Ut lliiiidiB Wklls, of Detroit, foll iulo a rat of boiling wnter in tbe Anchor barrelworks on tlu lst and was (calded to death. James Iítnih.e, alia-i McDonsld, wat urrested at Minneapolis on the let (or paléing dangerous oonnterfeit silvur dallara, Hlndlo eonfessed that th" eonnterfeitlng was being done by un organizad gang at Omaha. lUH aro 1,096,540 persons In Illinois of school nge, and tho school ourollmoiit is 74S :ï. Tuf. law taxing oleomargarino went into effect on tbe lst. Itwai anaounced tbat manufacturera and dealen ijenerálly would meot tho tiix and continu; in business. A nisTti.i.Fiiï wiih twontv-om; bnndred barrels ot whisky was Imni l ?it Owens boro, Ky., on the lst by an Inoèndiary tire. Loss, 100,000. The dwelliuj; of Louia Ucblelchaar, at SteubeiiTille, i)., was destroyed by lire on the lst, Ijichleichii' '¦ perisbing in the Humes. Mits. LtDBT Baobr, aged thlrty-four years, wife etDr. Saeer, eoramltteïl suicide at Celina, O., on tho lst ísue left n note statinj; thnt sho w:is tired of lifo, and that the Lord wantod hor. Anothek eartinii.ik (boek wa telt at Sumnierrille, S. C., at eight p. in. on the lst. About 3 500 men employed In tho beefpacking houses of Nelson Morris and Swift & Ca, at tbe Chtoago Btock Yarda stru.-k on the lst ncnlnsta return to the ton-hour system of labor. Hemut Mino, nn old and wealthy man, who for forty yean bad lived on a farm near Uogers Park, UI., was murdered on the highwtiy bj' unknown iarti8s eiuly on the morning of the lst. The issue of standard silver dollars (rom the mints during the weok endud on the 30tn uit. was 88O,S0r; samo weok last year, 774,450. The coinago of tho minU (orOctobor was $4, 172.10J, of which $3,000,000 was in silver dollars. Hans S. Beattie, survoyor of tho port of New York, was flred at throe time-i on tha lst by a discharged inspector namod Louis Uairel, The wouud-i were not considerad dangerous. Bairel was alTMted The only oloomargarino in Connecticut- that of Easterbrook & Co., of New Haren, - suspended operations on the lst because of the Federal tax. Tm: Dre-worin ezblbition in honor of the Statue of Liberty took placo in New York on tho oveuiug of the lst, and tho scène was one of the linost ever witnesed. The clotbingof tbe Bre-year-old dangbtsr of S. G. Baldwln, OÍ Marión. Ind., n:is ignited (rom a bonflre on tho Ist, and s'ue was burnod to death. Advices of tho lst iay that tho discovory of silrer mines in tho riolnity oL CaldweU, Kan., had cansod miirli oxoitement. RocKFoitn, 111., was ruited by a destrnctIve flro on tho lst, catuinfC a loss of probably $100,0Ja TnK fourth annu! exhibltlon of the National Hors Show oponed in Now York on the lst. Ex-Tkeasurek Caiíticií, of l'ittsfleld, Mass., was on the lst said to bo a defaulter to tho extent of 1:30,000. Fouk children, ranging from three to Reven yoars, -were snffocated at Scranhm, Fa., on the 2d by the saud bank ander wbich thoy were plnying caring in. An ezpreat-car trom Chicago on the Lake Shoro ruad was eatered near Toledo early on the mornlng of tho 21 and plundered of valnnble mercbandlse. The Packors' AuociaMon of Chicap:" on the 31 adopteil resolutions that its meiiibers would control thoir own business, protitt. t.ïiAli' fït-M i,r. .TkiH'tir ut, il mi, rti tl, a V-v VU w ft V ¦¦ 11 JJI "IVI IJ U11V1 1 Uil VU tUU ten-hour basis. lx New Orlean on tho 2.1 Dr. T. Q Ford, of Shrereport, shot and killed J. C. Fitzpatrick, with whom Ford's wife had eloped. Richard Fkeston', of Boston, a nicrchnnt, left for parts unknown cm the 2d, carrrying with hiin $150,00J belonging to friends. Twelve seizures of bogus buttor were made on the 'M by St. Louis intornal-reTcnue ofticers under the provisions of the new oleomargarine law. B. F. Farkixgton, hoad of a wholosale grocery flnn at Detroit, Mich., foll down an elevntor shaft on the 2d and was killed. Ox the 3d a passenger trnin on the Erie road ran into a party of laborera ut llawkins, N. Y., killing four of them. Atvicf.s of the 3d report tho loss of the bark Tres Auroras, flfty miles south of Dry Tortugas, Boven men being drowncd. Joseimi Lakders, a six-year-old boy, of Roston, WlUn. was nonrly torn to pioces by four dogs on th" 'M. Tne strike of four thousand men in two packing-houses In the Chicago Stock Yards continuod on the 3d, and foars of a general strike wero expressil. The extensiva works of the Walker Horseshoo Company at Haltimore were destroyed by flre on tho 3d. Loss, $100,000. At Mount CtomwM, Mieh., on tho 3d Henry Fries aud his wife died withiu the same hour, from natural cnuses. The Ackerman Hotel, atLoogootee, Ind., was destroyed by flre early on the morning of the 3d. Three guests perished iu the (lames- two of them being John C. Gates and Michael Tracy, who had just been elected treasurer and auditor of Martin County. Dürino the flrst ten months of I8S8, ."i,4.'.) miles of railroad track wero laid on 2iï roads in tbirty-nine States. A FHEionT train was wrecked near VioKsbuijï, Miss., on the 3d, and one man was killed and thirteen others seriously in ju red. A FoitEST flre was raging in Holland townshlp, Shelby County, 111., on the 4th, a tract tbree miles long and five miles wide having been burned over. Barns, fonces and flelds of corn had been destroyed. The Lancaster (N. H.) court-house, together with all the records and papers, were destroyed by flre on the 4th. A new transatlantie line between Nowport News, Va., and Liverpool, has been es-' tablished, and steamers will begin running about December 1. On the 4th two Mormon missionaries who had been proselyting in the vicinity of Lambeth's Kilu, near Eckville, Pa., and who, having converted a number of girls, were about to leave with them for a Mormon colony, were driven away by a mob. Twe.nty-two wooden buildings in the business portion of Dalhousie, N. CL, wor il--troyed by flra on the 4tb, tho loss bting "0,000. Dr. W. H. Palmib, pbyilcian of the penitontiary nt Jackson, Mich., w;- 'lis inNsud on the 4th on charge o( uiiitlng coarlots to aecure pardons byaendingto the Goveruor falso statements as to tueir beulth. A rOMMT fire was ragincj in Jnckson Couuty, la., on tha 4th. Two houiM, two hoi--cN ,i larga qaantlty of cordwood ties and about twolvo milos of timber had been oomumed. Jniiv IIaht, a negro, nccused of murder"K yoting Waldrup, a crlpple, i 11 l.oo Couiity, Ala., was buniod to diiath by a nxili near Montgoraory on tho 4th. ïiiiktv-si: in Apache Indlan children, part of the band captared by (luuoinl Miles, arrivod at the training-tcbool at Carlisle, Pa,, on tbe 4th. Tüey will remain at school nntil tiiey havo compluted lüo full courses. Tuk warden of the Sing Sing (NT. .) prUon reported on the 4th a prollt of $5,000 on tlio operatlona for October. Tin:m: ere 213 business faihires in tha Unitad States duringtho sevon dayn ended on tho 5th, againat !21C the prevlous spvimi days. Tlm tolnl Cailaret in tho United States this your to dato number against 9,320 Ín 18S5, a decline of 7!C. In isM tbt liki total was, 9,088, in I8S3 it was 8,231, and la 1889 it waa S 905. The relatives of a woman and chilil who were roastod to death in tho recent Rio (Wis.) disaster wero 011 tho 6tb iiaid $(,0.)0 by the St. Faul Kailway ('ompany. At the Chicago Stock Yard on tlie öth about one-third of Armor & Co. 's beofbutchers joinod tho strikors, and tho packan placed on duty a considerable uuiubor of qjecial pólice. The colebration o[ tlin 250th nnniversary of tho fowdlng of Harvard Uuiversity was inaugurated at Boston on tho !th. Tui: warm woathor in Central Ohio had on theoth matured a goo 1 erop of strawberrios, differing in shade and llavor from the spring product. About no.on on tho 5:h a shock of earthqunko was exporiencud tbroaghont VirCinia, Georgia and tho Carolinas. I'oople al Augusta aud Surannah ran into tho stroots. JAMM V. KiMr.Ai.i., Director of tho Mint, in his nuniial report for the fiscal yoar ended Juno yo says tho coinago of gold daring the yoar amountod to 184,077,880, against 134,861,138 in tho preceding year. The sil ver ooinage was 180,038,847, against $38,848,959 In tho procedintr yenr. Advices of tho 5th say that prairie fires had burned ovor 103,000 acres of heavy timber in the Turtle mountain country, Dakota. The firos raged two weoks and destroyed more than $100,000 xvorth of property. Tuehe wero on the öth hundreds of gold, silver, tin, load and mica claims in the Black Hills lying idle and non-productive for the lack of capital to work them. TnE will of Uenrietta Lenox, of New York, offered for probato on the 5th, de votos $350,000 to public charitios. Tho es tato was valued at $10,000,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The will of Mrs. Cornelia Stewart, of New York, was filed for probate on tho lst. Tbs bulk of her estato ($50,000,000) was bequeathed to Charles J. Clinch, her uephew, of Paris, and Judge Henry Hilton, tho latter in trust for several objocta named. Tin: Cherokeo Logislaturo met on tho lst at Tahlequah, Ind. T. Tho main Issue was tho salo of tho Cherokee strip, (1,000,000 aeros of land, to the syndicate bidding the hiehost. There was groat oppositiou to the snlc. Tn e Vermont House of Representativos on the .'ld, by a voto of 13i to S!, passed n bill giving to wonien the right of tuffrag. James C'. RobissOS, a notod criminal lawyor of Illinois, oxpired at his home in Soiinttliold 011 the 3d, in hia sixty-third year. He had been a momber of Congrega íivo tims. The Suprema Court of New Jersey on the 3d pronounced tho exoise laws unconstitutional. In Newark alone fifteen huudred liconses were thus rendered rokL President Cleveland on the 3d gave public notico that uutil Congress meets he can seo no visitora except upon actual public business of importauce, not conuected with otlice-seeking. Advices of the 4th show that in the recent elections the Republicans were successful in the folio wing States: Naw Hampsuire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, California, Nevada, Minnesota, Michigan, Nebraska, Kansas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Iowa and Indiana. Tho Democrats carried the following States: Alabama, Tonnesseo, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Missouri, South Carolina, North Carolina, New York, Delaware, New Jer-ey and Colorado (in doubt). The New York and Indiana Legislaturas are Republican, with New Jersey a tie. The Republicans defeat Morrison in the Eighteenth Congressional district, gain five Cougressmen la VTirginia, (ve iu Ohio, one iu North Carolina, one in Iowa. four Ín Illinois, three in Indiana, two in New York, two in Michigan, one in Pennsylvania, one iu Idaho and one in New Jersey. The Democrats gain two Congressmen in Minnesota, one in Nebraska, one lo Connecticut, one in Arizona, two in Massachusetts, one in Tennesseo, one in California, and the entiro delegations in Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. Hewitt was electod mayor of New York, the voto standing, Hewitt, 01,885, a plurality of 23,023 over George, who in turn lead Roosovolt by r,74.V The election of Speaker Carlisle, in Kentucky, was in doubt. The North Carolina Legislaturo was thought to bo Republicau. It was estimated that the next Houso of Representativos would stand: Democrats, 1GS; Republicans, 151; Labor, 2. At tho recent election in Illinois the majority for an amondment to the constitution prohibiting contract convict labor w;is nearly 100,000. filijah M. HaiDes, the Speaker of the last Illinois House of Repri s 'iitatives, failed of re-election. Adam Hkad, a relativo of Governor Foraker, of Ohio, was shot dead on tho 4th in a political quarrel at Salina. Kan., by Wat Chilson, another prominent politician. It was nnnoiinced on the 4th that tho Central Labor Union of New York propo ed to form a now party, dostined to take an active part in the canvass of 1888. Official returns on tho "tu from evory coinity in tho State show that Robertson ftUp.) bu 8,647 plurality for Lieutenant(íovernor of indiana. The Legislature was in doubt. Speaker Carlisle was elected in tho Sixth Kentucky district by about 700 majority. Tho LegNlature of Cali fornia is Democratie, and that of New Jersey in doubt In the Seveuth Congres slonal district of Ohio tho Dem crats roeiocted Janr ; E. ('ampl.ell ovor John Uttlo by tbr.ui majority. lioth partios claiimul the QoTernorship In Miimosota, the rost of tho Repablican ticket having over 1"), 0:1 majority. The next House ol Ilepvi'MTiiniivos will probably b D crats, 100; Repabllafens, 138; Labor, i, Hopubllcau ain, ¦.'.'. Bi in Vii.nii;n[, ouo of tho greatest of ïrtocliii'iiral inruil tors, dled at his homo in Malili'ii. Mass., on the 5th, of hofirt -ilisase. He was bom in Brattleboro, Vb., in V0. Kt Bail Braftrtree, Mats., on tho !th was oeiebrattd tho gold) wedding of John and Francis Crane, wtao married sistors nampd Nash. Beren brothen or sisters on each sido wero present Bi n:i.i: VV. Baxtkh wal on tho !"th appoiiitoil (iovernorof Wyoming, vico Fraucis U. W'url, suspended. FOREIGN. Os' tlio Ist Kir Jlichaul Hloks-Beach reportod to tho liritish Cabinet that thnro wns a inarkod cessation of outrages in Ireland, Ihat tananti were, paylng tlioir ï-i'iits iniiler tho lamllords' reductions, and that the prospecta wero goo 1 for a peaceful winter. Aiivhi:s of !li') Ist sny that OTtFOOI hundred sovero shock-: t f.-ntliquake were exponencnd on Septombor 10 on uiiü of the Tonga islands, in the Pacific Oceaa. From the bottom of a lake of niarvolous depth aróse a volcano to the height of turen hundreil feet At Nuevo Teredo, Mox., Vicente Recondoz bonrded a train on tlio Ist aud killed his wife and stop-daughtr, who wero gotng to Monterey. T vkty-si:vex jiersons implicated in thft roivnt reTolt at Madrid were on tho 3d sentence 1 to varioua terms of Imprlsoninent at hard labor. Ar Victoria, B. C, two inurderers wero hangod on tho 2J. T11 1: returns of tho municipal olectioua held throngbont Bngland and AValos on th 2d showod ConaerratlTe gain-i uf fishty-iüiiu and Liberal gains of sovontysis. -M. Pastbuk informad tli Académy of Boienoea la Park on tlio 3d that he treatod (luiing tho past yoar ',4SK perponi who had been bitten by anímala, and only ton dicil. A Vu-WA dispatch of tho 8d states that 11 transport train was wrecked hotwoen Ifioollaefl aud Odessa and forty soldiers were killed. A stokm in Edinbuigh on the 3d ororthrew tho cable of a new building, by which thipo workmen were killed and flve injurod. Heavy storms wero reported throughuut Bcotland. Six persons woro killed and thirty injured by tho explosión of tho boiler of the steumor CartagO Nova, at Newcustlo. Eng., 00 tho 4 tii. Fiftt building were bnrned on the 4th :it Bouthampton, Uut., renderinj thirty families Uomel'ss. A (OMi.ACKATioN on tli 4lli at üattlcford, in the Cauadian Northwest Territories, deátroyed a numlwr of Btructures. Loss. (100,1 M i 9 Jobdan, of Bieleteld, Oermanr, on the 4th celebrated the one bundred aad eventh anniversary of lii- birtb, in good health and mentally clcar. Rosbndbz, the Mexlcan who killed his alleged miitresj and her darrghter on n nulroad train, wus shotto doalh 011 the 5th at New Lando, Mex, by a Judical order without trial. A i'.i'M viiK u'.i.k Btorm-cloud lunst over tho lake district of England on the ."th, tho heaviest ever known la that locality, causing great djunage to property. Tiuc fallare was announoed in the Sth of Qeorge Barry & Co., of Montreal, leather and hide dealers, with liabilities of $iro,ooo. TiiEexports froni Spain during O- increased nearly ?."),00.),OiXl as oompared with the same month of 1SS3. LATER NEWS. The Knights of Labor at Chicago on tha 6th ordered all theirmemben to quit work at the Stock Yards. The edict was obayed by about ten thousand men. On the reprosentation of Sheriff Hanchett that hi.s deputies were unablo to preservo ordor, Governor Oglesby ordored the Kirst and Second regimenis of militia to be roady for active service. Sxow feil on the 6th in varlons sections of the country, East and West. Heavy storms were also reported throughout Groat Britaia. At twenty-sir leading clearin:;-hon?es in tho United States the exchange during the week ended on the 6th aggregated 11,O7'.l,Or,97O, against 1994,783,877 tho yreviousweek. As comparod with the corresponding week of IST), the decrease amounts to 1.5 por cent. At the recent olection in Illinois the Labor vote was about ,'(5,000 and the IVohibition voto 19,800. Tho Kepublicans elected their State ticket by a plurality of 3T),000. A. J. V.uüiian-, a Cleveland milkman, and his son and team were killed by a train o:i tho Plttaburgh track on tho Sth, Official returns on tho Oth froni seventyoight out of the eighty eouuties in Minnesota gave McGill (Rep.) for Governor a majurity of 8,567 over Ames (Dem.). Two snocKS of earlhquake were feit at Charleston, S. C, and throughout the State shortly after eleven o'clock on tho night of the 7th. liii: United States tug Manhattan founderod on the 7th off the New Haven (Conn.) harbor and sank immediately, oarryingwith her all persons on board, twenty-tive in number. Chahi.ks U'. Haxks, of San Francisco, one of tho cashiors of the Wolls Fargo Express Company, disappeared on the Oth, leaving :20,000 unaccounted for on hia books. Auviirsof theGthsay that at the recent election in lowa the Ropublicans carried tho Stato by a majority of 15,674, a gain of more than S,000 over the previous year, while tho total voto was nearly the same as in 1S85. Tiiüee negroos were killed in Durham County, N. C, on the Üth by an explosión ofdynaniite. At th- recont eloction in Arkansas the vote for liquor lioenee was 7,000, agiuust, 05,000. Henüy Georof.'s supporters held a meeting in New York on thu Oth and organized a new party, to be known as the "Progressive Domocracy." The platform adopted declares a new era in politics; advocatos equal justice botween man and man; holds that every thing produced by laUor belongs to tho producer; proposes to abolish all taxation upon buildings aud improvements, and to raiso the nocessary revenues by taxiug the lancf, and declares war on all mononolies.


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