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1 lic r hnt Globe culis attenUon lo the tact tbat Frank Fojrg, a fusión bou in the sixth district, wil] soon tako a trip to i'-iiropc, on money reoelved from the lemocrats tor the support of the grpenckersln the congraulonal deal i that district Fojrg was uiiable to .leliver the goods, however, and as a resul t a republlen conxrecwiian will represent the district ui con?res; but, then, FogK scoreel a victory for hls finalices and thaFs all lie cares nbout the matter. The ('aro Advertí-ser has the grit "to take a stand that „II newspapers ought On and after thU date no notlce of any entertamnient, exhibition, party etc wuere an admission fee is charlee] or wliere the object is to make moner; will be publUhed in tliis paper except atourn. nlar advertldng ratea, and no eompílmentartes or other favors will be accepted Al iiotices of meeting of societies, etc. where the object ia not linancial Kain will appear in these columns free of charge u before, The matter spoken of below bv the yvrmoptville Ilawk iindoubledly resulte trom the hard times: There is ¦ mdden and unexplained demand all over the country within the pasl twoorthree months f,.r small coin chiffly cents and nickela. For years therè vvas an enormom supply of this petty pnange, and tons of it were piled away In the United States depoaltorte. ITow all this hasgone loto eirculation. and the dein ind is ffreater thau the stipply. The I ulladelpllla mint is beinj; run t its t'ull capaclty (outside of the ooinage ot Standard dollars) and cannot keep up wltll the calis for small eoin.. The Slanton Herald has a fery sensible qaestion : There is one way in wliich the cause of tempéranos OOttld make a tremeiulous advanee. It wouhl be for the Knights of Labor and all labor unions and oranizations to enaet and enforcea rule promptly expelling any member who should get drank. The time is eomlng when this will be done; the sooner the bctter. Such a ruleíwould tend to keep up the rates of wajres; torelieve worktnraen of the tremendous tax thev pay In belng obHged to sobmlt to the eompetition, to accommodate their scales to the eapacity of, and in many ways to shpulder and carry the dl8lpated and thereby more or less irregular and Incompetent rorkmen, and the Mrute of waget fpent in dis-ipation. There is n custom, sujrgeíted by th Howell Republican, tb at would be s ooi thing to introduce everywhere. We oom mend it to our farmers. The Republican would likc to surges a custom for general use by tlie farmers of Livingston county In particular am the world at large. That fa tlmt they nu their iiiinips on tablets anti attach tlu-m to tbe fmte posts, to (oiivenicut shado tree? on tlit' banu, or In any dtsriblo inc conspicuous place, so that travele muy know readlly lioso reeidenee they are putfoff. A few have already adopted tliis feature md it is decidedly appreciated by those who ride throu"h the rural districts, for it affords tliem tlie opportonlty of learning Jut wliere m-.ii,y Of llicir business acquaintnnces and peronal friends reside. Farmurs of Livingston, why not take :i deeided lead in thls Jedrable custom.


Ann Arbor Courier
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