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Hose House Wanted

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Tlh one tliing most needful l'ov U;e First and Second Wards is a hose hons-e wliere a liose-cart can be kcpt and where election? can be held. As t now s electors have to stanu out of doors, no matter what tlie weather may be, and stick tlieir votes in thfoufrli a hole in the wintlow. The third ward votes in the basement of the Court Houfee, the Fourth in the Engine House, the Fiftii and Sixtli in their respective hose houses - all comfortable places - while the First and Secund wardf, where about half the votes of the city are cast, have to stay out m the cold. Tliis is not right, and it is to be hoped thut the city futhers will see fit to buy a Hule piece of ground in these two neglected wards and put up a neat building two stories in heiglit, where caucuses and electlons or politie] meetinga muy be held, and wjierc a hose cart may be kept reidy for use. Ju case of tire tliis latter would prove of reat benefit, since there is no place now for hose to be kept in these wards, and the minutes saved in times of flres by havinjr meaus ready at hand for extinguishiug them are very precious. By all means let these iniprovements be made, for tney are worthy and urgent. People will not only tulk ttirkey tomorrow but tiiany of tliem will swallow it. Now s tlie time Co practice witli poisoiious food on the sparrows - wheu otlier fooü is scarce. That blizzerd whicli had its origin somewhere in Uakota is swooping down on us now, and the weather bids fair to be blufteriug for Thanksgiving to-morrow. One of the social events of Dexter, will be the marriage to-morrow of Miss Minnie Costello, daughter of John Costello, to John Eagan. of Brooklyn, X. Y., at St. JoH'ph'a church. The stone walk trom State st. to the new station building of the M. O. R. 11., would make a splendid toboggan. The boys of the city are already casting biight eyts at it and wishing for snow. A pleasing evcnt took place on Saturday evening, Nov. 2Oth, at the residence of V. V. Wiiies (of the tirm of Wlnes & Worden). It being his "Olh birthday, the employés of the firui, namely, Cornelius 15. Heuion, Eugene C. HoMehcl, Lewis O. Goodrich, Wra. VV. Worden and Nathao Stanger, called at his home at the closo of the day's business, as the family supposfd only to enquiie after Mr. Wines' health, he belng coiilined at home froin the effects of a fevere fall on the previous Tuesday, and was entirely Ignorant of what was in the young men's hearts. After a short time spent in frieudly intercourse Mr. Goodrich, unobwrred by the fiunlly, Mepped out into the hall but soou rctunied, and wltli t few well cliosen words presented .Mr. Wines with a very tine gold-hcadcd cbony caue as a testimonial of their regard. Mr. Wines for a few inomcnts was utterly speecüless. Recorertng himself he accepted the gift with a few remarks, and closed by saying that however much he prlzed the gift the motive that proinpted it would be the lasting rememberance of the occasion. After further social intertercourse thisvery pleasant event caine to a close by the expression of all that as in the past, so in the future, the warm sytnpathy that has so long existed between smployer and employed rnight be perpetuated. The Fchutzenbund ;ive a pri.e shoot at the park to-rnorrow. It ouglit to be puuishable by a line for a lady to wear a dead binl for au ornament - unless said bird be a sparrow. There is some cnmplaint about the sewer Grom the jail being run into Allen's week. People on the line of Ibe cicek are not favorably Impressed with the aroma arising froin said sewer. It was Mr?. X. C. D;ivenport, of Milan Monroe Co., and not Mis. M. Davenport, of York, who was injured u the runaway on State st., recorded last week. We are pleaaed to state that she is rapldly recoverlng froni her injuries. Dr. Kapp and Titus Huttl have returned from a deer liunt back of Cheboygan, where, with Miree others they killed live deer in live days. Tliey claim that they shot them all wild and without a single one beinr tied or held in any way. The one that Dr. Kapp bronght home had an linmeuse p;iir of horns. The Ypsilanti Sentiiicl objects to havingHartholdi's statue of'LUwrty Knlightninfr the World," lit up. The Sentinel seems to onderstand the tliinr better than Bartholdi himst'lf, whose desire for a light in the torch he calis clap-trap. Bartholdi shnuld Ikivp roiinsclcd witli tlio Sentinel editor bífore maklng such fooi of himself. Mr. M. C. Le Beun isjrifestl that a number of the LimIimm men club tojrether to sink a stiaft for natural gas, salt, coal or petroleum. useful things are beinsr found arounil the state and are a decided helpto thelr loc ilities. The idea is a good one and if twenty men went in it would notcosteach one a large aniount, while tlie linding o f any one of these valUüble products would amply iepiy tlietn.


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