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Of.ohoi'. Cori.TKit. a postal clerX recently ippointod to run betweeu Chicago and KljuieapoUs, liinn , wan arreatod on the LSthfor opening Letterland made aparúal coiifcssicm. Tuk National Cattle-Growers and the National Swine-Breodcrs' aaaociationi met In mmial scssions in Chicago on thu 1(11 li. Heavï snow-storms in lowa, WjromlnfJ, Southern Dakota and Wisrmisin wciv reported on the löth, the snow being cight inches on the levcl throughout Western lowa. A ïiF.siDEST of Kingston, Ont., went to New York and purchMed M,900 In emmterfeit bilis for fSO. A custoius offloer at Cape Vincent on tho Kith found the package to be only a roll of sawdust. The businoss quarter of Durham, X. C, was dainaged by flre on tho Kith to the amount of (500,000. Tuk Erio breaker, near Boranton, Pa,, operated by tho Hillsnlc Coa] V lr.u Company, was burnod on the Hitli, rnating a loss of $100,000. A PiBsixoBB train dasbed lnto ¦ treighi stiu-k in the snow at HlntOO Station. Ia., on the 16th, and scv.M-al perCona were in jured, and tho entii-o trelghtt rain wal destroyed by lire. A FiEitcE forest lire was raging cm the lfith in the Blue Hountains, near Harrltburg, Pa., doing immense damage. iTwaa announerd on tin1 Uilli au at tempt had been made to poison PhlL 1). Arraour, the Chicago millionairo pork-paoker, and his family. A packago of Bout TM sent to the house, which, upon being analyzed, was found to oontain strychnine in large quantitics. Bympathiien with the Stook Yards strikcTs W9M cbAFgad witli the crime. A staoe containing nlne persons was carried over a precipice on the Uith fltteen miles east of Aspen, Cjl., by an avalancha, and four passender wore futally injinoil. AdíL"Tant-(tEnkum. Duim in his report on the lfith said that ut the close of tho war here were 330,000 men charged with deaerion. Since the passage of the law for heir relief 147,864 applicationa for relicl lad been made. An organization known as the Property )efense Publishing Association has been brmed in New York, the object being to )ut down anari'tnsm in all its phases and to five support to the viotims of strikes and oycotts. D. S. PotHItlHOHAM, tho Adams Express messenger whose car was robbod recently of over $100,000, was on the lfith amigned n the criminal court at bt. Lotus charged with grand larceny and accepting stolen proporty. He pleaded not guilty. NiNEcars, loaded with llrst-class goods, were destroyed in a railway wreek on the lCth near Mountville, Pa. An evangelioal council, smbraclng distinguishrcl divines aiul lavinrn. niMtr the name of the Hible and Prophotie Conference, met in Chicago on the löth. The purpose ia a general, though not controversial, diseussion of Christ's second coming. At Muncie, Iud.. on LOtb Mrs. Lizxle Bartsford pliiyfully dared Qeorge Kennedy, who was "fooling" with a revolver, to shoot her. The vouth flred at the woman, the bullct entering hor temple, killing her instautly. Neauly a year ago at Pittsburgh Wllliam Heath, a saloonist, married MUs Hammen against her brothor Louis' wishes. On the ltith Hammen met Heath and stabbed Urn to the heart, making his sister a widow. A law was passed by the Vermont Legislatura on the lTth requiring all hotols and restaurants using oleomargarine for butter toput up large signs notifying the public of the fai't. TniiEE Baltimore tiremen received fatal injuries on the 17th white at work on a blaze in the drug warehouse of Burroughs & Brothers. The flre loss was 1180,000. Eioht lives trere lost on the 17th by the foundering of the barges Uixon and Emerald, off Kewaunee, Wis. At Jersey City, N. J., on the 17th Mrs. Bridget Moran attempted to kill her four children and then cut her owu throat. Want and the continucd abaenoe of her busband dethroned her reason. A fiekck snow-storm prevalled on the 17th in Illinois, Iowa, Michigan. Wisronsiu. Kansas and other Western States, blockading raihvays and stopping streel travel. Therb was organized at Pittsburgh on the 17th a National Encampment of the Union Veteran Legión, (ieorge B. Chalmers, of Pittsburgh, being chosen National Commander. Maooik Beadi.ivo, seventeen years old, daughter of James Beadling, a coal miner at Banksville, Pa., awoko on the 17th f rom au alleged trance lasting for twenty-six months, with only two lucid intervals during the time. AT the annual meeting 01 me w estera Associated Press held at Detroit on the 17th J. F. Mack, oí Sandusky, O., was elected president. The American Humane Society met at Cincinnati on the 17th with about flfty delegates present. Thomas Wilstox, superintendent of tho Fox Hill granito quarries near Reading, Pa., left for parts unknown on the 17th, taking with him $7,000 belonging to the company. Joseph Nanoi.e, Ju., a young actor playing at the Royal Museum in Albany, N. Y., feil dead on the stage on the evening of the 17th. Lieutbsast Pettit, while walking tothe paymaster's offlce at Leavenworth, Kan., on the 17th was shot in the breast and robbed of several hundred dollars. He was to have been married at noon to Miss Bharp, a niece of Mrs. U. S. Grant. The wound was not considered fatal. A tornado in Fennsylvania on the lSth leveled houses and barns at Chambersburg, Lock Haven and Wilkesbarro. The Catholic Church at Kingston and the Methodist Church at Parsons were wrecked, Five persons were reported killed. I' the outskirts of Pittsburgh on the 18th three sleepers of an express train wero crushed by the fall of a mass of earth and rocks. Eight persons were scriously injured and as niany more received bruises. Kok the eighteenth time in seventeen years the planing-mill of J. K. Russell & Co., in Chicago, was gutted by flames on the 18th, the loss being 110,000. Tuk d welling of James Johnson, a farmer living near Landisville, Ind., was burned early on the morning of the lSth, Johnson's two daughters, aged eighteen and twenty years, a a hired man perishing in the llames. A storm in Connecticut on the lSth destroyed a number of largo tobáceo sheds which contained this year'9 erop, and tho loss was heavy. Many buildings were unroofed at Hartford and New Haven, and chimneys, trees and fences were blown down. A tug and twelve barges, mannod by about thirty persons, were reported to have sunk off Milford. Th f. galo on Lake Michigan on tho lSth wrecked many vessels, causing a loss of over 300,000. Several sailors perishod in the storm. Wii.i.i.vM K. Kohkiíts, anaced and inflrm DIK who for many years hail been nvor of Lowis County, M. T., was on tho ¦ -.1 h omvi. lol nf cniboy.7.1ingViS,2!). A-m J. BURRUS, whO Wied to kill Miss Waltcra Ihd Mr. Goode In Chicago one year at?". Min tlu-lSth sentenoed to ix vi'ars In ttie penltentlary. A sov 1'i.inv nui down threc section men on the iMh near Panora, la. Jamos Farrow and liis sim ware killed and Joscph Davis was fatally wmmded. m Tiiukk masked mon brokc into tho house oí Matthew C. McKoever, at Oakland, Pa., on tho lKth, and after an hour's flght, in Whlob Mr. MoKeeyer'l sisters, Margaret and Jane, wen terribly injurcd, carriod off ii bucket containing nearly f 10,1)00. Ni: vm.v two hundred Morraon eonverts from tho South left Chattanooga, ïonn., ou the lSth for Utah. On the lSth City Treasurer Duestevberg, of Vincennos, Ind., was said to be short in his accounts to tho extent, of 1 12,003. Jones BPBT (colored), the murderer of Ada Coleman, was hanged at Natchoz, Miss., on the l'.tth, and Fong Ah Slng, convutcil of tho murder of a Chinese woman, was executed at Han Francisco. Tur. Iran oro rcivntly discovered near Denver, Ind., has bren pro ved to bo both rieh and abundant, the trail covering twelve square miles of territory. A i-iitK on the 19th at Jersey City, N. J., di"-liMved Krcitag's embroidery factory, valued at 1100,000. Tuk íirst Confedérate monument erected upon tho field of Oettysburg was dedicated on the 19th in tho presence of a largo number of veterans of both armies. Cimtt.KH Jones, aPittsburgh policeman, while on duty at a ball on tho 19th in an intoxicated condition, shot his wifo dosul for attempting to persuade him te go home. Br the explosión of a filter on tho l!)th in a salt-house at Syracuse, N. Y., two men wen' instantly killed and a third was fatally injured. Tue schooners Menekaunce and Murinetto were wrecked off Frankfort, Mich., on tho löth, seventeen lives being lost. Twentï-onb head of cattle among the herds on tho Blue river in Nebraska have died lately from what was bclieved to be rabies, as a mad dog was known to be in the pasturago last summer. Hoo cholera was raging to an alarming extent in LaPorte County, Ind., on the 19th. Threo-fourths of tho swino in the county had diod from the disease. Tin: flow of Hungarian emigrants to America is increasing. A large contingent is composed of Jews. Tiib American Humane Association closed its annual session at Cincinnati on the l'.ith. A resolution was adopted calling upon all school authorities in the country to set apart one day in tho year as "kindnoss-to-animals day." Tue breaking of an axle on the 19th trreoked twenty eaw of a freight-train near Ashley, Pa. William Auman, William Kogers and Patrick Farrell were fatallv iniured. TnE St. Louis Wirc Mills Company, a new venture, will soou begin the manufacture of wiro and round steel nails, giving employment to one thousaud men. The coke operators of Pi ttsburgh on the 19thdeclined to grant the demanda of their employés. A gigantic strike was threatened. Tuk schooner Lúceme was wrcckcd in Lake Huron during the recent storm, and her crew of nino men perished. Euoexe Blklesox, a homestoader from Michigan, was lost in a recent storm whilo hunting cattle near Sterling, Col. ïdere wero 307 failures in tho United States during tho seven days ended on the 19th and thirty-flve in Canada. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tiik official vote of Pennsj'lvania at tho recent clection gives Beaver (Rep.) for Goveror a majority of 43,S51. The Republican majority in the Legislature is larger tlian two years ago. MiCHAr.r, Mcxkacsv, the distinguished Hungarian painter, arrived at New York on the 15th. His famous painting, "Christ Before Pilate," would be placed on exhibitlon in tliat city. Ji iic.E Alfkkd Süaw, who ranked high in ma-iy secret Rocieties of the country, died al New ürleans on the 15th, aged sixty years. Qbokoi D. Wise, a member of Congress from Virginia, was arrestod in Richmond on the 16th and held in 1,000 to keep tho peacc toward Coloncl William Lamb, of Norfolk. The oBcUi voto at the recent election in Missouri was: For Supreme Judge- Brace (Dem.), 290,196; Cravens (Rep.), 178,490; Jones (Greenback and Labor), 11,430; Orr (Pro.), 3,501; scattering, 276; total, 423,835; Democratie plurality, 50,655. A bii.l was filed at Springfleld, 111., on the löth praying for an injunction to ro straiu the canvassing of the recent vote of Illinois on the convict-labor question, on the ground that the ballots wero defectivo and therefore void. President Cleveland on tho 17th roinstated M. E. Benton as attorney for the Western district of Missouri. He was discharged for making campaign speeches. Dcty Place, the oldest inhabitant of Gloucester, R. I., died on the 17th at the age of 103 years, 11 months and 13 days. The Iroquois Club of .Chicago held their fourth annual banquet on the 17th. Speaker Carlisle and other prominent Demócrata were present. Rev. Dr. Botd, of Waukesha, Wis., died on the 17 tli on a railway train passing through Iowa. Arensdorf, the brewe was indicted on the 17th at Sioux City, Ia., for the murder ol Rev. George C. Haddock. The grand jury at Sioux City, Ia., on the 18th indicted nine men for conspiracy in taking the life of Rev. George C. Haddock. Arensdorf was indieted as the murderer. The official plurality received at the recent election by Mr. Robertson, Rep., for Lieutenant-Governor of Indiana is 3,319. Mr. LaFollette, Rep., for Superintendent of Public Instrustion, received 2,347 more than the head of the ticket. Neari.v all the money required had on the 18th been contributed for a monument at Indianapolis to Schuyler Colfax, to be unvailed next May. N. E. Youno was re-elected president of the National Base-Ball League at its session in Chicago on tho 18th. Ciiester Alan Arthuk, ex-President of the United States, died at his residence in New York City at five o'clock on the morning of the 18th. For hours before the end carne he was unconscious. Mr. Arthur was born in Fairfleld, Vt., October 5, 1830, graduated from Union College at Schenectady, N. Y., in 1849, and soon afterward was admitted to the bar in New York City. His diivl i 1.3S0, the same year that her husband was elected Vicc-President. Upon the death of PresidentGarñeld, September 19, 1881, Mr. Arthur became President. He leaves a sou and daughter. The President issued a proclamation announcing the death, aml tho fiags on all public buildings were ordered at half-mast. Official returns on the lSth from the reoent election in California give Barrett (Dem.) a plurality for Governor of 633 over Swift (Rep.). The Republicana elected the LieutenantGovernor, Attorney-General, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Surveyor General. The Legislature kas a Democratie majority of ten on joint ballot. Of tho slr Cong-ossmon four ara Repuhlioans. Tui: official voto at the rooent eloction in Ohio for Socrctary of State was: Kobinson (Rep.), 341,095; M.Hrida (Dcjn.), 839,814; Smith (Pro.), '3S,(Ki; Bonsall (fJrcenback), 2,010. Robinson's plurality, 11,781. Isaac SiiBL,nr, tho soa of the flrt Governor of Kentucky, died at Danvillc, Ky., on tho lSth, agod ninety years. Tnn Vermont Iegislaturo on tho 19th passod a joint resolution expressing sorrovv at tho death of "that lllustrious and eminent son of Vormont, ex-President Chestar A. Arthur," culogizing him and tendenng sympathy to his family. A. A. Ame, Democratio candidato for Governor of Minnesota in the late election, comnienced a contest on tho 19th, although beaten by SIcGill, Ropublican, by 2.5ÜÜ votes. FOREIGN. Tnn recent railway accident at Listorton, FraDce, by which uiue persons were killed and twenty injured, was caused by a fall of rocks and earth from Mount Gerves upon the train. The reported assassination of General García Cárdena, of Mexico, the candidato for the Presidency against Diaz in 1SS3, was conflrmod on the 16th. Bt the collapse of a building on the 16th at Grenoble, France, ten workmen were instantly killed and six others were injured. Ritssia. on the 16th selected Princo Nicholas, of Mingrelia, for tho throne of Bulgaria, and the other great powers were unanimous in their assent. Krimsteix, Switzerland, was destroyed by flro on the 16th. A number of the inhabItants perished in the flames. A trin on the Canada Southern road on the 16th ran from St. Clair Junction to Windsor doek, 107 miles, in ninety-flve minutes. Caxadia erop reporta on the 17th íhowed a decrease in the yield of wheat, corn and barley. Oats and peas showed an i IWI'il'lt.l' increase. The dominion cruiser General Middleton seized four American vessels at Halifax on the 17th for flshing within tho three-niile limit, and fines of twenty dollars each were imposed. Auvicbs of the 17th from British Columbia state that the Knights of Labor in that provinco have inaugurated a system by which tho twenty thousand Chinamen employed in the province will be boycotted. Advices of the 17th say that bandits had burnod several Une sugar plantations m Cuba, and had carned off flve planters, holding them for ransom. The cashior of the military office in Madrid absconded on the 17th. He was short $100,000 in his accounts. Av Ottawa dispatch of the 17th state that the disintegration of Canada was rapidly coming about, and that thoughtful people were looking forward to annexation with the United States as tho solution of the present troubles. Whii.e drunk on the 17th Charles McAulay kicked his aged father to death at Toronto, Ont. George Thomas Doo, the famous English engraver, a member of art societies in several countries, died in London on the 17th, at the age of eighty-six years. Tuk 18th was Thanksgiving Day throughout Canada. A snow-storm prevaüed all day. Advices were rooeived at London on the 19th that a ship crowded with nativo laborers returning from Queensland plantations foundered in the Paciflc Ocean, and 140 Uves were lost. Cholera, broke out on the 19th in the insane hospital at Buenos Ayres. The noted desperado, Aberlardo Tejerino, tho terror of the Mexican frontier, was recently captured and shot by Mexican sol; diers. Mrs. Reekie and her threcchildren wore asphyxiated on the 19th by escaping gas in Cuparfife, acotland. She was about to leave for America with her children to join her husband. Two Pullman sleepers were burned near Kingston, Out., on the 19th, the passengere escaping in their night-clothes. The loss was $40,000. In a recent battle at Micogee, Burmah, sixty Burmese were killed. LATER NEWS. General Hazen, chief sjfcnal offlcer, in ais annual report on tho 30th for the fiscal year ended June 30 says that during the pear tho percentage of verifloation of tveather indications was 85 3-10 per cent. At Cape May Point, N. J., the Hotel Bellevue, ten cottages and other buildings ivere consumed by an incendiary blaze on tho20th. Six negroes and two whites wero publicly whipped on the 20th at Newcastle, Del., receiving each from five to twenty lashes. The infant child of Mrs. M. Bryant, of Lima, O., was burned to death on the 20th by her clothes catching flre from a stove, and Maggie McKinne, aged eleven, of Wellsville. O., and Anna Siebart, of Pittsburgh, Pa., met death in a similar manner. The Wholesale clothing houses of Mack, Stadier & Co. and Marcus Fechheimer Sc Co., at Cincinnati, were destroyed by Ure on the 'JOth, causing a loss of $600,000. Sev3ral flremen were injured. John Arnot Jr., member of Congress from the Eighteenth New York district, ied at Elmira on the 20th. On account of the diphtheria epidemie all dances and public meetings have been prohibited at Ishpeming, Mich. , the schools havo been closed, and no services were held in the churches on the 21st. Foi:k men wore iatally injured on the Wth in a mine explosión near Pittsburgh Pa. Ose tüocsand houses at Tondo, in tha [sland of Luzon, the largest of the Philippine group, wero destroyed by a recent Ure. Charles Francis Adams, Sr., who was a son of President John Quincy Adam and grandson of President John Adams died at his home in Boston, Mass., on th álst, aged seventy-nine years. Ho wa elected to Congress in 1858, and was Minister to Great Britain from 1861 to 1868. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 2Oth aggregated ll,901,441,?23, against l,035,57S,18S the provious week. As compared with the correspouding week of 1885, the decreasa amounts to 8.8 per cent. Dcrino the recent storm in Nebraska ninety head of cattlo perished and larga uumbers of hogs were lost. Mrs. Mary H. Barnuurst, a leader in society circles at Erie, Pa., committed suicido on tho 30th by shooting. 111 health was tha supposed cause. The last of the mUitia left the Chicago Stock Yards on tho 20th, and the force of sheriff's ofllcers was also reduced. Manj of the old employés were at work. Du. Schmidt, cashior of the fund raised for the defense of the Chicago Anarchist, reported on the 2Oth receipts of $15,4?2 and disbursements of 111,400. On tho 20th the Postmaster-General reported 53,614 po9trofflces, of which 2,244 ara Presidential. There were 22,747 postmaster appointed during the year. There aro 181 f ree-delivery offices. The total revenues for tho year were $43,948,423, and the exccsa of cost over revenue $8,254,157.


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