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Kngreving, lts orlgin, Pknmhm ami Hlrtory, ByLVicomliiilpun Delabonte, tmnsUted and with uu addltlonal ohapter on EoglSn' Kn(5"!vlng l,y Wint,,. Walk.T. Casfel c., .N. y. jisp. j). Prloeisjg Tliisis the lateetof the series of the Fine Art Llbrary. ii treataof engraving from the earllest wooden relleft to tlie modern etcblBjr, and t not only review the Listory of the Art, but it has alto bold orltlctoma oa the artists mul their works. Berrie in France, Morjfheii in Italy, Rembrandt In the Low Iimls. Dlirer io öermany, Reynolds In England, and u host of lesser ltghts of all schools and conntries, aredescrlbed as to their defeats. Many ofthem have Illustralloni oí their piecef. At the em] is a uselhl clironological table of the more Important engraren of the Iiiitish School. Llke all works from the house of Cas-t'll & Co., the appearance of the book is artlttlcaiid typography clcar-cut and attractlve. Tlie Hlitpry Of tlie OoMt States of North A.mertpa. Hy Habert Howe Banoroft. volume XXIV. Oregon. Vol.l ïs-ü-i-jc llie Hlstory Coinpuny. XI r89, In tho lirst volnine of hia history of Oregon, Mr. Bancroft begint to treat of tbote erenta in the State annals which took place wltbln the memory of living men, from the coming of the tirst American settlers, in 1S84, to the arrival of the tirst Uuited States Governor, Joseph Laue, of Indiana, a reteraa ot' the Mexican war, ia M iroh, 1S-19. The period of discovery and oxploration, which was treated in '-The Hletory of the Northwest Coast," is now succeeded by the period of devclopment. and tlie Spanisli race, as an element in thu history of the weMcrn pait of the ooiHInent, glves way t the Aimlo-Saxon. There is a remurkable contrast between Umi methods of these two races, and the resulta are not nnnatterlng to the latter people. Proselytlng was not alone the object of the invaders, and llieir methods were accordInjfiy clillerent. Instead of the tender care of the aborigines- fter tliey had been thoroughly subjugated- which characterized Spanisli mie In the New World, and to wliicli is in part due the present deplorable oondttten of Meïlo and Central America, no attcinpt was made to mll the red and the White races, and the formar have now almotft entlrely dUappeared, teavtag thetr eonqnerors nndlsputed and uuoontaminated. It wa á "silent conquest," as Mr. BnncroH terms t, and its leudinr features are not found m "bloodyconqueet ingpired by the thirst for gain and glory and the hope of winmiug lieaven," followed up witli :m stempt to drag the conquered up to the level of their conquerorg; It is a stcady pressure, "actnatcd by the more gentle purpose of adding to the enjoyments of earth by commeroe and agricultiirc," comblned witli a laúsel-faire poUuy as regarde the orlgiDaTlnhabltants. 'a wlflab policy, perhapg, but nntions and races are not amendible to the codes of ethics which TOTrn i iltli viilunls. After devotlnjr a chapterto a description of the natural features of the región and a brief recapitulatlon of the more Importent events neecssary tojrefresh the niind of the reader, Mr. Uancroft gives us a graphic and Interestlng picture of the lile led at Fort Vancouver from 1834-6 to 18ÜU. He then follows down through the dayi of eastern Immlgratlos, telling of th( tlement by eastern rteople, and m ikes an entertaining volume. In conclusión, we cannot refrain from adding a word to the general oommendation whlcll .Mr. Bancroft'i tonner vol11 ¦ have ellclted and which this deserves. Obviotuly it is more dillicult to treat fairly and jndiciously so modern a period as that under consideration: it is ¦o nearusthat it is düflcult to maintain the just proportion and persiiective. And jet Air. Baneroft bM done bis work wondcrl'iilly wcll. lie lias taken Ihc hnndreda of personal narrativcs, Irom which such a liistory as this must be prepared, and ha8caretully winnowcd out the chaft', leavinj; the facts plain and clear aml in ino-t raluable condition for the student of hislory. His litcrary style in this volume is also more plotnreaque, thongh he oever tuffen the Impvrtialltjrof the historian to be bfawd by the brilllanoy Of the litcrateur.


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