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If This had been a presidential year and ...

If This had been a presidential year and ... image
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Iflhis had boen a presldenllal ycarand the Ramo voto cast in the different states as was cast tlus ycar lliu demócrata would have liad a niajorlty In the electoral college and elected Ihelr president. As the returns oome seems tlmt there was not much of a republlcan nalional vlctory after all.- Argus. The VrMblngtDn National Republlcan, quite as good nutliorlty as our triend of the Argus, in an interesting analy.-i- of tlm recent election results, shows tliat on the basis of the vote tor congressmen, n republicau president would have been chosen : The followlng shows how the vote would liavestood In the electoral college : Republlcan- California, 8; Colorado. 3; Illinois, 22 ; Indiana, 1"; lowa, 13: Kansas, V; Malne, B; MiissachuseUs, 14 ; Michigan, U; Nebraskn, 5; Nevada, 3; New Hampshlre, 4; New Jersey, 9; New York, 36; Otilo, 43 ; Oregon, 8; Pennsylvanla, 30; Khode Island, 4; Vermont, 4; Virginia, 12; Wlsconsln, II- a total ot 247 votes out of 401, a majority of tí for the república ii8. Xow there was quite a republican natlüiml victory after all, was there not I3ro. Argus ? The Argus has also an article scathing ''the 2,100 democrats in thiscongressional district who did not take the trouble to come out to the polls to cast their ballots." Tlie trouble is, my friend, that the famoua 2,100 have an existence only in imagination. Two years ago many of them were proball 'mugwumie," and voted with the democrats; to-day they eilher do not vote at all, or with the republicana. The greenbackers all voted with the democrats two years ago, this year many of them voted with the prohibitionists, and some of tuein with the republicana. That "2,100'' will never ag;iin inaterialize, friend Argus, so it will do no jrood to ;old them. Among the fusión forces of the state is n poetical(?) fellow who runs a paper up in Kent county.whichhe calis tlie "Cyclone." We quote one verse of a new effusion just sprung by liitn upon a loyal public: At Mendon wlieu the sun comes up, In elghteen elghty-eight, Another epoch shall arlce, Anotber crisis date. As Stonewall Jackson turned the tlde Wlieu rldiug to the van, So destiny shal! Ihen arise Aini clown the coming man. Ah ! 3'rs ! But tliere were too inauy of Phil Sheridan's troopers and Gko. Grant'l soldiers in the front for Stonewall Jackson to turn the tide bis wity ; and so in 1888 there will be too many loyal men here in Michigan for the "sun" to ever "come up in Mendon." And this rebel glbberish is quoted appiovingly by such a paptr as the Lansint; Journal ! The tollowing closes the string of doggerel : Hurrah ! for Fusión 1 Down with caste! We'll flght the barons TUI the last! Messrs. Power, Burt, Weston, AVebber, Dickinson, Thompson, and other democratie barons, must enjoy tliiá fling at them. It might be well to remember also, that Mr. Vanderbllt ;ave a cool $100,000 to the last democratie pretldential cainpaign fund. The Lansing Journal, Detroic Free Press and other fusión paper ineerlngly refer to Ilon. James McMillan, of Detroit, as "Mllllonalre McMUlan, an usplrant for senatorial honor." Let's see. If the fusionista had been successful, Milllonaiie O. M. Barnes, of Lansing; Millionaire Dickinsmi, of Detroit; Millionaire Bart, of Sagina w; and Millionaire Thompson, of Detroit; all wonkl h:ive been candklatet for senatorial honors. No poor man would have stoud the least show for the office. As it is to-day, Mes-rs. Lacoy, Horr, Cutcheon, et al., all poor men, stand an equal chance with Mr. ifcMillan. The journals of a party having sucli leaders as the fusionists had in the last oampalgn should be the very last ones to sneer at men who are wealthy. We are not all niillionaires it is true, but it is not our fault. We would be if we could. The Ypsilatiti Commercial kept thi3 standing at the head of its columns during the cuinpaign : KVEUY VOTER WILL STAND On Thls Slde, Or on hls Si Je. Prohlbllton Democratie anti ReParty. publican Parties. On thls slde the On thls Mde the ble woraen of the W. ! sharnelesH w o in e a C.I.U. who have lost thiir Ytrtue, the associates of d e b a s e d maunood." Then t has the gall to talk about political decency. What memt)er of the next Michigan legislatura wlll oarye Ihb nnnio ín the hlghest niche oï - well-tn the hearls of lus countrymeOf by (HtmtDS a law Ihat wlll niiikt' a radical rhange In the present sysd'in ot conslrucling country roads. - Democrul. A ml the legislator who will have the courage to take liolil of this qtiestimi ut country mails, ill maka for hlmtetf a ])lace In the heartl of his country men, if he will poeh tbrotlfrb some schenie to have said roads gravcled nstead of ïmnUli'il. For year nnd year the Coubiib hat adrocated employing eonvkst labor to build onr ro.uls. liy rexdlng an artiele upoo the first ':ifre of this paper, it will be seen tli at the idea i ipreadlng. It BMt cotne. There will ba no competition, no labor organiz ilion to oppose this lifld of usefulncss tor tliis species of labor, and no üreater necwilty exista in this nation to-day thmn food road. Some of the democrats of the stato are talking about etitting off the upper penninsula and maklng Wi-c.msin .1 present of if, simp'y beca u-i' the people there refuse to fo.ili-h enorjgb to return i democratie m ijorty. Bilt Hut, there ia 1 1 1 v aboutáo repabllcan najorlt; in tbe lglalaturc, so our iiper penolDSala friends , will uot be kicked out this time. i


Ann Arbor Courier
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