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Coal will take ünotber jutnp sooo, t is...

Coal will take ünotber jutnp sooo, t is... image
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Coal will take ünotber jutnp sooo, t is ¦Martelt "Talk about the siz of KunlMei nowaday8," said Calvin Blis-, to tVw wlio wen; athered la Iiis store tlie other dfty, "I was the lliirti'entli eliild n onr taniily, and to-dav tliere is not one arann tlie number living, nor t hei wives or Imsbands. I un alone let't." Dr. W. B. Smith, wlio was standing said his fatlier was tlie thlrterntli chüd, all of whom lived to kl age, the youngest dy inr at G4, his fiither at 74, and the oldi-st ;ii 85 years of age. Ye leal [boucht it quite a eo-incidencj for I i urandf ither was the thirti't-ntli son, out of a family of fourteen, all of wIkhm livtd to nian's estate. Dr. Siuitli ha geaealojjodal record traciiif; his f;itlier's family back to 1400. Mr. BIbs lias a record tiaeing back to 1G32; and ye local h is a ceaordl ui his father's family b ick to 1448, at whicli time bis ïncestors carne t this country Irom Eligían. I


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News