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Dec. lst- to-day. Dec. comes in with a'büzzard. Remember the Scliubert Qnartet, December lOth. Our snow storms liave not been extensive eiiough to suit coasters yet. The Argus says it is proud of being cilled "iateiisely partisan.'1 Tliere is 110 accounting for tastos. Win. Aprilt purchased a fine new horse for the poor farm Monday, of Jacob Fred Staebler, of Pittslield. Geo. W. Brown.for several years night watctiniiin it tho univursity, is non emlloyed at the post office. Pay your taxes now, if you want to. Albert Sorr is ready to reeeive tliem, nt liis office on Washington st. Prof. Winchell did not meet his class at the M. E Clnirch Sunday, because lie was Out of the city on a lecturing tour to Chicago, uemphli anü other places. The Workiiiginen's Aid Association of Michigan, or Arbéfter Bund, have now over 5.100 memben, and commencing witli December lst, will pay $500 for each deatli loss. ueatli loss. Everything done down at the M. C. R. Ii. station now, adds to the beauty of the surroumliníís. The truveler by rail will form B fine opinión of the city trom the view at the depot. Soon the beautiful evergreens that liave adoined the yards In tliis city so many yeurs, will be gone forever. One by one they are being ent down, the rage for them haring died out.
J. T. Hallock died Monday afternoon, of tumor etc, aged 61 years. He has been an honored and respected resident of the city for nearly half a century, and leaves behind him a family and many friends.
The letters of our IJerliti correspondent "B,"are attracting quite a little notice from n'.idcrs and (ome of the exchanres copy them entlre. The one tuis week on ültiikiii Universities is of interes1 to people liere. We have rcreived i oomniunicatio from Win. Scott Brown, in reference to "An Eariy Remin Icoence,'1 recently pnblfelied In the Codrub, which' has been crowded out of this reek'l issue but will appear in our ncxt. A. L. Noble has made some improvements on the olci Benoett place, recently botigtit ly htm. The rmnd nkl evergreen has been cut down - a doubtful improvement- and the lot filled up to a level witli liif ova lot on the soutli. The jury, whose names were recently published, have been ordered to appear on the first of the December term instead of the second Tuesday as heretofore, and Sheriff Walsh has been ordered to so notify them. At a great elevator fire at Duluth last Saturday a flremun by the name of Chas. Mooie, was killed. He was reported to be the son of :i rich furnu-r near Ann Arbor, but diligent inquiry fails to ascertain who said ncti farmer is iu this vicinity.
Mrs. Mary King, the aged mother of Zina P. King, Esq., died Monday night last, of pneumonia, after having reached the advanced age of 83 years. Funeral services will be held Thursday, from the family residence on Jefferson st. Deceased had been a resident of the city 20 years.
Mrs. Seth Thompson, for many years a resident of this city, on Thompson st., died on Monday erenlnglt at at the home of her son WUford B. Thompson, in S!iui, of old ifie, h:ivitii lived about 83 years. She had been a resident of this Cuiity over 50 years. It is rumored that a new company )ias been formed in our city to secure a franchise for a city r.iilway, and that a bonus of $5,000 per year for 30 years will be asked ot the eoiuicil. This scheme will probnbly liml favor. It is the "blasted monopoly," that doen't ask the city for uiythlng that inects witli disfavor. J. E. Wyman, of this city, (and Detroit) has recently dovised an Improvement in slgnalling tralns tliat simplitiea tlie work of a Ir.iin dltpateher considerably. It is so arranged that when the operator Huns his crank the notice "slgnal down1' It aatom&ttcalljr givcn tlie dispatcher, and "slgnal up" comes over the wire wlicn the crank is rcverscd. Tbe Codeer League bad a Uigélj at. tended meeting Monday nisrlit when Ex1 Gov. Ftlcli raad i paper on liis rt-collections "t Cl iy, Web-ter and Cal boa 0 in the S Miitc. [ta contente wers of deep interest, and do exoellnntly rere tlieso men portruyed tliat tfae [iapsr ought to be piibtisht-'d, for tlieir cuiitemporaiieg are now exceedingty few in attmber wlio can jfive personal i'ecollectloni of the stormy days of 18.jO-G0. Aiter tlie lccture tlie anima! meeting wns held and olllcers were etected as follows: Pre?., Prof. II. W.; M vicc-pre?, Mr. Hewey; 2d vice-prcii., MlM Knowlton; secretary, Mr. Martin; troasnrer, L. D. Wines. Durin",' the even Ing .Mis Richardion rendered two musical selections to the pleasure of her uuditors. If the pcanut stands must be removed from the Street corner?, the fish raongers slioulj be bouncetl also. The case of Gustave Roehm, fi)r keephU saloon open on Sunday was adjouraed for two weeks, last Monday inorning. ltejilster of Deeds Kearns will have charge ot Capt. Manly's abstract books durinji bis absence in Lansing this winter. The work of lixin; up, glaslng and puintinjr the oKl Well building for the Elecctric Light Company k bein done by Wm. Hm. To prove that our figures were not overestimated in the lust Issue of the Courier, we have liad, several partiet complain of being under estimated. A new tlme-table has been put on llie T. A. A. & N. M. H. R., hut uot having been furnished with a copy we are unable to give the clianges made this week. A fine Seth Thomas clock was placed in the auditorium of the M. E. church Thanksgiving Day, by the Young Ladies Society of that church. C. Bliss & Son furnished the time picoa. Peter Bassler, who has lived at Foster's station for miuiy years, died on Friilay la-t, nul was buried on Sunday. He leaves a wife and a large family of children in comfortable circumstances. At the Unity club meeting next Monday eveninir, December Oth, Prof. P. B. R. de Pont is to read ¦ paper upon "Canoeinfr Experiences in British Amerkvi,' umi Miss Dora Kennedy tells "A Story." Be kind enoagh to read John Boyle O'lteilly's opinión of Cleveland, to be found on tliu ilrst page. As he was one of Mr. Cleveland' staunchest supporters two years ago, there may be lome signiíicance iu liis words. You can blow about bogus butter all you choose, but anytliing is preferable to some of tlie "geimine article" palaied off on consumera occasionally. We can (MU a piece yet tliat found its way hito our moutli some three weeks ago. Prof. Thos. C. Trueblood - who is engaged as a teacher of elocution in the University hen, will give a Shaksperean and Dickens recital at Dexter, under the ttuploet of the M. E. chuica at that jplaoe ou Tuesday evening Dec. 7th, at On account of the change of owaership and for other reasons, the Delhi milis Lave been released by Allmendinger & Schneider, who have run theni for some time, and tlte firm of Swathel, Kyer & Peterson have leased the same for a term of years. Thoa, Quackenbush is at the county jail, halling from Augusta, ou a charge of obtaining somfthinjr under false pretunses. The matter seems to be a mixed up mess over a horse trade, and with very little subslance to the charge. He will have a hearing Saturday before Justice Uishop, of Whittaker. J. T. Jacobs is often on the alert to provide a luxury or delicacy for those not fortúnate enough to procure llie sanie for themselvüs, but has bis own way of doing liis deeda of charity, many of them never n&chlng the public. We learu that on Thank&xiving day he distributed a large nuinbiT of turkeys amoug people vvliom he deemed deserving. For the benefit of taxpayers n outlying towns, the following town treasurers will be at County Treasurer Belser's office in the court house on the days mentioned : Anu Arbor town treasurer- each Friday and Saturday in December. Scio town treasurer - every Thursday n December after to-morrow. Northfield town treasurer- every Saturday in December. Pittstieldtown treasurer- on the lltli and lSth of Oecenibjr. The following cure for diphthuiïa is inex ensive, and can do no harm to try f it fuils to do any good: "A New Vork physician declares that tar-smoke is tlie best thing in the world for diptitheria. It dissolves the tibrous exiidatlons that choke the patiënt and gives relief aluiost instantly. The plan lias been tried by tnany doctors in New York and found most tfflcadooi. It consists in closing up a room so that none of the smoke can escape, and then burning a quantity of ptteh on a red-hot shovel or stove." The attention of the court for thepast few days has been occupied by the case of Gco. Knickerbocker vs. T. F. Leonard, replevin. E. D. Kinne and J. F. J,awrence for plaintiff, and A. J. Sawyer and E. J. Knowlton for defenderá. This is really a ca6e that has grown out of the Good ale controversy. Still on trial as we HO to press. In the case of Loren Babcock vs. Edward Keilley, judgement was reiulered on default. Damages $107.96. In the appeal of E. A. Gott adm'r, from B. H. Faustmann and Jacob Kauffman vs. Jas. B. Gott. Judiimentgiven against Gott for $40S. Meesrs. John X. Bailey and Elmer S. Crawford, of tliis city, are to launch a new paper on the lirst day of Januriry next, to be known as the Saturday Telegram, and to be published at East Saginaw. It is to be a weekly, G column quarto, freely illustrated, independent in politics, and will be especially adapted to meet the wants of a large class of people in the Saginaw valley and its tributary territory. Mr. Bailey has gone to Chi cago to parchase the outflt. The Tele gram will be a handsome specimen of typographical excellence. The senior partner has had tvventy years experience in the newspaper business, is a practical printer, and the junior partner, as local representative of the E veiling News, is well known in the city. Mr. Crawford is a gradúate of the literary department, and after a year's study in the law department, has been admitted to practice law n all state courts. We most certainly wish the gentlemen succes in their undei taking. Chas. A. Chapin tells us that the lir.-t catalpa trees giown in tliis city are those now standing by the Goodrich house tlien the residence of hls parents. Mr. Chapin's mother was very fond of any novelty of the sort, and hearing that a Wayne county farmer liad a number of strange trees growing on his place, so the with her son Charles took a wagon one il iv and drove to liis liouse, soine '3 niilrs, and got two or three of the strange tree-, The way the farmer carne by them Wftl tliis: A few years previous a family of cmigrantti from North Carolina liad stopped with hlm over night, and one of the chüdren giive hlm some of the pods of tliis tree. The seed-i he took out of the pods and plantod, not knowing wliat they were. It was some years before they found out the name of the tree, and of what country it was a native. All of the catalpaü in the city came from these trees planted by Mr. Chapin and his mother, some forty years ago. In the same yard is a buckeye tree that has pink flowers: a very rare specimen, and one that cannot be propagated for it bears no seds.