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The wcll-knowii and popular Schuberl Male Quartet of Cliic;i-i(t, will appear n Univeraity ,Hall, December lOtli. Tlie quartet ranks eqaal to the famous Templo i Quartet and Uetill rising in favor. The Beethoven Gesans Verein are practicing witn the inteiition of flvlng grand concert in the near future. Those that are fond of gootl afging ciinnot afford to miss the Schubert Quartet, December lOth, In University Hall. At Universlty hall, on Friday even ing Dec. 3J, Mr. AlfreU P. Burbank will give m entertainment ot'delightful rcadIngi. He undoubtedly stands at the hoad in hls class, and possussing as ho does a voice strong and clear, a fine talent for dialect, and a countenance. of great nobility, which he controls with excellent effect, he puts nis audiencu in good humor and entertain thetn lu a marnier that is quite WOnderfOl. Of hhn. the Chicago Times has this to say: Th entirt personation u-as faultlett ; the wavenng voice, lacial ezprewiOQ and simulati d age were most admlrably altected. lu ihu scenc with lm IncredulousdaugHtor, Meeua t ie reader dlplays a raru lntcusliy of emoUünalexpreHíiloii. NotliliiK tliat fie does Is blurredur indlstlnct; every cliaracterlstio Ia sharply outllned and vivid: but Uie contour of hls plctures Is softened and stiaded witli a syinpatheticglow posslble ouly to posltlve iuboru geulus. Il is easy losee Ihat Kurunnk feels every suuatiou. He lltrally Uves lus character, and In tlie possesslou of that indescrlbable gift of personal íiagnetlsm lies tno secret of bis holdupon hls audleuce and of hls eminent and deaerved success. The dlflerenee helweeu Uurbank and mauy other reuowiied but comparatlvely urne reader sslniply tuis: that whlie they possess bui iltielnsplralionanda workl of art, he enJoy the full suullght uf a wealth of natural inspiratlou with but art enough to render h in methods the sracefiil vehlcles of a lolty Ideal and the framework of elther hls palhos or hls humor. Mr. Burbank la youni; aud ambilious ; ha has all the world before htm, aud laurelsareto be had for ihe piucklng. He Is fortúnate to havegalhered at least a lew barí thus early In hls careir.


Ann Arbor Courier
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