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- - . The best Iliatory of the War that km yet aipeared.- Boston Travetler. TheplatPS of Harper's Weekly durlnc tlio War bavlng beeu destroyed, HARPER'S Pictorial History of the Reliellion rollo volumes, name hIzb page as the Weekly nd oontlninK 1,000 of lts ftnous War plccloth,lb_00; In Half Turkoy fiforóooo. handï?,me J?ullt aamp on alde ,nd marbled edes 2.. TO AVOII) DBCEPTION SI' K THAT OOM BKA.R HARPElls NAME Sol" bv HMonpttoD only. Send for lllustruted clrciiMeDONNELL BRO'S, I5 Dearborn St., Chleagro, 111. Of Priceless value for Preservation.- Boston Adverüser. 17..M PENNYROYAL c WAFERS. tPrescription of a physician who has had a Ufe long experience in treating femalo dlseases. Is used monthly with perfect succeas by over 10,000 ladit s. Pleasant, safe effectuaL Ladies askyour drugRist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substituto, or inclose ' aee for ealed particular. Bold by XHEEüBEKAaáSSitlcd:LS,iTS Sold in Anti Arbor, Mich., by Eberbach & Son. 1308-1360 tfAlíAME MORA'S CORSETS. "'iaHWBB fír on timn any cort JH r for thcir fine " W vi '' '"ot brcok over ffr3t- LiuXwtnt íuili.'uro. The ' ON ?VV Tin" ai.l "AM)IM: T t-th"I' , i.t'J Mil i.JU'K, xECT"' _-i fr'iili cover tlo opon Bpaoe wc '""'Tyt'.'X - _- om! p.-od'otHtlifMjjtK. SsS - Tí I.AKKIÍÍE -. v. ¦ -' .i.'jjr? y hnstho iKipular ! l j3X vabi.r Stkiis. fii,h V w V' onn bolnstnnt ly takpn Yt t witj["Ct ctnix.i ob ¦L&JB RlMTVti. fyrljuilc. nuk for f.' : HL MAliAMK. MOlíA'OCOK¦Rdnnilk Hr.TN. No otben liuvo tlu Wljffll C-It.rat(l Frtnth Hrvcl 9bKSA H"arKof inilliitlniii ' lM 'or ulo by all l.adlng dtM iílLTT!alOT Jlanufattured bj Madame Hon'i Contour. L. khais s co.. Madama Mora's La Reine. Birminpha-m, ('omu Madame Mora's Aldine. ¦ O. Fltspatrlck a ..., adame Mora's Comfort Hip. 71 Louwnl bt-, K, i Mcn Uve t home.snd make more money ut work for us, ihan at anythlng dee In tbiworld. Capital not ueeded ; v.m art-. .lariedfree Both e ; all aee%. An) one can do tbe work. Lartre earnings fron, flrtKtart. Coslly outñt and terms freo. Better not delay. Coslí yoo nuthini; to Bend u vour addreso and flcd out ; If you are wlse you wlll do o atonce. U. Hallett 4 Co., Port land, Malne fíEEISÍISSESlill clasaes wlth employment at home, the whole of the time, or for tlieir (pare momento. BuiiMM Dan llght and profltahle. Persons oí either Bei eaellv earn írom 50 to 5.00 per evenine, and a I tíonal urn by devotlng all their time to the i ness. Boys and elrls earn earn ueitrly ae much ss men. That all who eee this may end thelr address, and test the baslness, we make thls utrer To snch as are not well ?atl?fled we will send one dollar lo pay for tbc tronóle ol' writln. Futí partícula and nutfl; free. Addresa Gkorok Stihsoh L Co. Portland Malne. FRANCIS L YORK, M.A., VViU recetve durlng I THE COMING SUMMER A Limited namber of Pupilu lu Pll ANO, ORCAN AND ! H ARMÓN Y, At greatly 13, E! D TJ C DBIOD ' Apply by mail or at NO. 30 SOUTH IXGALLS STREET - Bustes College. ' School or Penmnnship and Shorthaud I Instituto, Ypsilanti, Mlth., Offers unpqunlpd RdvantaKH for preparlnir Vuungand Middle Ageil ml WOmen to n 11 Important and Lucrativa Posttlona ín Ufe. íuperlor system of Actunl buslncüs. No va:ati'ns. Large attenclance. MK. teacher. Sood boaid wlth well fumlsned room, Si.(M) ;. ia per week. Now i a deslrable lime 1 to enter. CH or wrlte for Circulara. J uu P. R. CLEARY, Principal.


Ann Arbor Courier
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