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11 CREAAf T DR?RICLS' áÜá SPECIAL WdHft ! @ MOST PERFECT MADE Preparad ...h etrlrt rodml to Pnrity, Stroneth, un llealthfnlri-'. I ïi". l'rii e B Baking rowdorcontain noAmmonin, Linie, Aluni or Phonphutes. Dr.Prlce' Extract.-, V anula, Lomon, tu . iii r doUdooabi LaiIhimney 5 ' -i - 5 Jw SEE AT THE ': o ? J O Mí EXACT LABLE IS ON J j t " Mf EACH CHIMNEY AS 1 ï S SHOWN IN PIOTURE. i. J O K Et W '1 m q u f JpllW l s 11 = VI Uflj 3y P i ü i Ikc9Q wyFslt - n XXpAT8eT-30TH'lfia3y''-' M INUFACTURED ONLY Y GED. ÍV.MAEBETH & EO. V. PITTSBURGH PA J PDR SALFBVUJEAUERS.EikRyWHERE. ÍI. TJ DE T TJ I=t 3E3. tEOAN'S IMPERIAL TRDSP spiraTSprJng, graded (rom i i poanda in in uure, WOUN DAÏ AM) M(JIIT by mi lnrnnt h Hi'ik old, or ai mltill so yoars. l.aiiics 'i'rnss. -.i perttei loi Cnclofe st;iin]N tot teslliiionlal ot cures, fitc. EQAN" IMPERIAL TRÜHS CO.. ANN AKBOB, MlCH OmMíSs MANUFACTURERS OP Sclilanfliircli EOENITÜBE. OPKRA UOUi ('II .111(8 AND WIND-MILLS. Are now prcparoil ti manufactura School aud Cbaroh Kurtiiiiire, and Opera House ('hnirs, I.iivvn Sélleos. C&nip rutiles and Ihe TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The[bost and s naples) and imsi rellabli la ase. Hepalring done on shorl notlce. AUo dealers in PUMPS, CYUNDER8. l'II'KS, ETC TANKS MADE To ÜBDEU. LADDERS, PKACJI BOXtS, BERRT CUATES, In lact, uny artlclc raaile to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET, ANN ARBOK, MICK. REAL EJS1A1ÏT INSÜRAN6B' AGEN6Y. J. A. 'SESSIONS ATTOUXEY AND NOTA KV PUBLIC Renl Kstüte sold or reoled and re-'ts ooi lected on raasonable lrraa, NonE hut old and flrst-chiss [ncarantM Companle represented- witli Inauranoe capital of 0,000.000. Ratea as low aa any other lnaoranoa oompan; and Innaea prumpl ly paici Offlceover American Kxpiess office, Mali Rtreel, nn Arbor. MIcb. Please to Notice This! I wlll send éacTl of my ;:-! mi is Xotlce wheu lus Noic or Account wlll ba duo. ] will expect hiin to ;ive the matter liis prompt attent Ion ai tbat Urne, I wlll aend only uno Notlce of this kind. I hope al wlll oonalder tbla rofllelent. Proflta ara loi small and eredlta t sh-n-t to v arran i me io borrow iiinin-y lo Py my Debt, Do mattei howKinall or how nat the Bill. I want it forthroinlnc when due. I am tliankftil for your patronage, bat the l'uy I maal bave, Vours trnly. M. RO&ERS. FOR DYSPKPSIA. MENTAL AXI) PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC. ff "S? ñorsfoíú ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparatlou of the pbocpfaatoa and pliospborlc acid. Recommended by Phyklolaoa. It makes n deliclous drink. Invlgoratlng and atreugthenlng. Pampblet free. KOU SALE BY TIRALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, Prorldencp, - llhodc Isiaml. ETBEWAKE OF IMITATlONB. ABNER MOORE'S T0NS0RIAL PARL0R, HTJEOU" STÜEET, Next door to tlic Karmert aml .Mechanic's liank.l IIAIR CUTTINfi, SIIAVIXí!, BHAMPOONING AND DYEING. llie bet of Workmen nnd Satlsfactlon Uuaranteed. "¦He .-


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News