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Riicklen's Aruica Salfe. Tlie Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Dicen, Salt Uheum, Fever Scirrs.'i'ittcr, Cbapped Bandf, Chllblalnt, Coma, and 11 Skin Eruptions, and positlvely cures l'ilos, or nu pay required. It is ruaranteed to srlve perfect satigfaction, nr money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son. llrfi. Prairie Mange, and Scratrhes of cvcry Kind eurcd in thirty minutes by Woiulford's Snnüary Txtion. Use no otlier. 'l'liis never fails. Sold by II. .T. Brown, drugglat, Ann Arbor. 1288-1340 On solitary souls, the universo looks down iiiliospitably ; the human heart fimls nowhere shelter but in lnuiian Kind. - Ucorge E Hot. DrnnkonnosM, or Uraor Habit, oan bo C'urod by AdiiiinisterliiK' Dr. Halnea' (Jolden Spceillc. It c:in lic jiivcn in ¦ cup of coftee or lei wiiiiout knowledge óf the persoú takin ii, effectiHg a Bpeedy md permanent cure, whether thé patiënt is a moderate drinker or an aleoliolio wreek. Tliou¦andi of drankardi bare been made températe men who have taken the Golden Speeitic in their coffee without tliuir knowledge, and to-day bclicvf thcy (juit drinking of theli own tree will. No liatmful i iVects rcsult from its adminiötriition. Cures gnaranteed. Bendfor circular and l'ull particular?. Address in contidence Golden Bpeclflc Co., 185 Hace st., Cincinnati, Ohio.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News