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OTCLONE s í :. Kan., on the SBd, wrecklng all liht itruoturea anj demolishing tha Preb terian Churc'a. A aamber of persons w ¦;¦ Injured, some fa 5 Tin: wreek of the sch oner L. J. Conway was discovered on the ?l seven miles north of Montague, MQch, Theentire crew oí live perished. A Mi.iiiMi was hold In CblOOgn on tho 29d tor the purpose of organlzing the ministers oi all the denomlnatlont In Uu city in a powerf ui tetnperanoe alllanoe and to arraoge Sunday afterooon tempéranos meetings In some, large, eentrally-Iooated h.ill. A botbl, tivc dweülnxs and two stores at M.u-ysvillo, Pa., wcro burned on tho S9d. A Nation.u, oonference of Jewlsb Rabbii wasopened on the SM in the Lexiagton nvciiui' tabernacle at New York. David Fksikh, of Clinch County, Ca., who recently dii-.i at the age of onebundred years, made his cofiïn of pitch-pine before the outbreak of the rebellion and ¦vr. l i; until hls death. Om in mi;i:i women fitters al the ¦ faotory of Wolf & Co., in Cincinuatl, wout out on a strike on the ïid bocausa of the discharge oi a toreman. Tin: electric Ught In chi torob of the Btatudof Liberty al Uew York wai pul la oj Tat ie ui on the ïiiifhi. of tho jJ i umi t the dlrection of th ¦ LighVhouse BoarJ. Si (BAL building! woiv wiv k ¦ I on the 22d at l'le isanton. Kan., by a ' ¦ on ". and two persona were seriously Injurod. Jüikik Anthciny, of Chicago, ou to genteneed to three years In the penli intiary a hahdaome young Sc itchmau, a gradúate of tho Univi rs.ty, of Bdinburgh, whi had been robbing fashionabl ¦ boardinghouset m New Yi'i-k and Uhicaito. Maxy arrosts were made on the ül at Amsterdam, N. Y., of men and women who acted a-i Enights of Labor picketa abont tlic milis. At a conference ol Jewish rabbls in New York on th i 33d tl was r isolved to petttien i itment of a National marrlage law. DKirriNp snow in I)a!;ii i anJ Northern Miaoesota was on tha 23d interfering wlth the nmn u of tralus, Snow was Calling at manv p lints, w.tii the mercury down to zero. At Cleveland, O., on the 83d Wheller, whoseage isettchty-one, was held without hall tor murdevlng his wife, aged eightyseyen Thecouple possesseJ about í!ni.000, andil was believed thai Ln s qiarrol touchlnx his wife's will the old man strangle 1 Inr. 'l'ii; Ohio State Trade and Labor V.ssembly met in annual Bession at Dayton on tlie 'M. abont lifty citio.s and towns beiug represented. Heavï snovv-storms were reported on the 23d from upper Austria. The snow wal ¦lx teel deep on the Bchnieder rango. Wii. i. mm lliíKo, treasurer of the South Boston Bone-Railroad Company, was arrestedon the23d for rni!:c.zlmji s'iKI.ÜÜÜ. A. Nbwhoo, a leading dry-gooda m -rchant of Paris, Ky.. drowned bimself In Stoner's creek oa the i 1 booause he wus threatened with alawsuit. Tuk annual report of the QuartermasterQeneral of the army, made publie on the S8d, shows ttaat nti new buildings were erected at military post, and 33d,lS0 personsand 160,191 toas of fraight transported at the expense of the Government. One TiiorsANo coopers at Cincinnati struck on tho S8d for an Inorease of w Tfita Missouri Court of Appeali deeided on the ü 1 that oontracts made by telephono were binding. Tijk wind on Lake Michigan blow at tho rate of seventy miles an hour on the 2id. ïuk present grand jury al Decatur, 111., on the 28d returned 137 imlieunonts, and was Investigating merchante' lotterj schenios and church-fair drawifigs. At a railway orOMing in Byï loase, N. Y., on the '-'tth Mis. Jerry Calahan and h% sou were killed, an 1 her husband and a woman namoil Mrs. Poley fatally wounde 1. ïm: Commissary Burean of the United States army expended 18,174,65 i during the last tisi'al year. The Boston City Missionary Society distributod to representativos of poor fami lies on tho 'tth foor tons of turkoys, six tons of grocenes and lifty barrels of vegetables. Peteií Carbt, a nine-year-oUl boy, was whipped to death at Bpruigfleld, Mass., on the -J4ih by his father Daxiei. J. Lai!i:nk. a Chicago attorney, was on the 34th aoqnitted of receiving stolen property in connection with the prosentatton of a gold watch to Justice Meech. Fok publishing lottery advertisenieuti a Cincinnati judge lineil Murat Halstead and John R. Mei, eau til'ty dollars nach on theiMth, suspending judgment so long as the offenders refrain from such publications. Tatlor McKinzet and his threo sons were struck by lightning on the 24th near Edina, Mo., two of the boys being killed and the father and other son slightly injured. Fkan( is, aged sevonty-flve years. who died on the 24th in Detroit, left au estate valued at $30,000,000. It was his daughter whom Senator Jones sought for a wifo. Hakdk k Clauk, w'nolesale grocers in New York City, failed on tho -Ith for $300,000. Tm: Comptroller of the Currency in hia annual rejiort on the 'J4th says thero are 3,ES8 National banks in operation. Since the beiinoiag of tho system in lsVi only 112 Of these msiitutions have failed. Tuk heavy cloth curtain which during tho daytimo covers tho eleclric light lenses on the Bartholdi Statue at New York caught fire tho other night and feil on tho light woodwork of tho staircase in the interior. It was only by hard work that the statuo wat saved from ruin. Fieroe storms of wind and snow swept over sections of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania on tho 35th, unroofing manv buildings and uprooting largo numbers of trees. Beveral persons were badly injured. TRI annual international match between Canadian and American picked football teams was played on the "th at East Newark, N. J., and rosulted in tho Amoricans winning by 3 to 2. By the explosión of the boiler of tho tug Sniilieain in the East river, New York, on the 25 th, all of the crew, five in number, Were killed. Bio Tntxju-R and six other leading spirits of the Crow Nation were drowned on tho 24th whilo attjrapting to cross the Missouri river near liismarck to light the Sioux. Two imoTiiEiis named Sims and two children of Mr. Meisal were frozen to death iieur lianflan, D. T., during the recent blizzard. eounty clerk at Chicago issuod 104 marriage lioenses on tho 'i4th. Joux Davis, tho negro who criminally assaulted a white woman near Randolph, Ala., a fow days aQ, was lynehed ou tho M th. Mrs. Pixbbbtoh, of Russoll, Kan., a widow, was shot and killed by her young soa on the 25th. He was fooling wita a pistol whica he supposed was uuloaded. Omiiia partios while boring nn tho iMth for natura) Kas dmi the Union Paoitti o struck a vain ot bituminou coa govBn feel thick at a depth of S11 teet i ïiav.'usviHi1, Kan., EthodM Clement! suddenlv booame Insana on the 2Gth, Idllei Bamuel Qordon, out off his head and de vuur.' 1 lus baart, lungsandllver. Clement wai in j.ul. a ravlng nuiuiac. Tin. Louisiana rogar orop ihis ycar is es timatod at 175,000,000 pounds. . explosión of tras on tho ülth in tho Convufiham siiaft, Wilketbarre, Pa., in jured over toríy laborera, twelve of thcm fatally. mulea a'so wen killed. Ir was stated on the 'Jiith that an entiro famiiv f Beven, named Poe. thought to havo lieen burned to death at thcir homo ii Kiiüx Gounty, Ky., a month ago, woro in ivahty murdered by a neighbor, who ha been plaoed In jail. Robekt Hull shot his brothar Tony doa at Atlanta. 9a., on ÜH6 SOth and then killot himself. Tho crimo was causod by whisky The Qreat Western glass-works at St Louis wore closed down on tho 2(ith, th uiaua.Mi's claiming that, owing to th tlppling )ropensitiesof the men, the factory ootüd Dot be proporly oporatod. lx his annual report ofi the 26th to th Beoretery of War. Brigadier-Gonera Dnane, 'hief of Engineers, toyi that ou sea-coasts and lake frontiers are in an uttiTly defenseless oondition. The winter hog-packlng of tho West wa on the 9öth istmiati'il to ba about twent; per cent. less tlian at the same timo a yea ago. The deodaaoe was ehargjd to the ¦trikei m Chicago. Mm. Mutv üvi.i.Kiiiv, agvd ri;hty-soven years, was burned to death at Meadvllle Pa., on the SOth, while alone in her room. A. HiAi.riimuii in 1 ('liarles Kickle wer arrested on the '2ith by Oovtsnunent detectives ut Holton, Kan., for counterfeiting BpurioUB cuins, dies anti other implement were teized. Alioi Obidlbt, aged four yoars, fel upon a atove on the 'Üitn during the absence of her mother at Akron, O., and was burned to death. Timici: negroos, who had burned a cotton Kin-house, were [ynched !n Franklin Coun ty. Miss., cm the 96th. Tn i: Brltisb bark Drumadorn, with seven teen hundred bales of eotton on board took lire on the :iiith off Galvcston, Tex., aiul wis destroyed. Tsbki wore 'M business failures in tho United States durinif the sevou days endod on the Mili, against 237 the previoua seven ilavs. Th.' total failures in the country this year to date are 9,163, against 10,00i last ycar. a declino Of SH. Tmi: late Margaretta S. Ljwis, of Philadolphia. lelt BOJ,000 to religious and charitahle institutious. Tuk Winn (La.) courthouse and the parish reoordl were destroyed by an inceudiary lire on the ÏBth. Thousahdb of cases of pleuro-pneumonia among cattle in Chicago wero reported on tho 26th by expert veterinarians. TnitEK Russians at Ipswich, D. T., died on the 20th from drinking aconite, supposing it was alcohol. Hent.ï I). Uaiírett, a lawyer and prominent pohtician, was arraigned at New York on the 2(ith for embezzling 112,000 from Mrs. Rosaliue Charpentier. To goverx tho shipmentof live stock and perishable goods the Union Pacifle Company on tho 26th decided to establish a weather bureau similar to tho signal service, with thirty-two stations, headquarters being at Omaha. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mautix Wiiitish, a patriotic Polo, who took part in the uprisings of 1S30 and 1846, died on tho 22d near Annaton, Wis, agod ono hnndred years. Imiukssive funeral services wero held in New York on tho morning of the 23d over tho remains of ex-President Arthur, President Cleveland. Hon. James G. Blaine, Chief-Justloe Walte and many other public officials attending. Tho remains were taken to Albany for interment by the sido ofhiswife. The executive departments in Washington were closed as a mark of re¦pect Tm: oanrau on the 23dof the official vote of Wisconsin at the recent election gives Rusk (Rep.) a inajority over Woodward (Dem. ) of 18,718. The vote in the State on Governor stands: Rusk (Rep.), 138,247; Woodward (Dem.), 114,539; Olin (Pro.), 17,08; Cochrane (Labor), 21,440. Attousey-Gexeral Garlamd on the 23d received ketter from William A. Stone, of Pittsburgh, who was suspended from his office of United States District Attorney for activity in the recent campaign in Pennsylvania.' His letter is modeled after that of Colonel Benton, who was suspended for like action and subsequently reinstated. Tm: will of ex-President Arthur was made last spring, and provides for his family and relatives only. The property to bo distributed amounts to il00,000 in real estáte and about the same amount in securities. Hox. Leoxaiid Swett and others presented a petition on the 23d to Judge Scott, of the Illinois Supremo Court, at Bloomington, for a supersedeas in the case of the condemned Chicago Anarchists. R. Tan.neh's official majority for Stato Treasurer of Illinois, as canvassed by the State Board on the 22d, is 3Ö,4?2, and Richard Edwards' for Superintendent of Public Instruetion, 36,5S4. The majority for the constitutional amendment is 19,885. Hehhkut M. Hoxie, general manager of the Gould railway system in tho Southwest, died in New York on the 23d, aged lifty-six years. Frehehika. Miller died at the Grand Central Hotel in Milwaukee on the 23d, aged about one hundred years. Tim South Carolina Legislatura met in recular session on the 23d at Columbia. The official vote of Virginia at the recent election shows a total vote of 225,301, dlvided as follows: Democratie, MS,W1; opposition (consisting of Independent Democrats, Republicans, etc.), 123,080; opposition majority, 20,859. The funeral of Charles Francls Adams, Sr. was held in Boston on the 23d. W. C. Georqe, the noted English runner, arrived in New York on tho 23d, where he will rematn permanently. Mus. La:ioieh, ninety-threo years of age, representing one of tho oldest creóle familios, died in New Orleans on the 24th. President Cleveland on the 24th declined to reinstato William A. Stone, suspended from office as District Attorney for tho Western district of Pennsylvania for taking too active an interest in politics. Justice Scott, of the Illinois Supremo Court, on the 25th granted a writ of error in tho condemned Chicago Anarchists' case, thus staying tho execution set for December 8. The court will not sit on the caso until tho March term. Erastis Bbooks, onee a prominent journalist and politician in Now York, died on the 25th, aged seventy years. Ez-Oovebnob Ciienï, of Manchester, has been appointed United States Senator from New Hampshiro to succoed Austin F. Pike, deceased. Maïok-elect Abram S. Hewitt was on tho 24th sworn into office by Mayor Grace in the city hall at New York. A mum must erectoü in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, by tho Thirteenth regiment to Clarenco D. McKonzie, a year-old drummer boy who wa killed at Annupolis, Md., Jun-il, 1801, Was um 011 tlir SSth. A ÍOBI in New York City on ih i 36tb.decidcd that Blind Turn, th" colebratod pianist, U insane, and unable to care fr himself. Torn is thhty-sevon ydan old, and has earned fnr his maaager, Jame M. Bethune, of Virginia, over $630,000, a portion of which iii, mother, aged eightyyean, thinks theought to have. It was announoed on tho Sfith that persons joiuing tho Heury Qeorge l'rogressive Democratie party are compollert to pledgo thi'insc-lvi's Unit thcy will abide by tho decisión of the inajority ; ilo faithful coramitteo work; uso all legitimato means to procuro votes for thoir eandidatea ; attend all meetings of the organization ; und report any indications of treaehory to tho party that may como to their knowledge. Tuk Houso sub-committcea on the District of Columbia andsundry civil appropriation bilis woro in session at Washington on tho 20th. Tue funeral of H. M. Hoxio, tho railway manager, took placo at Des Moines, Ia., on the 2üth. FOREIGN. CnoLEKA was reported on the 23d as provailing in tho Argentino Republic. All the Russian steamers on the Danubo were on tho 22d ordcrud to proceod to Udessa. Germany refused to protect tho Bulgarian conspirators. The steamer Barnard Castle, in thecoal trade between Puget Sound und San Francisco, was wrecked on tho 22d near Victoria, B. C. Loss, (100,000. A Family of four persons living near Breslau wero killed the other night by a peasant who entered the houso to rob it, und, being discovered, attacked tho inmates with a hutchet. The Austrian Government has prohibited "poker" playing. Pkiscess Beatrice, tho youngest daughter of Quoen Victoria, gave birth to a son on the Md. Dacoits entered the British cantonment at Bahamo, Burmah, on tho SSd, set flro to tho barracks and killed Uireo sleeping Europeans. Lieltenan't Peahcv returnod to Halifax 'ontheSSd from Groenland, which country, he reports, can be oroued trom west to east by futuro Arctipexplorlngexpedltlona. Tuk siuail-oK was spreading rapidlyon the SBd in Upper Austria. A dozen villages wero already infocted and üvo or six deaths were reported dailv. A man and his wifc uamed Thomas were on the 2!id sontenced to death at Paris and the wife's two brothers, uamed Lobon, to imprisonment for life, for murdermg Mme, Lebon, their mother, whom they burned to death in order to inherit her uioney. Advkks of the 23d from Durban stata that a revolt was in prBgross iimong th nativos against Portugueso authority iu Southeastern África, and that nine thousand men had been killed in battle. Rei'obts on tho 23d from Afghanistan say that the rebellion there rapidly spreading. The Ameer had been defeated in battle by the Ghilzais. Twentï fresh cases of cholera worc reported in Buenos Ayres on the üth, and thediseaso had spread to Ensenada, Cordova and San Nicolás. I.Mi'ourixT gold discoverios have caused a general revival of the industries of Australia. Tue Dominion oilcloth factory at Montreal was burned on tho 25th. It was valued at 1100,000 and employed flvo hundred men. Tue Dominion Government will endeavor to keep tho St. Lawrenco river open all winter. TnE Mexican Government on the20th proclaimed the abolition of interstate dutiea on national and foreign merchandise in transit. Michael Dayitt, in an interview on tha 26th at Montreal, Can., said he knew that O'Donovan Kossa was seeking to take his life, but that ho had no fear of hini. and said he would givo Rossa a dressing down when ho reached New York. The English Post-Offlco Department in London decidod on the 2üth that American postal cards addressed by a label machino muid not be delivered iu that country. LATER NEWS. The report of the General Superintendent of tho Life-Savii:g Service shows thut at the close of the last fiscal year tho Mtablishmont ombraei'il 211 stations. During that period only 27 out of a total oi persons imperüed wero lost. The numbor of vessels lost was 88, and the value of property saved was $5,073,078. The boot and shoe flrm of J. & S. B. Sachs, of Cincinnati, made au aMignment on the 17th, with liabilities of 300,OUÜ. The jail at Somervillo, Tcnn., was on tho 27th destroyed by a firc lightedby a prison er. Nine men in conünement were trausferred to JIcmphis. A fike on tho 27th dostroyed two largo grain clevators with their contents, nine business places and thrce dwellings at Duluth, Slinn. Total loss, f'JO0,0O0. Threo men perished in tho llames. Sevehe earthquako shocks were reported on the 27th in Asia llinor. The Municipal Council of Paris on the 27th requested United State Minister McLean to intercede with the Governor ot Illinois in behalf of thu condemned Anarchists of Chicago. The establishment of the Lockwood Mauufacturing Company, builders of steamships and manufacturersof machincry, was burnod at East Boston, Mass., on the 38th. Loss, Í300,000. Jlus. Mauo.vuet Jhhome, supposcd to havo been tho widow of Creneral Jerome, the noted Confedérate oftlcer, was found starved to death in a gariet iu New York on the 37th. At twenty-six leading clearing-houses in the United States tho exchanges during tho week ended on the 27th aggregated ?1,021,203,845, against $1,901,441,733 the previous week. As comparcd with the corresponding week of 1SS5 the decrease amouuta to 0.C por cent. As exodus of colored peoplc from several countios in South Carolina was taking place on the 27th. The Internal-Rovenue Bureau at Washington on the 27th estiraated that the revenue for November from theoleomargarino tax would amount to about M00,00ü. The dead body of Mrs. Alice Douglass, an actress, was found in the woods mar Sandusky, O., on tho ïrth. It was thought to bc a case of murdor. Im a quarrel on the 28th at Petersburg, Va., Mary Sprigg threw a lighted keroseuo lamp at Susan Sparlock, who was roasted alive by the burning liquid. William Hekiist. president of the First National Bank at Glen Rock, Pa, was arrested on the 27th for embezzlling t50,000. Two suocKS of eartlniual;e woro telt at Summerville, S. C, on the 28th, which rattlod things in a livcly mannor. A slight shock was also folt at Charleston. Geohqb Hazlett and Miss Sadlo Allen, eighteen years old, went through the Niágara Whirlpool and rapids on the 2Sth in a torpedo-shaped barrel. They were in tho rapids and Whirlpool live minutos, and wero taken out of the eddy on tho Canadian sido noue tiic woro for their perilous trip.


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