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Michigan (Tentral The JJiagara Falls (Route. Tira Ul Ih i. kn,L . rli.t N, v. II h. IN'U. Vt i l. u I Sí! ni Unid 'I mu-. CHICAGO T' DKTKOIT. E = aS t i SCa SíJí iír 5 __ s á_ 36 _ oo í.m. a.m. r. a i'.m. p. . p. ¦. A.a. Chlrni;o..I,v. i 650 00 8 10 4 40 8 15 9 10.. MichignnOlty! t IX II II 4 55 657 10 18 1127 ... NI' tu 88 1215 54 818 11 1 12 85... KalnmnziK). .. 1217 150 058 50 123: 235 645 Balite Cri'ek. 1 1-2 19 7 33 130 8 20 7 81 "Lfft S !8iiniï7ii Alhlon i 3 32 8 13 a 28 4 OS 8 SO ;'í" k"''" 4 23 8 4 8 15 4 50 15 Ornen Luke ... 3 38 . 5 jj 9 y l'helsea 35 585 953 "xi. r i,, ; 5J5,55 Ann Arbor.... 488 bX 9 45 ... 45 ttOMO'-S Yllaoti 480 5 45 50 ... 4 52 6 24 10 40 ayn.-JuTic. ol5 805... 5 15 R4711O8 Detml ,...Ar. d 00 6 45 10 45 flOC 73 m DETROIT TO CHICAGO f Bf fe I Mí I X " C á L A V .M P.M P M. P.M P.M Detroit.. ..l.v. 7 00 10 130 4 IKI 8 00 915.... Wayne June. 7 40 953 208 4 45 837 9 55 Ypsilaiiti .... 801 10 12 2 20 5 14 85S1020... . AnnArhor... 8 H; 10 2.' 232 530 9 12 1088 ... . 't(r 88! 550 984 Chelsrn giR 6(15 V 52 Oras Lakc. ni (1 27110 15 ".'. 'ck-tn 08611)16 33'2 TÍO 1063 Í203 ..... AÍMr-lili III ; 12 5,, 4;B! 8 3U11 47 104 . ... Batlle Creek.. II 03 114 ) 40 8 .W 12 12 185 a.m Kalaniuzuu... 1152 1 50 5 15 45! 120 I IR 4 45 MichlKHl.Clty 2 5x 4 35 7 82. ... 4 32 5 40 8 OS tilica);".. .Ar. 5 15 ti 40 9 30 7 00 8051020 Canada DlvUlon. Detroit TO BüPFALo.- Standard Time. .ifiW lJj STATIONS. 8ÜÏ=IJ! SgË p. m. r, h. a. a. a. m. Detroit.. ..Lv 7 U 10 {6 5 00 6 10 12 05 p.m St.TliomasAr 1105 2 07 10 10 9 40 3 25 A. ü. p. M. Tnronto...Ar 9 10 5 20; Ottawa pmVtó 4 88 Montreal 9 0U 8 20 Quehec A63 p. . a.m St.Thoma8,Lv 1 1 11' 2 12 100 9 50 8 30 Waterford . . . . 12 2B! 3 241 8 04 11 11Í4 43 Weiland 153 i 42, 5 12 12 41 ti oti Fallo Vicw 1 119 ... N. FalK Ort. 2 22 5 08 12)6 85 Sugp'pHdye. 2 3.5 5 20 140 6 80 BurFAi-o TO DETiioiT- Standard Time. ¦ i A i [ a. m. p. a, Philadel'a..Lv 9 00 p. a 8 JO New York... 10 30 6 00 9 15 Boston, 8 30 3 00 T )0 Worcester... 9 50 4 20 8 a Spring field... 11 35 6 05 10 1611 Albany 3 (lOpm 10 05 2 16a Ttica 5 45 líSiim 5 5 Syracuee 7 40 2 00 1 7 20 RocheetiT.... f5 .4 00 10 00 liuflalo....Ar 12 15 5 50 12 15p a. ín. Á. m. Bu flato... J.v 11 30pm 5 45 6 05 9 00 11 35 Susp'nBM'pre 12 30 'é'48 2 38 N. Fallp.Ont. 12 15 6 55 12 56 Fallo Viuw 7 04 1 05 Wellanil 110 7 26 7 10,10 05 188 St .Thomas Ar 4 II) 9 55 11 15 1 1 10 4 85 (uehcc....l.v 2 80 10 00 Montnal 800 900 Ottawa t 11 45 12 ?5 Toronto, 8 10 1 05 St.ThcmaeLv 4 15 10 00 3 00 1 15 I 4 48 Detroit.. „Ai 805am 1 Oópni 8 45 5 20p 8 44 t Stops only to let oír puseeni:. rs. Ï Stops only on sitíiialt. O. W. lU'fiGl-ES, H. W. HAYBS. G. P. JfcT. Agent Aft.. Aun Arlor. Chlcaco. A1N ARBOR SAYINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAL, $SO,OOO. Oreanizcd nnder the General Hnnkli t' Law ¦¦! tbis State, thestockholdors indMi'.aally Hable foran addltional amount equal to thestoik held t'j them, thereby creatina a Uuurantee Fund for (b benefit of Deposltors of $100,000.00. Three per cent. interest is allowed on all Sjtv'nirí Depopití of one dollar and upwarde, accordiiiK tn the rules of the Itank and interent conip.'Uiided semi-annually. Kuuey to Loan on UDtuctimbeivd real catate and other good eecurity. DIBBCTOR8: C1IRI8TIAN MACK, WM. U. IIAKUIMAN. W. W. WINKs. DAN1KL IllSCOt'K, W1LLIAM DKUBEL, VTl.l.AKi) B. BMII 11. DAVID K1N8EY. OFFICER8: C. MACK, Preo. W. W. WINKS, . 'ce-Preo. . ü. niSCOCK.flilBhler. INSURANCE REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OP A.W. HAMILTON Office, Xo. 2, First Floor, Hamlltou lilock. Partiesdesirlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll ilnd it to tbeir advunlage to cali ou me. I represant 15flrst-class Klre Insurance Corapanies, having an oggregnte capital over }30,000,000. Kal rs I,ov. Losses liberal ly aüj usted and promptly pald. I also Issue Life nnd Itivestraent Pollcles In the New York Mutual Lire Insurance Company, Assetts, iöö.OOO. Persons desiring Aocldent Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrilten for theni OP Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets issued at Low rates In the Accident Insuranee ('oinpany of Nortli America. Mmiev to I.oan at Current Kates. Ollice houra froni s a. m. to IS in. and 'Z to 5 p. m. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamilton Block. W. TREMAINE'S FIHE A XI) LIFE. INÏIIRAM1I_AGBW)Ï ! o. 10 East Hnron Street, )pposlte Cook House. Ten First-Class Coinpaulr.s r.prt'st'iiteU. Assetts Over $25,000,000. 1319-13UH. ' NOTICE. VTOTICK Is bereby Iven tbat Hiere wlil be j. i a ipeolaJ iru-.-i hik of Ibe siockhoUlers of be Toledo. Ann Arbor and iVorlh MIchlKaa Kallway at luc Company's office Iu Toledo, Jhlo, on November 29th, A. D. '86, at 1 o'clock p. m. The object of sald meeting is to approveor -.'j.'ct ibeagreement for c.msoiidatum hereoion made by the lïoard of Dlrectors of the roledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan rall,v:iv oornpany and the Toknio, Ann Arbor nul Mt. Pleaaanl rallway company. and for !)¦ 1 1 ;i itsactlon of such otller business in nay oom belore the ineetlni;. C. F. COOK, socrelary. Jated Toledo, Ohio, Sept. LMtli, ls-ii. O The III ÏK.RS' GCIDK U Ijuiueil Srpt and -Hunh, tiuli yeax. 3ia pagn, 8, 11 1 1 . li . . , 1 1 ! v er 3,5OO lUuatraUona - ¦nlmlf Picture Gallrrjr. CIVKS Wholesale Priem rfirrri to tonsumers on all goods for personal or famllj' U8 Trlla hou to order, and glves exact coat of evrrythlng you e, eat, drink, wtar, o have fun witli. These nVALIAIILK HOOK.S contain Information gleaned from the tnarketa of the world. W "111 mail u copy FREE to uir addreaa npon receipt of 10 ets. to defray expense of mailing. Let ui hear from rmi, Rtspectfully, MONTCOMERY WARD &. CO. n & 112 Wabaab Afcivii t'hUito, 111.


Ann Arbor Courier
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