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M VSO VU' I! Klit TOKYASN rkok Commandkky, No. 13 meets flrst l'umjJay or r;u"i iii.Hitb, W. Q. Doty, E. C; W. A.. Tololiard. U.vorder. V v-iH i'k.v vv i'iivitek, No. fi, R A. M.- Meets flrst Mnnday each inonth. Isaac Handy, H P.; Z. Koath, Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. DCALEB IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis ntli-nteil to Day or Nlghl. Eml:ilmlng a speclalty. Stóerooin on E. Washington streel. Hesldence Cor. Liberty and Klflh. W. II. JACRSOV, IIE3II ISrilTIIIIISIlf'll. OFFICK : Orer Bach & Abel's Dry Goml Store. Entrance next to National Bank. WIL.L.IAM lllli. Houso, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! l'apcrine, Glazine, (illding, and Oalclralnlnc, nd work or every Sescrtpttoo In the b.-t style. and warrunn-d to glve tisfactlon. Shop, No. 4 W. Washineton St., Ann Arbor. W W. & . MCIIOI.S, Rooms Over Aun Arbor Savintrs Itank, Masonic Temple Itlock. GAS or VITALIZED AIR Adminleterert for thf palnlen extraction ( teelh. STATE STREET ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, If yon want a neat Sutt do not order nntll yon tiave eeeu .lOXIOI'I! KHHKV, Merchant Tallor, State itreet, Ann Arinr, Mtch. You will tlnd a very Une line of Migliali Worsteüs for DreM Sults, and a the Newest simde and W.-av.-s In Baok Stiltlngs íuul trowsenugs In st ck and samples to or ¦ U '(Tai kn"g experlence in Cattlng aW " to glve you a and perfect flt, and Clot iet. malde in Brsl-clasi order, at l.owest Living Prices Cali and si-i for yonrse f. Respectaillyyours ky Tftllor CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security held lor th pmtuctinn of the pollc) hoUl'Tl". CHRISTIAN MACK ow tn Itïy-Sve ynrr: MtM,ot Bitrtford. Vii'm"ÍÍ GermanlH, N. Y ?'3a2S Gorman Amerian.N Y. !: N. V. L'mUTwritrrs, N. V ?'W Natfci'iat Hartford l.'j ¦¦ ( ¦' PhoBtiix, Brooflyn Ï759,O?6 Losse llberall adjusted and prómpDy pnidPolicies issued at the loweat rates of premium. llWltf . LÏJMBERI LTJMBEK! LÏÏMBSK! lf you contémplate building, BaTi at FERDON [Mi ïl! (Jortier Fourlh and Depot Sts., and ge our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Luinber and guaraiilcc AERY LOW PRICES Í-Givc us a cali and we vll make t to you interest, as our larRC and well (."aded stock fully ustains our assertion Tclcplimie ConneUions ?! í KBBCH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A715ePOR3EST. Fire Insurance Flate G-lass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowcst Rates, Honorable Adjustineuts and Losscr Promptly Paid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attentiox givrnto ColIjEctton o Rknis am Mana'ikmknt uk Kkai. K.hTATE I.NTKKESTS KOK NON-llKSI DKNT8. E.NTtRE 8ATISÍACTION TO OWNKKM GUARANTUD. A. DeFORKST. Mmorc moncy than at anythini;clee hy tak Ing au aiioucy for tb'i beet HclUng book out. H"KlnnerB ucrced giandly. None fall Terms frc'e. Uallktt Book Co., Portland, Mnlpe AQTUMft CURED! u a i niviu sue tru' nWI I I 191 II inr.- thf must krptical GERMÁN ASTHMA CÜRErSJ. mout violent attüt-k: innurcp romfortable iileoi); Rffoctu ( urvR wfaen nll tither remedie! f ml. No wiiitiiiK tor ifsulis. Ii nrllon 1h Imirirdifitr, ilinci and trri.iin, iinrt n riirnt, rflTectedfn all ( I K Alïl.lC CASEH "It penniiientlj cured me Rcfer to me tt wy Ume." fían. R. IaU. St. Paul, Minn. "I Iffl enltreiy reitored to bcallb bj Germán Aithni ("ure.Tkv. futon, Ilanttttn, OAto. '(trnnti Aithma Cure U U tou llm for IU It nevar Wil." i'rvf. E. Fon Angerlin, GrtenvUU, S C. Mt phTictao reoommenl9 d Gennin Aithma It cured nt. Mr. M L. Trtrxck, lMtidotidtny. OMo Tkeoukadi at mlltr Lettert oa tilt. Aak fcaj dnafgUl bout It. Oortniin Anibnin (ur 11 Md by all drnirRiHtHMSOr.aml SI,OT wnt by mail on receipt ofprice. Tnal i('k:iKi irvv to aiiy addrms fur Btoinp_Ji1Hmji_AX_M._ll..Wt.iM.Mlwit. SUBSCRIBE ïrlellüRm


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