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Capt. Mitchell of the bark Antninc Sala, New York and Havana trade. camp. home in Mnv, enlirey lielplefs witli rlipumatisin. He went !d tli" mountaina, bnt recpivinp 110 heneflf, at bis wife'l request bepan to take Hood'i Siirsaparilla. Heiininedintely bpgnn to improve; in two inonths" hip rlienmatism was uil enni', and lic suilod in roniiniinilot' hls vessel a woll min. HnodNi SirsapiirillH wlll lielp yon. Sold 1}' all (lriifríílíts. isirraviiy In wrlfdom, bnt no particular wisdom In gravity. Drnnkenneso. or Mqnor Hábil, ron be Curod by Admlnistorimr Dr. Haiiies' Golden gpwlflc. It can be .'ven in ti cup of coffee r ten without thu knowledge t Ilie perton lak n jt It, effocting a tpeedy and )ci niiiiu'iii run1, whether the putii'iit li a moderate drinker or an Hlcolinllc wrtck. TlionMildt of driinknrils have bwii nnidi' tcinpenite int'ii ulio have tuken Hm öoldt-n Spt'cific in Iheir C"tlVe willicmt llwir knnwlerlge, and lo-dy beltavp thcy qult drlnkitiffof tliflr nwu f ree will Nn liHiinful cllecls repulí IMin il iidmmi-l'iition. ('uu 8 yfiiarantecd. Si-nd for circular umi fnll particular. Aildii's In onnlMpnw Golden Hpecilic Co., 185 Rare ., Olntrtnuati, Ühio. Itch, Prairie Mange, and HrnUrhe of evry kind cured In thirty minutes by Wuiidfont 's Stmüary iMion. Use no otlier. 'l'liis never faile. Sold by II. .). Brown, druggiftt, Ann Arbor. 12Ö8-1340


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News