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C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! ... 4 South Main StM Aun Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of acentury ago. Represen ting the followlng flrst-clasB companles, with over 960,000,000 Capital and Asaets. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. (il KAKI) INS. CO., of Phlladelpbla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON EIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Rates Loyt as tlie Lowest, Losses Liberally Ailjiistcil and promptly Faid. C. H. MILLEN. ANN ARBOR FRUIT OECHARD. BARTLETTES, FLEMISH BEAUTY And all kinds of Auturnn Pears. WHITE GUAPES, CONCORD GRAPES, SALEM GRAPES. RASPBERRY, 8HRÜBS, and WINE. Picase cali nt the orchard on West Huron streef, or scnd your orders for Fruit nnd Fruit Trees eariy to EMILBAUR, - ANN ARBOR. 1289-tf CardofThanks. The Ludies of the Charitable Union desire to acknowlege a liirge donatlon of Men's and boys clothing from Blitz & Langsdoif, of cloaka and dry good 8 from D. F. Schairer and an order for $20 In goodsfromWines& Worden. They would also return thanks for the liberal collection on Thanksgiviüg day. AIrs. Jno. R. Miner, Secretary. Have your Pictures Iramed at Randall'g. Rt-duced prices for a month. A clear head is Indlcativeof good healtb and regular habita. When the body is languid, and the mind works sluggishly, Ayer's Cathartlc Pilis will assist in the recoveiy of phsic;il buoyoncy and mental ylgor. There is a general complaint among the newspaper blioys that tlie usual news avenues are quite unproductive just now - even the Keek failure is getting stale. Pictures frained at reduced prices for 30 days at Ratidall's. Charles Comstock is in jail on a charge of shooting at Elmer Briggs recently. The two live about a half mile west of Saline and have had some trouble about different things. Comstock claims to have been shooting at a bird on a barn, but Briggs thinks the ball wh'stled too close to nis ears to make such a tliing possible. Comstock liad a hearing before Justice Carson, of Saline, Saturday, and he was remsnded to juil for trial during the present term of the circuit court, sornetime in January. Public sentiment at Saline appears to be ngainst Comstock. Rheumatism It it an establlthed f act that Hood's Sarsaparlll has proven an lnvaluable reniedy in many severe cases of rheumatism, eflecting remarkable cures by lts powerful actlon ín correcting tlie acidlty of the blood, whieh Is the cause of the disease, and purlfylng and enriching the vital fluid. It it certainly fair to atsume that what Hood's Sarsaparilla has dono for others It wlll do for you. Therefore, il you suffer the pains and aches of rhenmatism, give this potent remedy a fair trial. A Posltlve Core. " I was troubled very much with rheumatism In my hlps, anklcs, and wrlst. I could hardly walk, and was confined to my bed a good deal of the time. Belng recommended to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took four bottles and am perfectly well. ï cheertully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as one of the hest blood purlflers In the world." W. F. Wood, Bloomington, 111. For Twcnty Years I have been affllcted with rheumatism. Befor 188S I íound no relief, but grew worie. I the n began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, and It dld me more good than all the other medicine I ever had." H. T. Balcom, Shlrley, Mass. " I suffered irom what the doctors called muscular rheumatism. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and am entirely cured." J. V. A. Pboudfoot, letter carrier, Chicago, 111. We shall be glad to send, free of charge, to all who may desire, a book containlng many addltlonal statements ol cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all drufctfsts. f 1 ; slx for $r. Made only by C. I. II0ÜD & CO., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono' Dollar.


Ann Arbor Courier
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