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The tollowing offlcers were electeJ on W...

The tollowing offlcers were electeJ on W... image
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The tollowing offlcers were electeJ on Wednesday evenlng, Decemher 8th, at regular meeting of the Knlghts of th Maccabees, and will be installed on th 39d. After iustallation a banquet wi! be served : Past Oommander- Fred Barker. Commander- Rufus Sanfonl. Lleutenant Commandir - KuaolpU Lutz. Prelate- A. Frank Hangsterfer. Record Keeper- Adam Seyler. Finan ceer- Hudson T. Morton. Seargeaut- John C. Fisher. Maater-at-Arina - Wra. Couslns. lat Maater of Guarda- Parla Baofleld . 2d MustiT of Guarda- Mouroe E. Swarthout Sentlnel- Eddy Jacobus. Pleket- George P Stauch. Tent Phyaiclan-Wm. F. Breakey. At the district meeting of the Indepen dent Order of Good Templara held in thi ¦city ycsterday the following offleers wer chosen and installed: Dist. Chlef W. F. Brainard. o Saline. Dist. Coun.-George Scott, Ann Arbor. Dist. Ree. Sec.- Miss Alllce Putnam, Mllan Dist Fin. Sec- Alexander Wardell, Mllai Dlat. Treaa.- Joseph Faulk, Ypallantl. Ulst. Guard. - Miss Mary Thayer, Aun Arbor. Dist. Sent.- Q. Q. Crozler, Ann Arbor. P. D. (J. T.- O. H. S. Crozler, Ann Arbor. Marshal- Wm. Mack. Ann Arbor. Dep. Mar.- Miss Sadle Spear, Ypsilantl. Asslst. Sec- Chaa. A. Salyer, YpsllHUtl. Dlat. Chap.- C. A' Loomls. Ann Arbor. Measenger- Geo. Walker, Saline. At a regular meeting of Welch Post, G. A. E., last Friday eveninjf, the follow ing offlcers were elected: Post Commander- Prof. Chas. E. Greene. Senior Vloe Com.- Comrade Win. J. Clark Junior Vlce Com.- Comrade A. F. Martin Offlcer-oflhe-Day- Comrade E. 8. Manly. Omcer-of-the-Gaard- Henry Marsh. Chaplain- Paat Commander H. S. Dean. Inalde Guard- Chaplain Roberl Campbül üutslde Ouard- Stephen Moore. Quartermaaler- Conrad Noli. Repreaentatlves to State Eocampment - Comrades B. W. simt h and J. l. A. Sesalona Altérnales- Comrades Gardner and Pettee Kepre8entatlves to Grand Rápida, Dedica tlon of Soldlers' Home - Past Commando Dean, Comrades Wlnana and Noli. - The Adjutant, Sergeant-Major an Quartermaster Sergeant, belng appointed offlcers, will be named at the next meet ing of the Post, when the inatallation o offlcers takes place. The followitifc, from the Pontiac Ga zette, tella the story of a fuitliful man, o whom duplicates are hard to ftnd : " Hon Edward P. Ferry of Utah, or more prop erly speaklng of Grand Huren, one o the truest men and truest brothera tha ever lived on this earth, visited his son at the Military Academy the flrst of the week. If Mr. Ferry's healtu is gparcd another year we predict tliat Uo will have wiped out by hls individual efforts, the total liabilities, both finn and personal of all the companles with which Ferry Brothers were connected, amouuting to a raillion and a h;ilf of dollars, and all this in face of the bet that lie could have eomproniised on his own terina."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News