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'Min wants but llttle here betow! " The aunement caxises mlrth- It must havo been In early times- For DOW He wants the earth. .Supervisors meet again January 3d. Remember that Will Carleton lectures at Univcr8ity hall Prlday evenine. Sheriff Wnlsh received an appointmen as deputy U. S. marshal last Tliursdny. .ierome Mlnnis has received $100 back pay and hereufter $24 per nionth pension Allmendinger k Schneider have shut down the Central Mills thtl week for re pairs. The public schools of tlie city close Friday for the holiday raaattoQ of two weeks. The Hessian fljr is reported at work on the wheat orop in several parta of this county. The per cent. of injury to the potato erop by rot, in this county, is placed nt the figure 6. Protection Hose Co. alves a New Ycar's ball at Fireraan's Hall, Friday evening Dec. 8U& Sleigh bells this a. m., for the first time this winter. Bat the slcighing is not extravagantly good. A 400 Ib. live hog went through by ex press yesterday. A delicate job the boys had bMdllng him, Rates to the State Teachers' Institute at Lausing from the 28th to 30th will be one fare for the round trip. The State Grange is in session nt the capítol iu Lansing, and Waahtenaw has some representatives present. The Dec. erop report give3 the condition of live stock in this county as follows: Horses 99, cattle 98, 8heep 98, swine;08. Jacob Keichert, of Scio, was the flrst town treasurer to pay over state and county taxes to the county treasurer. A lecture on "Sky-Wonders" will be delivered by Dr. Itamsay at the A. M. E. church on the evening of December 28th. Lvi P. Rose, once famous in Ann Arbor for his great silver mine schenies, is in the city this week, havinga case in court. All of Ann Arbor's taxes, state, county, municipal and school, according to Treasurer E&rg'g rolls, amount to f 12,851.97. The iiew press and water motor which our friendsof the Argus have put In are both in working order now, and do their work well. The mission circle ol the M. E. Church meets at the residence of Dr. P. B. Rose, corner of Jefiurson and Stite streeu, S iturday night. Saturday night or Sunday morning some one shot a hole through the ceuter of one of the plate glass windows of J. J. Goodyear's drug store. The work of putting water in the court house, putting in new water closets, etc, which is being done by Hatzel ft Co., is fast approaching completion. Tüe olïïcers of Washtenaw Cliapter, 11. A. M., were installed Monday evening by Grand Klng B. F. Watts, and Grand High Priest T. B. WÜMOa. Will Watts, th%, E vening Xews correspondent here is one of the very best natured "boys" in the city, but lie draws the line on driving nails through his ulster. The case of Lehman vs. Taylor, for slander - both parties being lawyers was decided in favor of the plaintiff last Thuríday, the jury awarding hira f 1.00 lamages. "The Golden Horse,'1 will not be the subject on which Will Carleton will discourse to-morrow evening, at Universit}' hall, but a one-half dollar in silyer is all it will cost. Some of the young attorneys conducted a case before Justice Frueauff 's court last Monday, and dld it in an excellent manner too, which bids fair for their future caree rs. Something almost unheard of is the erection of buildings in December, but this year workmen have rushed up B. GreeiVs hlock on Fourth street and several dwellings on West Huron street. For the flrst time in a number of years wheat has made a rise in the uionth of December, going up from 70 to 75 cents. As there appears to be no real cause it 8 thought tliat it is the resul t of speculation .ii 1 and cannot la-t. The common council refuse to let the people have a chance to ride in street cars for five cents at all hours, and to be consistent, unanimously agree to let the livery men doublé their charges after nine o'clock, from 25 to 50 cents for each passé ïger. Comment is uunecessary. The store of J. Henry Ford, of Mllan was b roken luto on the night of Dec. 12th, and a quantity of jewelry, scarfí, mulllers, etc, taken to the amount of about 150. Ford offers $2 reward for any infoitnation that will lead to the arrest of the thieves. Mrs. Catharine Sipley, mother of City Marshal Fred Sipley, died on Saturday, Dec. 11, aged 69 years, of dropsy and heart disease. She had been a resident of this city 43 years. Funeral services were held from Bethlehem Iuthemn church, yesterday forenoon. Court convened Monday a. m., at 8 o'clock sharp (standard), with judge and jury on hand. The case of the People vs. A. C. Bllss was called but no one responded. The judge patiently waited a half hour, and no one nppearing the rorogni.ance was declarad íbrfeited, the jury discharged, and court adjourned for one week from next Tuesday. Just as tlie order had heen entered Mr. Rliss appeared with his attorney. The ildswalkl are for the public good, and are awd by the general public, anjl are used by the general public, and therelliurefore it is righ tliat the public authoritics should take tome meaos of clearing thein trom HUMT, The 4th ward alderman Wbo sent a now plow over the walks ut liis w.iiil thli inoming dld a Comtncnriable tliiiifj, ]ut what the Mermen of evi-ry ward OUght to do. Anil it ouht to In; clone bntbre tcbool time. There is a ijreat tran-form ation scène down at the old Well tannery. The building has beun rn-roofed, re-windowed, and reneweil in inany vvays Thu greater portion has been thiishcd olT iüto a fine Isrge room for the Oynamos and pnulnes, the lattor three in nuinher. The east end of the building will ie ued for the bollen which the workmen will be busy Mtting t'i-day or toinoirow. 'l'lip ground about the premises has been fllled in, a side-track is bcinjr put In for the use of the Thomson-Huston Electric Llght Co., and everythlng assumes an air of business thereabouts. Howard E. Gidley has moved his stoc of millinery to his residence, 31 8. Ingall street. The average yield of clover seed po acre of acreage harvested this ycar is 1.0 lmshels. 'I'lie Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co holds its annual meeting W'ednesday Jamiary 5th. Frank Hangsterfer has liad a large ue ice house erected upou the site of th ones burnod last spring. The Une uien starled out Monday put ting up the electric light wires which tliey make pretty fast tiuie stringing. It is suggested that the legislatur amend the "game laws" this win tur so a to prohibit the bucking of the tiger. Gco. C. Peters haying become tlred o public life aa postma9tar of Scio, Michael T. Taylor has been appointed in his place Ilalf-fare over the Michigan Centra Railroad to Grand Kapids, Dec. 30th, to witness the dedication of the Soldiers Home. There will be a concert at the M. E Church of this city, next Wednesdaj evening, Dec. 22d, under the auspices o the Sunday School. Henry D. Bennett sends us recent Les Angeles papers descriptive of that región which may be appropriately termed " the garden of the Gods." Miss Paulina Braun, daughter of Mr and Michael Braun of S. Main st. died last Saturday and was buried Monday. bhe was 10 years of age. There was a regular old-fashionec spelling school at the M. E. Church last evening, and Dr. S. H. Adams took the prize for spelling down the school. One week frora Saturday old Santa Clause is due. Whether he will really appear or uot depends very intnh on the Sfood nature or prosperity or pater f amüas. Col. P. B. Stockbride, of Kalamazoo, lias been appointed by the Governor-elect, as a meniber of the State Board of Visitors to the University. It is a good choice. Those interested in the county agricultural society will please notice the cali for a meeting of the same at the court house, Tuesday, December 21st. Try and be present. There was a duel fought in one of the down town restaurants last Friday. The principáis were In earnest but the secondg supplied the shooting irons with blank curtridges. The condition or W. Catharine street (or Miller avenue), where the jail drain was recently dug acrpss it is villainous. Whoever dug the trench ought to be made to put the streets through which it runs in as good condition as before. Eight correspondente from Washtenaw county to the secretary of state's office in Lansing report the condition of wheat Dec. lst, as 92 percent, as compared with average years and 97 percent, as eompared with a corresponding date last year. Wij. Spokes, son of Amos Spokes, of this city, was one of the proprietors of of the Petoskey flouring mills, burned December 5th, and the loss thereby is $8,000 with $4,500 insurance. The other proprietor was Mr. Biikitt, of Hudson, near Dexter. Andrew Eberhardt went into the cellar of Chas. Schafler, iu the 5tn ward, the other nicht and made so much noise that ie scared the people in the house, who :ad him arrested therefor, and he will ïave his hearing before Justice Frueauff next Monday. Grand Rapids wants the United States senatorship, and trots out Hon. J. C h'itzgerald. When sufficient years crown lis brow - we believe he has a good supjly of brains now - there is a former Ann Arbor boy in Grand Rapids who Would make a live senator. The "Shiller Verein " of Ann Arbor ïeld its fifth meeting Friday evening. The society is conducted entirely in German. Among the leading features of the evening was ati essay ou Shiller, giving he entire llfe of the great wrlter. The aim of the society is for the promotion of the Germán language. Mrs. Ellen Condón, who llved with her daughter, Mrs. Joana A. Ganson, corner of E. Ann and N. Thayer st., died Tuesday morning, of old age, having reached 36 years. She was the mother of Mrs. Peer Tulte of Dexter; and of Capts. Ed. and Jas. W. Condón, both of Buffalo, who are at present in the city, to attend he funeral. Just as we go to press we learn of the death of Mis. Dr. H. R. Arndt, which occurred last evening, at their home cor. N. University Ave., and S. State St. Hrs. Atndt had been 111 for a long time, of cancer ot the stomach, and had not cen able to be out for several months. The family have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. Every suventh year the Catholic church observes what is known as the jubilee, nul the observance of the game doses his evening at St. Thomas' Church. Services have been held each day this week at 7J2' and 9 o'clock a. m., and 3 and J2 o'clock p. m. These services are conucted by Rev. Fr. Van Antwerp, of } ittle Creek, Rev. Fr. Fierle exchanging with him for the week. It is coming! We are going to have one! Ann Arbor keeps pace with creaion ! This Item is to announce that tlr. Harry R. Morse, in company with others, is to erect a toboggan elide at what is known as " the cat hole," In the th ward, at once. The slide will be 500 eet long, have 60 feet fall, have three lides and return walk, and the parties ïope to give a free slide on the same, )¦:. :lst, 1886. Good news for the boys and girls. The alftfction of a dog for his master vas ghown in a remarkable way at the ïome of Mayor Robison a few days since. When the Mayor's son, Jas. A. went to Jetroit recently he made a contract to ïave his laundry work done at home. Ie left his canine here also. L:ist Monlay when the clothing was gathered for he washing, Jame's clolhes were not vith the rest, and upon searching for hem it was tound that hl? dog had careülly selected out every article from the ile of soiled clothes belonging to his natter, even to the collais and cuff, and itd 0MCÍ them for 11 bed for himself. The trouble8 of a newspaper man are oluminous. Besides having to listen mtiently to the many who know all about running a newspaper, and continually fire hints and guggestlons about omething that ought to be done, he 9 voefully bothered by articles and items rushing in at the last minute This last week there were several items that canie 11 Thursday morning, the day after he paper was publislied, and enough were handed in Wednesday to fill half the paper. So we are obliged once again to ask our friends to hand ii items and articles for publicatiou not later than Tuesday.