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'vVilO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, W!Lu 3EE 3Y EXAMIIilHC THI8 MAP, TKAT THZ 2iT ' " - CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By tP9"íot of tts central posltlon, close relatlon to principal linea East of Chfcapo and continuous linea at torminal polnts West, Northwest and Southwest -is t!;e only tl'Uö müUUa-liiik in tliat transcoxitiïiontal systozn whicii invites and faail' wates tri'TTol oud trafile in either directiou between the Atlantic and Pacific. 'lile Koek lsland main line and branches include Chica(?o,Joliet, Ottawa, La S'Uo.Pocria, G-oneneq, Moline a.".d Rock lsland, in Illinois; iDavenport, MuscttriD, Wushing-ton, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Libertyjlowa City, ijcj 1 1. inee, liiJiauola, Winturset. Atlantic, Knoxville, Audubon, Harían, and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Gallatin, Treuton, St. Joseph, Canieron a X : oity, ín Missouri; Leavenworth aud Abchison, in Kansas; Albert I en. ipolia and St. Pav.l, in Minnesota; Watortown in Dakota, and hundrecia of - -itüA'uiodiute cities, towns and villages. THE GREAT ROCK 8SLAND ROUTE Cunrintocs Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbtd ia tnorouehly ballasted. lts traok is of heavy steel. It: bridees a'-e solid straotnrea of tstoua and iron. lts rollinff stock is perfect as human skill cun malie it. It has all the eafety appliances that meohamcal g-eniua has invented and e:c-peiieuce proyed valuable. lts practical operation i3 conservativa and ir.ethodl:iu- tt3 discipline strict and eacacting-. The luxury of it3 passentver acconunoda'jons ia unecmaled in the West- unsurpassed in the world AIL i:.XPBESS TBAINS between Chicago and the Missouri River consist jf comfortoWe DAY COACHES, mnpiificmt PULLMAN P&LACE PAELOI' urn: CABS, elegant DINIKQ CARS providiiifr c-xcollent raeals. and 'i Plcago, St. Joaeph, Atchiaon and Kanaas City-restful RECLININÖ THC FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Ib tho diraci, iavorite line between Chicapo and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over Jjuj . juc eolid l'a-t Express ïrains run daüy to tho bummer resorte, picturcsc.uo li c?Jitle9 and huntaig; and fishinir grounda of Iowa aad Minnesota. Tho ïlch wh;at lioldo and erazingr lands of interior Dakota tiro reached via Wateïto-vi'. L. Baprt üesirablo routo, via Séneca and Kankakee. offers superior mdvcetrerta to travelero 'tetwoen Cüioinnati, Ijidianapolis, Lafayotte and Council Bli-ffs ; Joccph, .atc-úson, ieaveüworth, Kansas City, Jüünneapolis, St. Paul anJ i mcoiatd pc' All c1ce3c(ï of patrons, especially families, ladies and chüdren, recelve from '.ra ompoyos z x,ock Isiana tTiiüi v.r toction, ï'ospooti'ul couittüv ai-d ¦¦. tintion. or lcjcot3, Maps, Foidsre - obtainable t all principal Ticket OlScei; in Lltj tTnrc H g ajid or ony flejiod informaüon, address, n. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, redden! and Goneral Manager, Chicago. General Ticket a. J Farsenircr Ae.ii. Ci.icaeo


Ann Arbor Courier
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