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VWEJG la &AKlH I . S-__ --ííc 1. NATURAL FRUIT MOST PERFECT MADE Prpparod v;i.h strïet regard to Pnrlrv, Stranpth, and Hi'ullhf ui ns8. Dr. Prlco' Baklng Powder cuntaina noArmnoniaJ.lme.AlumorPhonphati'. Ir.l'rice'k Extracta, V anilla, l.emon, etc, flavur dvliduiwly. man v lamp ci mix i: vs ABB Offéred for sale ri"iri-siitíl as oil is tfu; l';innii PEiLRL, TOP UI"! TIIEY ARE NOT! And like all Conterfita lurk tlie llcmiirkuMo I.AsTIMi liinlitis oi' Jiir. .i:m i.. ASK FOH TH3 PEARLTOP And Iusist fQLLr?V T II I S upon LïÊ&iÊtiïlë&ri Exnrt wïth Cffií CU11HKEY Pnt.Oct.30lss::. The PÊARLTOP is itlunufm lured O'LV bge:o( a. macbe:th & co PITTSBUUOH, PA. n. tj r tu n. ei. tEGAN'S IMPERIAL TRL'SS. Spiral Spring, xraded fTom 1 to 0 WOKN DAT ASD MGHT, by an lnfant a week oíd, oran mi uit HOyear. Ládlai Trusses a perfectlon Endose stampa fur teatlmonlals of cures, etc. F.GAN IMPERIAL TRÜSS CO.. A NS ARBOR, MlCR cIMams MANUFACTURERS OF ScliGOl and Ctinrcli FUKNITUKE. OPJÍRA HOUSE HI.1IBS AND WIND-MILLS. Are now propared to manofactnre School and ('hurcli Kurulture, and Opera House Chaira, Lawn Settees, C'unip Tables and the TRIUMPH WIND-MILL The best and 8 mplest and most rellable in use. Kepatrlng done on short notlce. Also dealers In PUMPS, CYLIXDERS, PIPES, ETC TANKS MADE TO ORDER. LADDERS, PEACH BOXES, BERRY CRATES, In fact, atiy artlcle made to order. NO. 33 N. FOURTH STREET ANN ARBOR, MICH. BEAL EIS1A1E AND INSURANGE AGEN6Y. OK J. A. SESSIONS ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and renta col lecled on reusonable terms. Noiii luit olil and Orst-class Insuranc Oonpantat rt-presented - with Insurance cap Hal of élO.dOO.iXX). Kates as low lis any othe Insu ranee company and lossespromptly pald Offli-eover American Express offlce, Mali streel, nn Arbor. Mlch. Please to Notice This I wlll senJ each of my Customers Notie wliin bil Note or Account wlll be due. will expeel liini to Klve the matter hl prompt attentioo at tlutt time. I wlll sen only one Notlce of tlils kind. I hope al wlll consider tbla aiifflclent. Prollts are too mail and credlts loo sh rt to arrant me to borrow mona to Pay my Debt, no matte howsmall or how reat the Bill. I want 1 rortbcomlng wben due. I am thankful fo your i ii ruriüLji-, but the Pay I must have. Yiiiirs truly. M. ROGEBS, FOR DISPEPSIA MENTAL AND PHYSiCAL EXHAUSTION NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDICESTION, ETC, ETC u ê HorAis ACID PHOSPHATE. A llquld preparatlon "of the phosphate nd phosphorlc acid. Recommended by Phyolcians. It maltes :i dellclons drink. Invlgoratlng and strengthenlng. Pamph Iet free. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, ProTldence, - - Rhode Isiand 0TBEWARE OF IMITATIONS. abneeTmööre's TONSORIAL PARLOR H"Ü"E,O3ÑT STBEET, Next door to the Farmer's and Mechante' liank. HAIR CUTT1NG, SHA VING, SHAMrOONING AND DYEING. The best of Workmen and Satlifaollon Ouarauteed.


Ann Arbor Courier
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