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Estáte of Mary Kin?. CjTA.TJtOPMIOHlGAN,Coumyo] WfUtftena#te8 ij t ,1 B60Sloo of tlio Probate Conri for the (Vunt [f Wawbtenaw, hold rity oí Ann Arbor, o nav of Dec nnber. In the ar üi eieht bondred and - ¦ tHlara 1). il u i tman . Judge i Pi ¦ i in the matter ol Lho el ¦ Ktng,deDOMOd On readinffand Alii of Zina I'. K -ai i estáte muy be 'jhcr uur i TaereapOD :- tb il Mo :luy ol nexi iiooh. be asstjfDed lor tb Bid petltloa 4nd tbal ttit' Ueln ai o ed, and all ri r portons Inten - are retjair?d to tppearm a mmsIod "i sdid o d [, tben tu !¦¦ bolden nt tiif Inbtte Office fio the city of Ann Arhor, mui show cauee, U suiy th re be, why the prnvr of tbe petitioner stióuM mt begrantád. And it ie turt f j ¦ i lonttr ive aotlcti to the persone lutereted In std dí the ptrmU'Mcy oJ - BftriOf) hert1! by CAOfliQK a co;y ii h) urder to be pab i ihed ni '':¦ Ann A ¦ ¦ iiew ipkpev printed nd circula; live wet'ke pret '¦"'. f A tru 3Opy.) WtLLlAM I). HAIÍK1 ¦ Islate of Caroline House. SrATEüFMICIÍHiAN . ". At :i easion oí the ProH&tc ( ouri for the i ¦ i Vaelitenaw, boMD at Ihc frobat. Office In the ,Mty ol A ti ti A r 1 . . r , un I I ¦¦ !.¦¦¦¦, the 80'D iav t November, In the ri ir one thonsand tiuinl ed and l'nint, Wi mn lt. Hai riuDin. .i odsre ol Krol 1 1 1 ih'1 nuittei ol ¦"¦ ase, h oe&sed. ding and B tng tl c politlón, da jf Jt ti' n n C Rouí . ] Istratiiii. oí iatd tí ¦- i' ¦ 11 '11, "r som l tutu r on. Thereapon ii le on i -,'7tli lay of Deoemb r oext, ti uoon, b' issitened foi tb ¦ '1 pet1 loo iiid th:it tb di ñ es, !av ni -.iil '-¦ t pi rsooc taterested laaald están . are rea al red to appear ¦r a pe#stoi ol -i ' ¦ Probate fllco, Id ' hu 'ny ol Aun Arbor. and - dato, II .no ' lierc be, h i" tltio ei shonid noi berantod. Ana Ii Isfurtbti -rtliTvi, tbal -iiiil , I o (tic persona Interottted I ol nfiiti p a copy Df thifl ordor i- be publlsbcd m 1 1 & Ano Irbor Ujurw . a d ircula-id fountv , previwiLLi San, ¦ oh A te. WM. (i DOTT, Pi I8B7. XX ar p er's Magazine. ii.iArsriíV'riOL). Harper'a Maaslai du i [11 con tal d r oovel of iBteoaa, política), social and romantic Interest, entUled "Na ryof .t i if- üy Catbleen O'Meara; a m-'v Qovel, entitled "April Hopea," by W I Howoll "Southcni Sk'-irlir ," iy Charlea Uuüley Warner and flebecca Uardtng Darla, Ulnstrated by Wm. Hamllton Glbaon: M8oDial studtea,1 bs Dr. R, T. Ely ; "Qreal Amerloan [Qdus tries" ooni Inued further artlole m the Huiiw.iy Problern by cora peten! wrtt?rs; new serles i lllust rationa by k. a. aiDry an5 Al f red PAraons; arLIclei by E. P. Roe, aiui other attraoi Lons. IIARPKR'S PftlODICÁLS. PEB 1 i: n : [I AHÍ' 1! s MAGAZINE 1 (V. HARPEK'8 WEI KLY II V.RfER'8 BAZAR 1 00 II k.RPEU'S VOUNO PKi 'IE IIAHI'I.KS niAMvl I v HQUARE I.lIIK.VHY, ¦! i-., r (j 1 Numb i Pbatagt l'i ¦ ¦ ¦¦ i" i Satt-s Of ( 'f ¦ The Tolaraas of the Maqaz wltís Lhe Namben tor Jane and l xa tnber ol i ach retí, wiii-m un i I rabscrlpLlons win begin with Niimber cnrrenl at !iiiii r reoelpl oí order. Bonnd Voluinesol Mag .i ril 8 bü lu' en I iiy ni. iíi, po ipnul, un peí volóme. Clol h r .- ¦¦- loi lai n bj ni i I, p I nilt- tu ll m:i- ¦¦¦ Haoazíne, Mphaboticiil. Anal] i leal, and i ¦ I lo 70, Inclusive, frota June. 1850, to June one v i i . Bvo l RemHliiiiees.ehoulcl be made by P-t- líBce Moiir.v t ini-i oj i i iii . toavokl clinticeol is.. Ntwtpapt té 'we noi te copy t without tilt ' ¦ tí kBllOTHICItH Atldrcss HARPEH BBS, Ni K 1 .ík. TriFPPA pLJVLearnl'er""n''MrI I Cl-ElT #%r"rl T „,„„ii„lv. 8ltut(om ¦ íurul.hoJ. WMU Vltiiitlue Broi., Jhumtiü, Wl


Ann Arbor Courier
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