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For Toilet Use. Ayer's Ilair Vigor korps the hair soft ftud pliant, imparta to it tho lustre aud frealiness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, cradicatts DandrulT, cures all scalp (lineases, and is the most cleanly of all liair preparations. flVFR' Hair Vigor has given me ¦ ¦¦-!¦ O perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for si.t ireara, during which time I used inany hair preparations, but without success. Indeed, wliat little hair I had, was gróvttñg thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of tho Vigor, and my head is nqr well covered with a new growth of hair - Judson B. Chape!, Peabody, Mass. U AID that has beoomo weak, gray, nrUn and taded, tnay have new life and color vestored to it bjr the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Mv liair was tliin, faded, and dry, aml feil out in large quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor atopped tlie falliug, aud restored my hair to its original color. As a dressing for the hair, tliis preparation has no equal. - Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Miuu. VIPflR youth, and beauty, in tho "lUlllj appearanoooí the hair, may be preserved turan inilotinite period Jiy the use of Ayer's Hair ifjor. A diseasft of the scalp caused my hair to becoinf harsli and dry, and to fall out fi''i-ly. Nothiny I tried seeined to do any good until I coramenced usin Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of tliis preparation restored niy hair to a liealthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it Ís also free from dandrutï. - Mrs. E. B. Foss, Milwaukee, Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Sold by DrugglaU and Perfumera. Pf.rfect safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, casily ].la.o Ayer's Pilis at the baad oí the list Of popular remedies for Sick and Nervoui Headachea, Conatlpatlon, and all ailmentg orlginating ín adisordered Liver. 1 have been a great gufferer from ffeadaohe, nnd Ayer' ('athartic l'ills are the only medicine that has ever giveu uio rehof. One dose pf thesfl I'ilís will quickly move my howela, and free my héad from pain. - Williaru J-. l'age, Ríchmond, Va. Ayer's Pilis, Tropared by Dr. J.C. Ayer 8c Co.,Lowell, Mu. Sold by all Dealers ia ItodtriB. II ÍNTER OCEAN OF CHICAGO ín Clrculatuin and Polltical Influence Is tne Lea4iBg Republican Newspaper IN THE NOItTHWEST. THB INTER OCEAN has from the bezinning' boen thf lt-'e! der of home instltutlous and Aniorlcan Motín II if the advocuto of equal rlghta for all bofoie the lr.-.v. ofprotpctiun to American labor, and of Ih Idea ituU América la for Amerlcane-not necIcana ly blrth, but truo clUcena of ths Kfuubllc. 11 belleve In the Wast and Postern oída to the Idea that the futura seat of empIvh wlll be Ín tho MlnnloNlppl Valloy, and la bold MlU ,.rtK-i eüaive Ín lta opposltlon to the unholy alllBnro b-tveen the money-chanffora of New York Olty añil Iba fltRtes lately Ín rebelllon. THE INTEK OCKAN Ib earnestly Ín fawr of tnn Kepubllian party becauae It belíevea the principies of that ,rty are corrert, and that, honeotly carrled out, they wlH best profeet the liffhts and aaTint-a itir íiHf rfrim of the whole poople. It la not, hovvever, a bllnd follower. but. la always ready to (leiioum-e Kcpublican wronir-dolng, elther Ín hlffh (jr !. ¦- plin-oe. !''!:¦ :i OCEAN han alwayn malntalned that the tio.i ia undor an obliaratlon to the soldiere of -v. who Jeopardlzed thelr Uves to protect fv(;n. : --Í ¦¦Kon, whtoh It can never repay. anti. conavuuantlTj haa advocated the stablishment of .'-jldlers' Homes and the enaetment of auch pmiswt, Ik as would leave uo dlsabled vetkl, " '.„, -,er THS IN'TEB OCEAN Is not I{.IVdln :li fnlted Staten. AnMe from the service oí ll-.e A.iííoi fttert Prosi. :n whtch It huida a memp, Itkeepa a '.urge body of Special Correeuondent both In th country anti In the Ola Wo-ld and ¦ mi 8PBCIA1 I.KSK1) TEI.EORAPKIC WIKBB . ii (.i.icago ofllce wlth WA8H INíiTON and NÍJW YORK, 'n both of whlch eines 11 h. 8IT.CIAL NEWB BUREAUS and malntaln II rtnrh Offices. fhc Da'y ínter 0cean Is publlahed erery day In the year utoht f Sumla;. - - $ 8.00 por ïear - Swhy iifloJcJ, ' - - - 10.00 " " fhe gemí-VÜecly ínter 0oean Is pib!Mhed on MONDAY8 and THURSDATS, and rontaln the News coudeused from the Daily. Amonrf other roatures, THB SEMI WBEKt-T print the Sermons of Prof. Swlnjf and other laad Ing fliiuters ot Chicago. I "rice, fO.SO por Yenr. The VüceK1! ínter 0oean II,, the LAHOEST OIRCUITION of any weekly paper West of New York. In 1HFM he'oT-o the reductlon of postaffe. It pald for POST V o ON CIRCULATION alona ovar $2VOOO. I 'rui', V 1 .OO p.-r 't. efTo.l I n"l to mske THB WEEKLT UODBL FAMII Y NEW8PAPER. ono thm can he takeo hito any famHy wlth proflt to eah ofit membere. The Stories and other literary featurt "¦ trom ilie pens of the ablest and most ipproved writers lunonj them are MR8 BORNK1T MISH PHET.I'S. MISS JEWETT. and )WHKIDOB, LÁTHBOP. DO ?.& '; ¦' BIDNiCY r.TSKA, and K. P. ROE. nm fVKtwres of the paper whlch have . R IN THK HOME CIRCLB wlll .ii. rt and lmproTed. and nothing wlll be ¦ .--. lc,...;, 11 in the front rauk as A SOUND, WROU or.MENÏWSPiFlü. speciaTöffers. Itxere la irreAt dvmand from U part of the rountry for correct bul cheop Hiatory of th l'nitod Ötr'tP's Mt'!5t of iuch booke art io Urf And xpnalT ft to b out of th reach of most familie. Yet evry boy anl flrl ouffht to b íkmlllar wlth the hHtory of thelr country. It can harrtly fftil to mak them bottrcltien. THB INTBR OCEAN has made special arrangement by which Brown's ftistory of Üie YmM st.its Cnn b offered wlth THE WFIEKÏT INTKR OCEAN une year, at th very low rate of ONK I1OLLAB AND FIFTY CENTS For both the hifltory and paper. BROWN'8 HIf5TOKY I a well-written story of our country, from the earllest settlement to the present day It Is wel! prlnted In clear type, on ¦rood white paper, and bound In cloth. It contalns more than SIXTY 1LLU8TRATION8 and over 8IX HUNDKED HAOE8. SE il h MM O S DOLLAB ASD FIFTr CXITTS , ,iO u,r Mr papw Ont nar aud Hie UUlory, bot ut w(pÉsM(apaM, A PREMIUM TO AGKNÏS. The prloe of THE WREKLT INTER OCEAN Is $1 OO per year, and any person sendlnff four yearlr ubscrlptlons tor that edltlon. accompanled by the ruil aiibMCrlullon prlce-FOUR DOLLARS -we wlll send thn A1IOPT OF THE HI8TORY FREE Al most any boy or lrl can secure four eubscrlbern, nnd in thirf way obtaln acopy of thla valuablobook Iktprun vf THE WMKKL r llfTMB OCMAS ixd m: y. xe un i om r or i ¦. í vtjü status . TWO ÜOLLARS AXD .VÍ.VÍ.TI' (JENTS. Sample copies of any edltloa of THE INTE CEAN wlll sent on appllcatlon. Reml;tunris may be made at our risk, elther by IrafL express, postoffice order, expresa orders. ostal notoa refflstered letter. Money sent In kiiy other way Is at tho risk of the person sendln „ Addro. the NTER OCEAN 66 Madlfon flt., Cttlcago


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