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John A Logan--dead

John A Logan--dead image
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The years of 1885 and 1886 have been years of ruournlng for this nation. It noted men who rose to promincnce during the period of the great southern re bellion have been rapidly called away b; death during the past two cycles. Grant McClellan, Hendricks, Tilden, Artlmr have passed away, and now Gen. John A. Logan, the fearless soldier, the gener ous, noble statesman, the idol of the old army that cemented this union by thei blood, has gone also. Struck down in the prime of hls manhood and height o his fame, he Is mourned by the eDtire na tion. One by one those who took part in th greatest event in the nation's history ar dropping away, soon the ranks of th (irand Army of the Republic will be so thinncd out that there will be few if an; answers to the roll cali, for where on fireat general dies a corresponding num ber of the rank and file go with him t "form ranks" on the othei shore. The name of Logan liad beconie household word in the nation, and bu few men stood closer to the hearts of th peoplc tlian did he. But he has paid th penalty of life and In death finds the re pose and rest so longed-for by the activ tollers of tiUs world. Peace be to hi ashes, his memory will ever be green in the hearts of the loyal people of this na tion. He was a brave leader, the best volun teer general of the war, who, by his in trepidity always made liis charges effec tlve upon the enemy. Had he lived h would have been one of the leaders for noniination to the Presidency next time and had he been nominatcd his growin popularity would have put bim in th White House. Por as the people came t know John A. Logan they.forgot to thin that he used to speak bad grammar. Hi sturdy earnestness made him eloquent especially when in the Senate he plcac the cause of a worlhy class of pension ers. This trait of his of standing up fo his old comrades in Washington, whcr it is quite the fashion to sneer at tli old soldier and say "he has enough," mad him so beloved by thera that the3' ahvay gave h!m great ovations whenever he ap peared at tlieir reunions. He will b more appreciated, alas, now that he I dead. His rugged virtues were like those o Cato of old who allowed no taint of coi ruption to come near him. In his pos tion of influence he might have bee admitted to the "ground floor" of man a paying enterprise for legislativo serv ices. But the scheraing lobbyists neve dared approach him, and after tliirt years of service for his country he died poor man. In fact he was $30,000 i debt, and his dying "momenta were agon ized by the thotights of leaving sucli a legacy to his beloved family. The natio should see to it that the dead hero's dea ones shall not be plnched by want. The following tribute to Gen. Logan' tnemory, from the man who ran on tu ticket with him in the last presidentia campaign, is a touching tribute to hi worth : "I think," said Mr. Blaine, "it wa some time during the winter of 1863 tna by mere accident I entered Mr. Lincoln' room just as Gen. Logan was leaving Tbe president introduced me to the gen eral, and we had a very brief talk. I remcmber that after Gen. Logan had re.tlred the president eulogized him very highly, adding that it was very fortúnate when so many generáis liad fallen far below expectation, to hnd a few that had gone far beyond expectation, and in the latter class he gave Logan eminent rank. But I am not the one to speak of Gen. Logan's military rank. That can be far more fitting ly done by his brother officerg and by the thousands of veterans who are at this moment in tears over the death of their beloved leader in w.r, their watchful and constant friend in praoe. History ha?, I think, delinitely assigncd Gen. Logan his military rank, the highcst of the volanteer ofticers in the army of the union. ilMy close acquaintance with Gen. LogaD," conlinued Mr. Blaine, "dates from his entrance upon hls duties as representativeat-large from Illinois in the forlieth congress. He was elected to that post in November, 18G6. From that time onward ojr relations came to be friendly and intimnte. Occasional statements as to jealousies and rivalries were without foundation. Theic never was an unkind word betweeii us, and so far as I know neither had au unkind thought of the othcr. I say tliis knowing all it conveys and knowing b)k all it contrndlcts." Mr. Blaine described Gen. Logan as "a man of immense foice in a Iegislative bodj." "His v,ill," said Mr. Blaine, "was unbending. His courage, both moral and pliysical, was of the hlghest order. I nevcr kuew a more fearless man. He did not qnall before public opinión when 1,9 Jíl onoo made up hls mind any njQrj ihan he did before llic guns of the úiioiiiy wlien lie headed a charge of bla cntliuslastic troops." "ín debate," uAti .Mr. Blaitip, "(Ú11. Logu was aggressive and cllcctive. J lis best prepared mul longest MMtalned argument was the speech hc made ia the seintte duiing tba forty-sixth congress against tlio restoration of Fitz John Porter to the anny. The speech oceupied, if 1 remembei ariht, ¦ part of three days and was marvelously gustained throuhout. Gen. Logan had great feellng iu thatcase and had put ItTUt deal of study in it." "Gen. Logan was a niost Indefittlgabla worker," said Mr. Ulaine. "Hls close relations with the voluntecr soldiery of the country in vol ved an immense correapondeuce and an immense labor, In addition to the labor itnposed upon him as a leading senator f mm such a large state as Illinois. He was a punctual, faithful man, and but for bis constitution of iron he could not have gone through all the work that va put upou hlm." "Gen. Logan's loss to the republican party," said Mr. Blaine, "is beyond couiputation. His personal following in the party was very great and among the veterans he had almost the solid body. As a party leader Gen. Loan wassingularly direct, manly and calm. His personal euergy and political power were stiikingly shown in his contest for senator perhaps the most memorable of the klnc ever waged in the United States. The shock of his denth is sudden, the sorro it brings so keen, that 110 full analysis o: this remarkable man can be given at thi time. Full tributes will 11 due time b paid to his character and services, I hav had occasion to say before, and I noiv repeat, that while there have been mor illustrioiis military leaders in the Uuitei States and more illustrious leaders in tb legislative hall?, there has, I think, beei 110 man in this country who has conibinei the two careers in so eminent a degree a Gen. Locan."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News