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Barlev briagi 90 c. per bu. In the Che sea maiket. J. H. Miller luis moved froni Manches ter to Ypsilanii. Mancbetter'l new bridge coat $3,924, o w liich $1,798 was lor the ubutmeuts. The opening of tbe Aun Albur tobo# gan slicle was atended by some" Alila young people.- Milau Leader. We aie intormed iliat theie is a goo niany new buildings contracted tor, to b built in Cheloea next suimuer.- Echo. The ebildren of Ansou Draper and wife of Muoreville, wade theic parents happj l)y reluruiog home tor (Jliristnias dinuer Willis Ball, of Webster, and Miss Aun üeckert ot Dexler, were luarried Uee. 29. The new depot is neaily completed and now some of me dissatibried are veutuilii" -o remark tliat il will be quite an ornanent lo tiie villaje after all. - Dexter Leader. The Bao wants Stockbridge li.corporited so tliat the editor thereof will uot lave to wade througlt the mud, but )edtstrianize in style on sidewalks by the ijfht of gutolioe lamps, etc. The bids tor the new school house at )exter were opened by the board last VeduesUay, uid all rejucted because one of theni came witluu the 12,UUÜ pprourialion. Thev wlll trr it mii, W. H. Pottle, oue of Manchester' most popular business meu, aüTertlttM tlie tact in the Kiii(;rjiri.-c tlwt he imeuds lo close out aud letiic trom business. He will be mtMed iVom tliu ictive rankt iu tliat live Co vu. H is beeomlttff customary uihohíí tlie ohurcUe la Uifiereut pluce to dl.-peuse ah m cbuir allogotber and to adopt tlie custoin oí eongrècbtioual slngiug. - Manoiicsier EaterprfaM. Ves, il is popular to economizo just lunv. Mr. and .Mis. I. N. Knickerbooker were the vietmis ot a genuino sin prise ou Tuesday eveninj; of last week. A bout 75 of their inany iriends gatht-red to ooojfrauilau- theni, it benig tlieir iiintll wetliliag aunivoisary.- Milan Leader. It turns out tliat the real gi'iiuine, A No. 1 panther killed uear Bngliton, was unlj :i badder. Ii is wretclied to badger the edíLois so.- Stockbiidge Suu. We cau't boar luis inuch longer. Will some one ferret it out. The M E. Church was the recipiënt of a Christmas present- a haiidsouie 8-day calouder dock- a gitt frota oue or the uien) uu rs. It occupies a pjromiuont position ujioii tlie walls ii ttie cliuicli, aud will mtw is u inuiwter agalust long services .- Dundee Reporter. i he editor conquered turkcy in I-yn don, CbrUtmttH, mil Port-your-geeM in Ana Arbor, New Vears, and Ihen wait in Wcepiug sileucu auotber year for otlier worlds lo ffi-ow.- Stock bridge Sun. And he í-till uves! H It enough to make oue quail-on-toaiit to tliink ot it. The gang of workmen have anïved and ooumeuced tlie work of erectiug the new iion bridge over the Kaisin for the T. & A. A. road. The bridye will be 120 teet lo leuth, inU will be rapported by spile abutinents ;it eacli eml uniil next season vvhcii stone abutnieuts will beoonstiucted. - Dundee Reporter. This most excellent sug-gestion is from tlie YusiUuti Coiumerocial: "Wehope the k-gislature will enact a law requiriug partius COntemplatlng inatrimony, to procure a liceuse trom the proper oflicer, and uiiiking 11 a criminal oüunce torany mugistrate or cleryiiiiin to BOlemnlae N inal-nage without fiist lniving prweDted tu him by the eoutraetiug parlies their olücial liceuse.'' Wm. J. Miller, who some 12 years no was a rtsidenlot tuis village, and a fresco and ícenle palnter of considerable notoriety, has teun visitinj; in town lie nowlivesat Litchliehl, Hillsdale counl 1 I lima ¦¦¦¦¦ Mil. 1 __ I. 1 - - ¦ m ' "o wuumiiu 111 uie uaiue or Uorji Ui and iittvin-r Rpplled fora pension is lookinj; up leMimoiiy. He s as Jolly umi l uil 01 fnu as ever and hisokl frlend bayeeiijoyed the rislt wonderlully well.- M m cliester Enterpri-e. The larniers in and about Saline have foruied a Farmers' Ulub with 14 charter members, and chowa the followlux "Ilicers, the nt-xt niecliiiif will be he beid Jan. 14, at tlie nsidence of J. S. Woud Lodi : President-J. S. Wood. Vice-presldeul- J. K Avery Secretary- H. X. mltti. Treanurer- Chas. H. Oobb. JoXeCKIVe Wood, O. L. Huyt, As an impression prevails, even amona some of the mem ben oí the M. B. Cburob, who weie too late or unable to obtain sittinog at the annuiil rentin Ihatthe presenee of suoh at public worfhlp would he au iniriisi.,ii, wc ure aiitlioiizcd to tliat it ffives the ushers aud all ooncerned great plearare to provide eats tor all, and that nobutly need fear beinfr intnidi-rs as long M there Ü loom to pluce a cbair. - Dexter Leader. There was a targa crowd of people in town to-dy to witaers tbe starting of the Manchester Boller Mills. The Geo. T. Bmlth Parlfler Co. of JacVson, with tbelr excellent ianu ot iü pelees, and a number of lailit-s, DMklsg i party of gome lixty peraone, arrived on the aftemoon train. Our citizeus wi]l give tlicin a banqnet at the Goodyear house thia evening and tlic bnd will üive a free concert ui Goodyear hall. - Maooliester Knterurise Dec. 30. r was predleted by all wbo ever pive the matter any serious consideration. the a peou latiré grato MhemM have run thelr brief in this state, and tbc howls of the inany who have been caught by the schemer are at present louclly nioendlng. We bavc no knowlfldge "f the kind of represiMiliitiiiiis cir imluceinenls tlmt were lleld out U secure huyen tor tlie hi'lipriced aralii, bul jndyin;,' fiMin theezplanation of the scherae as generally ftlven, ii is dillicult to belicve tliat any sane man could bcoftme in innocent purchaser. That he ld pay ten dollars per buahel for barley or oais, and ezpeci to recelve twenty dollars per bunhel lor all lie could rai-e Irom the gralll pureliased, and yel not realize that lic was pari cipalin and Mtotingtn an Illegltlmate traoMctlon, is. more we preparad to l.elieveSevrral (armera in lilis viclnity, wlio in vestcd in the sclieine when it wat lirst introdueed hen', wc re rewnnled uilli laTVe pronta, and thelr racoeu was the bah that lempted otheis. 'l'iie schcines werc lotterlea In wbloh tnere were many blank) and tew prize'i, and just ivhy thoae who took part in tiiein, expecting to receire mire tiiiui they would uive fuil mlue ror, ahoiild tM regarded as mueb-aboaed Innocents nol quite clear. The queatloD ot thelr Lnnoeeuoe, bowever, duet not afleol theguiltol tlie nianatrers ol the séllenles, WhO, if they have in ule liiiidnlent inisrepresentatlons, liould be oroaecuted to


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