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The new depot building is progressing very slowly these days. Write it 1887 now- for yon will be mad as 6-ty if you do not. John Geo. Henne, of W. Liberty st., died last Friday, aged 59 years. They cali selijrhing parties made up of ladies eutirely "Adnmless sleigh-riding pirtii'.-. " Traius on the M. C. R. R. were all blocked up the first of Ihe week. Too much suow and blow. Geo. Wahr ha purchased the business of Geo. Oaius & Co., and will coutinue the same at the old stand. Dexter will have hei' new station lionse before Ann Arbor does, as it is slmost ready for occupancy now. The University oppHed yesterday, bnt some of the boys are not hs prompt to return as they were to get away. Forest Hill Cemetery Co. re-elected Win, W. Wines, Emanuel Mann and Win. Wagner trustees yesterday. Jutice V. J. Clark will hear the case to-morrow of Aid. Swift jaguinst Policeman Amsden for assault and battery. The Jiimiary Klon of the board of supervisors conimenced Monday, the m lin buaincs being settHiig Op with the county office is. The ward schools of the city open ed Momlay, and tiie high and gramniar schools Tuesday. No more vacation now for two niODths. The A. M. E. chureh clcared $50.00 by Dr. Runsay's lecture last week, which was a great help to them, as well as one of mucli intellectual proflt An embossed head of Geo. Washington iu purple, upon a blue-tinted back grouiid, vrltl be the popular tliing in two cent po-tage stamps this inouth. Jas. M. Kress, of Bridgewater, bas been elected (l)airm in of the board of supervisors iu place of F. A. Howlett, resigned to t.ike the position of county clerk. There will be a public installatlou o officers of the A. O. U. W., at Beetliovenf hal!, Thurs'lay, to-tnorrow evening, to be followad by a hop. Invitatious can be obtained of the members. The wife of Almond Close, of Northfield, died Friday last trom a paralytic 8troke. She was the daughter of the late Robert Nelson, of Northfield, and was aliciut 60 years of nge. I). P. Miirkcy who lias been elected as ppeaker of the house of representatives at Lanslng, Is a formnr Washtenaw fiunty boy, and studied law with J. C. Knowlton, of this city for soine time. The Anu Arbor Savings Bank secures tlie county funda depoaU on a bid of 5 and üO-lOOths per cent. The county to pay the same rate lor all overdrafts. The Farmers' & Mechantes' bank bid i% per cent. In the event of the election a new secretary of the Washtenaw Mutual Insurance Co„ at its coming meeting, Mr. W. K. Childs' name bas been mentioned. He wouid be well-fitted for the work and make an excellent and painstaking official. Judge Cooley has taken formil charge of the Wabash eystein of rail rond, east of the Mississippi river, and has made many appointments. In the meantime the action of Judge Gresham, in appointing Judge Cooley receiver, has been appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court. Lulher James, on bis annual trip to pay fot hits Coukieu Monday, told ye acribe that lie had taken every Knglish paper pwblished in Ann;Arbor since its inception; and had also taken a paper pu blished In his olc] home in Massachutetts for over 60 years. A good record. James Carey of this city was adjudyed insane last Friday, by Judge Iluminan, and sent to Pontiac Monday, by Sheriff VValsh. The cause of Mr. Cajey's sad mUfortune was the death some time alnce ot a gou, Rev. Fr. J. J. Carey, for whom he had great affection and hopes. Eugene Williams, of the 3d ward, wliile cliopping wood uiuler a clothes line the other day, met with a curious accident. The axe in its descent hit the line and ;razing the boy's head cut hls ear completely off. The car has been sewed on agaiu and wil) probably grow all rtjjht the doctors think. The Bicycle Club gave a party at their parion last Thursday evening at which a bout forty were present. They patral I ha i apicl houri iu progressive whist, dancing and partaking of a collation. In whist the tirst prizes went to Mr. L. C. Goodrich and Miss Frueauff while Will Watts blushlngly walked ofl" with a fish for booby prize. Last Friday Lorenzo Davls' time as county superintendent of the poor expircd, and he stepped down and out. llr has bt'on an ctlicieut, faltliful, painstakn otlicial, and we opine he will be inis8ed. With all due deference to the abilities of the new incumbent, Mr. Mimui, he will have to work hard to innke as good a record as bas Mr. Davis.