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Kigiu iev. uisnop Harria was in the city MKnday. Dr. Wylde, medie, '86, spent New Yeara In the city. J. E. Wymitii wan in the city over Sunday and Monday. Bert Lamb, of Portage, Wis., is vlsiting fi iends In the city. Prol. C. W. Beteer returned to Carttasga, III., Monday. C'lias. II. Ludlow and wife epent New Vcais at .luim Mooru's. D. B. Greene of Ypsilanti, wa9 In the city yesterday, on business. Richard Kennis of Detroit, spent Saturday and Sunday iti the city. Qeo. Osius will go to Detroit, witli the Michigan Ammonia Works. Wm. II. Huik of Angola, Ind., has been in the city vWti-ig liis horae. Miss Celia Barita soes this week to take a position in the Jackson schools. Hon. A. J. Sawyer is at Lansing in attendunce upon tlie supreme court, etc. Harry Devlin of Jackson, spent New Years at hisuncle's, V. A. Hatch, Jr's. Mrs. Jas. R. Bach is visiting friends in St. Louis, Mich., for a couple of weeks. O. B. Taylor returned from a very happy visit of a few days in Howell yesterday. Prof. and Aid. Steere of the 6th ward is couflued to his horae by reason of illness. Fred Barker and wife vlsited the former's Botter at Clvde, Oakland Co,, last week. Oscar Tucker has been in the city during the week visiting friends and relatives. It is reported that John Weidraayer is goinjf to Ann Arbor to live.- Chelsea Echo. Miss Tubbs, of Owosso, who bas been vMtlng at Dr. Nichols, returned home Monday. Rev. II: Paluier, and son, of Lima,were pleasant callera at the Couuier olllce on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Keith, of Dexter, spent New Years wlth their daughter, Mrs. E. E. Beal, of this city. M. O. Graves, superintendent of schools at Wyandotte, lit. class of '86, greeted friends in the city last Friday. G. W. Trowbridge, or Big Rapids, spent Sunday and Monday with hls brotherinlaw, Paris Bantield iind famlly. Mi-s Carrie Parsons, of Kalamazoo returned to her horae Monday, after two week! visit at W. A. Hatch, Jr's. B. G. Tremalne, of Cleveland, Ohio, and his bride, were In the city last week visiting his parents and other relatlves. Allen B. Podü returned to Chicago Tuesday, after a two week's visit at bit home. He looks as it Chicago lite agreed with him. Dr. P. B. Rose is in the city for a few days. He was 13 hours coming from Toledo to Ann Arbor last Friday, but he got here in time for a portion of New Years. Auiong the active participante at the toboggau slide New Year's day, was Nathaii Keith, of Dexter, who is 68 yenrs old. He is a pretty live uiau for on eof his age. Miss Bessie Richardson, teacher In tne priiuury department of the Elm Hall union school, was the guest, during vacation week, of Miss Emma Banfield of this city. Prof. VV. H. Honey, superintendent of the Caro 6chools, lit. class of'82, was in the city last Friday, making ariangemeats to have graduates from that school admitted to the university by diploma. Geo. N. Mitchell, of Brittan, Dakota, it yisiüng fiiends in the city for a few weeks. Mr. M. went to Dalcota in 18S3, In couipiny with two brothers, each taking a claim of 320 aeres which cost them $25 each. Nou the land is worth $12 an acre. James Kingsley, Jr., a former resident of tllli city, and a gradúate of the literary and law departments of the U. of M., is lylng daogannttly ill at his home in Rosedale lio., of nervous prostration, probably caused from the effect of a lailroad accident last Spring. Rev. Drs. Ramsay aud Haskell will exchange pulpits next Sabbath inorning. Don"t torgvt tlie meeting of the County Agricultural Society to morrow. lt 8 of importanee. Besides the $100 donated by the Welsh post G. A. ]. to the Logan fund, it has given $2ti.44 in aid of comrade duiing the past quarter. Last Monday evening.E. J. Knowlton, Dr. P. B. Bom and A. L. Noble were fhoscn trustees of theM. K. church for a perlod of tliree years. Walter Buil and wife lost their little cblld, aged about one year, last Smiday, and in their bereavement they hare the sympathy of many friends. Justin McC.irthy'a lecture before the Stiulent'M Lecture Association is to occiir Jan. --tli, and not upon the 8th, as the general inpression seetns to be. Mra. D. J. Rosa died Thursday last of typhoid fever, aged 35 years. Funeral Saturday from St. Thomas' church. The deceased leaves several small children motherle. New Year was a quiet day comparatively. It was so cold that but few people cared to leave the warm lireside, and the general sentiment of the day seemed to be for turning over the new leaf right away. The new county offlcers took possession last Saturday. The only new face, however, is in the county clerk's offletr, where Fred W. Howlett, succeeds Julin J. llobison. Mr. Robison, however, will act as deputy until next spring. Giiitave BndüB, of this city, has been appointed deputy county treasurer aud cotnmenced familiarizing hiinself witii the duties of the offlüe Monday. Mr. Belser will as'sume bis new position in the lst National Baak about Thursday. Mr. Belser will keep the books of the county treasury after banking hour. By reference to the first page of the Codkiku it will be seen that lt has a brand-new head. Instead of the state the county map is given, and the postofflee buililinr is ndded to University hall, and the Dr. Chase priutlng and binding estabment. The friving of the names of each township in the county will prove a conveuience, doubtless to many of our itMilers. We believe the new head will be voted au inipiovement. If onn of our estecmed contemporaries wlio is thorouglily wtaratad with "true 7n:wx)iiterial instinct and enterprise" would take all of the CouillRB items direct, instead of cuttinfl. some of thetn out of the Detroit papers after they have been n-hasued for their columns, he would give bis readers a better iinpres¦lon of wiio was referred to by the correct spelling of the names, of our prominent cltizen, at kaast. Keep in minil the Alpine Oholr and Tyrolese Co. Feb. lltli. Building improvements for 1880, "compiled in the aiain, from our liles! " Yes, Abern! Martin Clark, one of the new coroners, returns thanks to bis numeruus friends In botli parties for their votes, and is now ready to attend with üispatcb to any of their wants in hls line. The report of the Savings B;ink is a remarkable one, for besides paying its usual ten per cent dividend it shows au inerease in its undivided prorits of' about $10,000 over last year, and some f 50,000 more deposita. At the regular meeting of the Unity Club, Monday evening, Jan. lOth, the program will be of a literary and social character. Mrs. Prof. Burt will read a paper upon "Klizabetli Barret Browning," after recesa a "laffy social" with a paper on "taffy" by MissNettie Brown. Saturday eve. Jan. 6, the Alpha Nu Literary Society gives a junior program. The literary parts are by the followiug members: Miss E. S. Gastman. J. N McBride, Clyde Sloane, J. H. Powell. Excellent iniisic has been secured by J. E. Hodge. All are invited to the exerclM. The trustees of the A. M. E. cliurcli, and its pastor, Rev. G. I?. Pope, send us the following uotice: "In behalf of the A. M. E. Church, we return our sincere thanks to Dr. Ramsay tor his lecture, outof whicli we realizad $61.50, and from other sourceg we raised $38.50, uiakiiijf a total of $90.00 which we paid on church debt." The outbuilding of Buthlehem ebarch, corner of Washington and First streets was dlscoverod in llames last night aboal 6% o'clock, aud put out by neighbors before j;niting the adjoining barn belongiiiff to the Granger estáte. Inside was fouud a box whicli was tilled wlth str.nv, etc, fcbowing how the lire originated. Had the llames not been discovered just as they were the destructlon woul'i have been very great. Eider Davis bas sorae new relie-, among which are two wheels of a vehicle, the bubs ot' which are each 16 inches tlilck at the spokes, and the tire 6 inches wide. It was a wagon Luther Boyden had made and brought bere from Alassachusetts about 1830, and u.-ed especial ly tor drawmg the hay off of maislus, on which fodJer all the live stock sublsted in those days. They were prewnted by Mr. Anna, of vVtbter, sou of the luie J. B. Arms The Eider looks npon these wheels a being among the most raluable of the mauy pioneer relies he liMcollecled.


Ann Arbor Courier
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