Literary Notes
Another ncw compilation by a writer WboM works are so well known throuhout this emintry, no sther than L. O. Einerson, wlio lias given us in this new colleclion called "Antherns of Praisc," a hook of carefully selected pleces arranjred with accompaniment for piano or or;ran. The content? wili be sure to suit ohurch olioirs. Tlieie are many clioice antliema by (lilliTunt autliors; liyiuns; pieces for special occasions; ffospel solios, etc., all of wlncli {jo to make the book useful in the clioir or lurire chorus-class. The pag are of octavo simpe, containing 8 ti 19 ttaflbona page. Send tor "Aotbemg of Praiso," by L. O. Kmereon. Price$I.()0. Mailed on rcceipt of the price by tlie pub lishers, O. üitson & Co., Boston, Mass. The February Century will coa tal n ar article bj OteoTge I'arsons Lathrdp n 'The liailing of JefTerson Davi." It present for the llrst time the complete and curioiis histoïy of tlie inlhu-ncos aml occurreocéa whlcli led to Davis's liiicration and the abandonment of hls prowcution, showing how extreme Abolitionists (iiveley and (lerrit Sniith co operateil with extreme Uemoci-ats in brinrinr abont this result. The material for 'this article is mainly derived from the recollections and clocumentary evidence ol Ex-Cliief Justice Shea, of the Marine Court, wbo was the attorney of reoord in tlit1 Davis case, with Charles O'Coiinor as senior counsel. A fac-simile ofthe power of attorney given to George Slica by Greeley, Gerrit Smith, and Oornilins Vanderbilt to tign the bail-bond accomlianies this paper.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News