County Vicinity
Thad. Hall, of Restar lias ,i canino he feeda $5 pokl piectf t'. F. E. Warren Mieeoede Chas. Stannard iu tin; lincharían district, Kci.i. James Clark umi Mi-s Kdith Lewisboth of Salem, rara married recently. Chelsea expects to enjoy : {rreat building liooin nert season. Hope she wlll. The young folk about tlie country, rlKlage, and city are enloylns themwlru huri'lv these dayswiilis'lei":hinipaitic. The Dexter Leader oalebratoa ití 18th birtliday tliis eek - blaatthlff and beantifnl, brif;lit atul bic..y. It s om of the best papers in the conuty. The supper held at the town hall, last Thursday evi'iiiiisi, tot the benefit Of Ut. Maiy's church, was larply attencici), and about $100 was realized.- ('helsea Eclio. The liajitist Snndav School scholars and teachera of I)'xtcT, elght; In number, had their annoal delgh ride Dep. 29, goiai to E. A. Norilmau's, and had a grand time. The Noi-ih Lake correspondent of the Dexter Leader makes aconfession: Yonr scribe enjoyed three Christmas dinners; two at .litckson and one at SIr. Hoag's, Chelsea. Chas. M. Wood, E-q , of tliis ylcinity. received one day last week. a policy óf f2,000 from the New York Life nsiirance company. He bas been nstired for 20 year.- PiDckney DUpatch. We were obliged togotoAnn Albor for win In -mino lim,ci' (No turkey at borne); ándate our disb of oat meal at home New Year's day. An editor's livlne in Chelsea is )retty tliin.- Chelsea Hei ald. At the annuul meeting; of (he Wasliington City Dental Association, Dr. M. F Finley, formerly of this city, was elected president of the Association for the coming year, and the annual address was deliverad by him.- Ypsilantian. It is with much regret we chronicle tlie departure from our village of one of our best known youngmeti, Charles H. Stannard, who left last Tuesday for Mattoon, III., where he lias acceptedthe position as book-keeper for a large coal niinlng company, of wliicli C, 8. Gregorv, of tliis village is one oí the directors. - Dexter Leader. Big pork: Monday Geo. Reeves of Milan towuship, delivercd at tl t ty Mral Uarkct i iimniuiorn dressed porkcr, which tipped the beam at 5G1 pounds. It was of the white Chester breeil, only 14 raonths okl, and was raised by Mr. Reeves. It is claimed to be the largest porker for the age to be found in the county. - Dundee Reporter. Mr. Alexander Doane died at the residence of his son in Salem, Jan. 5th inst. Mr. Doane, was a very aged man and had for some time been very feeble, requiring the constant care of his friends. He was a uoithy 111:111, member of the Baptist church. He settled in the town of Lyon in 1S:2, being one of the earliest settlers in the town. - South Lyon Picket. In our eavly days weused to hear about peeple having "a tin ear." Judging from the l'ollowiag torn t looks some as if Bro. Allison of the Chelsea Echo had retained bis still: "Through the enurtesy of Mr. C. 3telnbacu, we had the pleasare of hearing the Chelsea Strinr Band practioe, last Kiidny evenlng, and we think the people of Chelsea eau boast of as fine a strinr Imml, as the majority of our large clties." Re. F. II. Arnold, who for the last two yenn has been pastor of the Baptist church of tb1t village, has been obllffed, by ill health, to tender his resignation, which has been accepted, Sunday being his last Sabbath. Mr. Arnold, during his in Dexter, has been au earnest and l'aithfnl wortrer In the cause of Christ, and a9 a result of hii labora many have been brought into the rliureh. and the society is In a flotirlahlDg condition.- Dexter Leader. At the aiinual meeting oí the Farmers' Vlgilance Association, beid in Augusta, Jan. 4, Win. D&nslngburg was ohOMB presiik'iii ; N. Redner, vtee pret.; N. B, CrittendiMi. (reus.: .). L Lowden, sec, and C. II. Heiritt. V II Lowden, F. A. Graves, L. E. (V 'l'horn. Il 1). l'lalt, B. I!. Crittcncli'M. Ilcniy Cue, and Pater Cook as executive coniniittic. Tliis oriranizaliiin bas 80 memben and nearly fliOU in its treasury. !t been in exlatence ilzteen ycars, asd during thattinic nohoreea liare heen slolcn lrmn ils nieiiibci. lh:it have not been ioand and returned to ibelr ownera. In sixtydayg, Immcüintelj 1 reeed Ing the formntlon of tliis society in 1H(ü), horses and carttagea to the value of $1000 rere stolen from Messrs. W. Barr, W. Lowden, and Allen Crittenden, and were never f OU nd or the thicves :ipprehended. - Ypsiluntian. There is a propositloD to remove the Germán Lutbnrac Xheokigical acliool liieh luis been in exlstencc near Mniichester for two or three years. lOtbUcH]'. The In te reata ol tbs aohool dutaand a different locatlon, and ii la propoaed to brlng t here il' $2,000 can be raised to prorlde suitable quartera for its ¦Geomtnodationj and in that liehulf the Lutheran paople here will the community. A tlieologicul seniinaiy. adcled to our airead; notably superior ediicational a iv antatres, woold be a musí dealrsble KcquIaiUoD, and would have a valué beyond any inmiediatcly promlaed material return, in the Inereased prestige it would frive to the city as an Bducatlonal polnti We hope our' paople wil] give rery favorable considerntlon to the pioposition that will be made thcin.- Ypsilantlan. This is Ihe sanie sciniiil to whlob the Cocribb réferred recently.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Alexander Doane