OAH & A3EL'S COLUMN A Special sale of Cloaks, Shawls and Dry Goods this month. Great reduction from regular prices. An exceptional opportunity for shoppers. We propose to mike business hum during Janutiry. We will sell good, reliable goods as low as youlcan Jbuy trash elsewhereIt is the custom of shopping people everywhere to delay making purchases at this season until the annual clearing out movament is in operation among the different Stores. Bargains ! Th3 word has peculiar power at such a time ! Everyone is familiar with it and all prepare for it. That time is now at hand, and we present to-day the beginning of an eventful year, we think, for the ladies"an array of figures neeessarily interesting and acceptable to all. Astrachan Wraps that were selling the first of the Season: No. 9628, $32, Going at $23.50 774, 28, 2000 770, 25, " 18.00 2601, 23, " 16.00 1111, 20, " 14.00 730, 14, " 9.00 934. 12, " 8.50 422, 11, " 7.50 Cloth Wraps, that were : No. 352, $16, Are now $1200 8289, 20, ' 15.00 2595, 18, " 13.00 16055, 16, " 12.00 Plush Wraps, that brought at the opening of the season: No. 426, $30, Selling for $2100 688, 35, 25.00 553, 25, " 18.00 Frieze Wraps, formerly : No. 4755, $33, Now Selling $24 428, 30, ' " 22 618, 32, " " 23 625 20, " " 14 490, 22, " " 16 1128, 18, " " 13 Silk Circulars, that were : No. 73, $12, Are now $ 7.00 453, 20, " 14.00 456, 23, " 16.00 452, 15, " 11.50 We have in Stock 10 Russian Circulars that were selling the first Of the season at $10, $12, $15, and $18, now going at $6. (Your choice. Doublé Shawls, the very best quality made that were $8 are now $6. Beaver Shawls that were $3.50.84 and $5 are now $2.75 Hymalayan Shawls that were $10 are now $7.25 Dress Those who have Dress Goods to buy prepare to buy now24-nch Tricots tnat were o, .-o rrtm ouc. 37-inch Tricots that were 5Oc. are now 43c. 4O-inch Homospuns that were 50o, are now 40c. 40-inch Camel's Hairthat were 50c. are now 43c. 42-inch Cameletts that were 65c. are now 50c. 42-inch Mearane Checks that were 65c. are now 43c. 44-inch Pin Stripes, Invariable Plaidsand Checks that were $ 1 . 1 5, $ 1 .25 and $ 1 .60 are now $1 ,OO. Combination Suitings that were 30c. are now 25c. Our prices on Table Linens, Linen Sets with Napkins to match, Toweling, Bleached and Brown Cottons, Indigo Blue Prints, and Robe prints are worthy your attention. 5 P's Bleached Table Linen that were $1.00 are selling now at 75 cents. 25 Linen Sets with Napkins to match, plain white and colored borders, that were $5.00, are selling now at $3.75. 3 Bales, all Linen Toweling that were 7 cents are selling now at 5 cents. 3 Cases Bleached Cotton that were 10c. selling at 8c 1 Case, good, bleached Cottons that were 8 cents are now selling at 6 cents, yard wide. 10 Bales of the best standard Brown Cottons, that were 8 and 9 cents are now selling at 7 cents. 3 Bales Brown Cottons that were 6 cents are now 5 cents. 1 Case Cocheco Robe Prints that were 8 cents are now selling at 6 cents. 3 Cases of the best Standard Prints that were 7 and 8 cents are now selling at five cents. 3 Cases of the best Indigo Blue Prints that were 8 cents are now selling at 6 cents. Ladies from the surrounding country are invited to look through the store and notice what weare doing. It is not our intention to ask you here for trifling or incomplete occasion - but to make it- come profits or come losses, worth your time and thought- and worth your money too, worth buying now for next summer. It must not be supposed that every thing we have in the store will coms to the under price, the loss would then too great. Give this you delibérate consideration. When you come let it ba in a leisurely A hurried glance through will not teil the story of this occasion. Thoughtful looking will pay. No goods charged during this sale. We can't charge at these prices. BACH & ABEL.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News