High School Items
The mock trial by lyceum No. 1 was adjourned Indetlhltery. The freshnien have not helü their electlon yet. Given it up llkely. 1,fd. Kapp, classof '89, will givea social at liis home on Main street, Friday nigut. A meeting for the election of the Ouiejra board will be lielJ by the class of '87 Friday atternoon. Term essays are due as follows: First year, Jan. '-."tu; second year, Feb. lst; third year, Feb. Sth; fourth year, Feb. 16tta. Prof. Perry will hold an examination in grammar to-inorrow, and in U. S. history next week Thursday. Under the management of its uew president, Mr. Caukin, the Christian association promlMt to grow in interest and inembership. The class in lirst year English, which recited at 10 o'clock on Mondays, has been divided, one división now reciting on Tuesday. The senior class will be given a social by Arthur Covert, at hi.s home in Superior, Friday uight. Of coure tliut means a sl-jigh ride. A social under the nuspices of the Cristian ussocintion will be given Saturday nilit at the ref-idence of Miss Wade, 14 Alonroe street. The reiult of the election ofoffleersof the lyceum was the choioe of G. M. Huil, president; E. II. Edwards, vice president, and EL II. Walker, secretary. '89 had a class sleigh ride laat Friday eraniug. A large number were present, and no end of fun. Mr. Waterniüii received the party on his farm a few miles south of che city. HefreshnientH were servod, and the party returned home quite late. At their meeting last Friday p. m., the atembara of the senior class elected the followfng clnss-day ofHcers, uil of whom are wcll quallfled forthe positions ; Orator, Hany B. Palmer, Imhiy City ; poetest, ÖedlU Brraaan, Aun Arbor; liintorian, Mark ltockwell, Corey cssayisi. iola VVilliiims, Aun Arbor. The roll-call from Josh Billings by lyceum No. 1 last Friday evening furnïshcd qnlt a vuriety of sentiment. A ¦pelllnj; niütcli by the niPinbers, and soine visit.iirs prored tbat wreral mich matches wiul(l do no barro. The program for this week conslstsof a short trial, a debate 00 " Resolved, That a lawyer Is justltlable in defending a person whom he knows to be gullty," reatflng the Budget, etc. The Knights of Pylhias liad a big tiuie at tlieir installatlou of . 11 i ¦ t ¦ i - Monday evening. Several of the grand lodge oftlcers were present. One oí our city contemporánea ipelll Alpine 'Alphiue ! " Prof. DePont tells iis that the Tyrolese Warblers will warble that "h" away on the lltli of next nionth. Of course we shall all want to hear them. Jas. A. Robison, court reporter of the Detroit Free Press, and son of Mayor Hobison of this city, received the couiplimetitary vote of the democratie rnemben of the house at L,ansing, tor eurolling and eugrossiugclerk. Jim would niake a good one if lie was only on the right side. The state assoeiation of prosecuting attorneys wil) meet Jan. 25, ut Lansing, for the pur pose of f ormulating and sugesting to the legisluture such laws as may be thougbt necessary for the convictiou of crimináis." Perbape the conipensaiiou of lawyers hired to asslst prosecutlng attorney may be tlie subject of legiilatloD also. 'J'he tempe ranee meeting at Cropsy's Hall on Sunday was addressed by Mi. Tsylor of Chicago. She gave a very good address. Mr. Jennings, a lit. student who was a delégate to the inter-collejjiate temperance convention held at Cleveland last week, gave a very interesting account of that gathering. Sixty-three colleges were represented and the cause of temberance greatly advanccd by the efforts of its frieuüs at that meeting. The story is told of the case of two men, one white and one colored, who owoed an old, cream-colored horse In partnership, whlch had Decomc niiuutuseless to thein because of the cold weather. A week or two since they took the horse to an unused barn U the 3rd ward, where they left it for a whole week, and but for the svtupatliy of nelghboi'8 tlie , poor old beaat would have starved to death. If we have a society for the pievention o cruclty to animáis, thll case ehonld be look up. The Yeung People's Society of the Baptist church will furnish a course of lectures to wliich all are cordially lnvited. Uev. Hobart, of Toledo, will probably open the course on Sunday, January 23. The otlier speakers will be llev. Henson, D. D., of Morgan Park Theological 8eminnry, Chicago; Rev. Tupper, of Grand Kapids; Rev. Ashmore, D. D., a returned missionary; and without much doubt Kev. Anderson, D. D., fortnerly prefldent of Chicago University, but now president of Uenison University, Granville, Ohlo. The speakers of the evening will also flll the pulpit in the morning, and due notice of the dates of the lectures will be given in the papers.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News