Every May Adrts 1o the great amouut of evidence to the curative power nf Hood's Sarsaparilla. Letters are continually being received from all sections of the country, telling of benetits derived from all sections of the country, telling of benefits -derived from this írrciit medicine. It Is aneqaftUed for general debllitv, nnd i i blond pnrlfler pxpellín? every trace of Krofula er other impurity. Ñow is the time to tak e il. Prepared byü. I. Hood Js Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all droggffte. The youtig man who can'trnise enoueh money to pay for a niftrriajre llcense, now pays $5 an hour for a slcigh to take her out on the avenue. Conguniption Cnrcd. An old physiciiin, retirpd from pruetice, liavinj; had placed in his hands hv :im East Iinli;i missionary the formula of ¦ simple vegetable remedy for the specdv and permanent cure of ('onsuinptioii, Broochitlt, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat andlung Affeotioni, alto n poslttve and radlcmfcnre for Nervous Deblllty and and all Nervous Complaints, after havinj; tested lts wonderful curatlve powers in thou?ands of casei=, has feit it liis lu)y to ni.iki; it known to hls mffering Icllows. ActllHtrd by this motlVC and :i dcxiic tO relieve human luffering, I wil] end tree of charge to all who delire it, tliis recipe in Germán, French or Enjilish, u itli flill directioiiK for prepariDg and ti-iin ir. Sent, by mail by tddroMlng wiih ttamn, namInjr thUpper, V. A. Xoycs, 1 üi Power't JJIork, Rocheeter, N'. v.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News