Bucklen'.s Árnica Sultc Tlie Best Salvo in the world for Ciits, lïrilises, Sores, lleers, Sall lilieiini, Pever 8oret,Tetter, Cbapped Hands, Chtlblalng, Corna, and all ïSkin Eruptloni, and positivrly cures Pilen, or do pay requlred. It ia ruiiranteed tO Ittve perfeO satistaction, or money refnnded. Priot 39 cents per box. For Bale !y Eberbach & Son. Itch, Prairie Mange, mul Scratche of eviry kind cnred in thlrty minutes by WiKHlford' 's Sanitary lotion. Use no otlier. Tliis never fails. Sold by H. J. Biown, drugífiítt. Aun Arbor. 1288-1340 HTo love is so intense as that of the 18ycar old yotitli for the '(i-year o'd 'irl He geti over it. Of emir-e, bilt uliile t'l in motion It's GO miles an huur, lucluding stops. Ègotltm is a man without a collarcarrying a gold lieadcd cane. I)on't Experiment. Von ciiiinot Milord lo wale time in experhnenting wlien yoof lungs are in danj;er. CoDsumptlon alwayi Beems ai flrst only a mili. Donot permltany dealer to ImpOM lipón ynii witb some clicap iinilation of I)r. KhiL's New Dlicovery Tor Censumptlon, oongfai and euids, bat be siue yon gel llie 1,'rniilne. üecanse lie can inaki' more profil lie may teil you he bas omelhlng as rood, nr Jllli tlie sume. Don'i be deoelred, luit in-Kt apon gettlng Dr. Klng'i Xe Diseovery, whloh is L'iiar intet-d lo glve relief In all Thioat. luni; i ii ] chut affetlood Trial botllw freeal I Bberbacb'e drug store.
Ann Arbor Courier
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