ï"cheigan CAlfARRH SefRí" Thlf almoít...
![ï"cheigan CAlfARRH SefRí" Thlf almoít... image](/sites/default/files/aa_courier/aa_courier_18870112-p04-010.jpg)
ï"cheigan CAlfARRH SefRí" Thlf almoít universal dls.ae can be Cured more ewlly from May to Oetohor than t any oeher part of the time todo It. Tlns treatmeut Ís aaea ín a oomman lena inanni-r and ts thorouSh and berslstent, and MU tal Itttle. ii..t Injnrtous. Send f.ir imp rimilai "ti this tronblcMinir dlix-ax;. 71 your ZAZiïiïiïiVïiï&t&bÏÏlïi cbr.7sole'rp;op9., Crana Rapids, Mioh. 1307-1341 DIIDDCCIC FARM ANNUAL F0R lss: MI ¦¦ V k WUlbeeent FUEK to 11 who writ fnr it. It is a fi ¦ IlnndNome Kook of fH pasen, with hunW v ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ W andtellBallabuutTHE HKST (.arden, Farm and Flowcr J%paH%#% nnihn. PlaDtH, Thnrotichbrrd Stock and Fanry l'oiillrv. It VttllV 'l.s.nl..- lí Alt K NOVII.TIKS in TWiETABI.ESind n.HUI'lis, Jr llaSB of rrnl Talae. hich cannoC bs obtained elaewaere. Send addrotis on & ¦¦ i ¦¦' Mw 7 pnetal for the luont cúmplete Catalogue pnbliahed, to WTLEjmPECOmUDELPHIAA.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News