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The Stockbridge Sun has anUrged its shilling surface. Good for Gildart. Dexter people now take the cars ïroni their new station house. Good for Dexter. According to the Sun, Stockbridge has shipped 92,0!9 busliels of wheat the past year. The Germán Worklngmen'l Society of Manchester will either buy or build a hall SOOD. L. C. IJodman and J. Jedele, Jr., are furnishing the stone for the new school building at Dexter. The Ypsilanti Sentlnel claims to be "the oldest paper in the state luieuanged in name and sentiment." The Manchester Enterprise would like to have Luther James reach the heljrht of happiness hy subscribing for tliat paper. The Dexter Leader has come out with a new head also. Itstill cllnn to the .crman text style, but lias eliminated the lilagree work. _ Several of Odr taxpayers being dlssatisfied with tlit' nianniT in whlch the bridge tax waslevied, talked quite strongly of refusing to pay their township tax.- .Man chester Enterpiise. One of our young grocery clerks lef the faucet of a molasses barrel in the cel lar ontii, to go up stairs and talk with the young lady who had called for the saccharine substance, and btcame so intcr ested that earthly thiaga vanuhed fron his memory. When it finally dawnee upon hitn and he went dowu "to in vest iirate, he found severa! gallons of the liquic upnn the tloor. - Saline übserver. Dwight Peebles returned home Monday in better spirits than his friends expected to meet hini. He speaks enconragingly for the prospect of the Michigan o!c claims in Arizona. Work is progressing at the mines, with hopes of a successtu season. - So. Lyon Excelsior. But the man who thinks more of land claims in Michigan tliau gold claims in Arizona or anywhere else, comes out best in the end Our exchanges have been circulating the report that a penan can teil at once whfther a letter will go at single posrage by simply balancingit against asilver dollar, as that little pocket ornament weighs ahnost exactly the amount which Uncle Sam offers to carry for two cents, Now thi.s may be useful information to general readers, but it is excecdiogly aggravating ;o an editor, who luis hls hands full of let Uts to mail and not a single silver dollar n his pocket to weigh theui with.- Dexter Leader. The editor of the Coirier is badly disirruntled (a statement that the editor of the Courikr flatly denies) because an "esteemed contemporary '' credits to Detroit papers items that appeared in the CoubEit two weeks before. We sympathize with the Courier man. That is just the way we teel when the Courier credits to the Echo items that appeated in the lierild the week before. - Chelsea Herald Iow should we feel, then, when we flnd tenis original with the Courier credited by the Elerald to the KegUtBr, eb f The long continued " spell o' weather " f the past month is said to be causing some uueasiness, and amoug eutne of our .irmers and stockraisers considerable InODvenienoe regarding the water supply. The shallow ponds are frozen nearly, it lot quite solid aml inany uvlls and cisterns are giving out. One farmer living iear the village is compellea to drive his cattle, nuuiberinu 35 head, a dlstance of WO miles once a day to water, regardless or the weather. Snob a state of a tl' i i is is oth unprotitable, unnccessary and iucont- 11 til. and our advice to fannurs, (were t askcd,) would be less stock and more vells. - Dexter Leader. Many of our readers, we are sure, will regret to loarn lliat Bev. H. Qallop hasdecided not to continue his laborsany longer with our Baptist ehuroh. He will )reach his last sermón here, at least for he present, next Smiduy. Our acquaintaucewiih Bro. Qallup lias been both pleasant and prolUable. We Uave found him o be an intelligent, Christian gentleman, )otli in and out of the pulpit, and forone, egret sinccrely his going away, and wisli ïiin abnndanl success and joy in any and ïvery field of labor in which his lot may bc cast. We understaiid that he will com nenoe labor Immediately with the Baptist


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News