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W L royal isa1.".} li B POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tblapowder oever viirlcs. A marvel of purlty, strenlli and wholesoraenem. More economloftl than theordlnnry klmls.nnd oannot be suld ln competllion witli I lie multltude of low test, short welülit, aluin or phoupliate powders. Bold only Ín eans. Kuy.ul Kakln Pnwder 'o . 1OO Wall si.. N. V. SKIN lSCALI. Cleanseíl, Puriílod a mi BcautiÜed b) the Cutlcura Reatedleiu For í-leansine the Skin and Scalp oT OifiiirÍuj Humor-, for ailfnini? ltchinfr, Buriiiiir had liiM mi in ition, lor curini: theflm pynptoai m Be.tin i. I'-tirinsi-. M:lk Crott. "iñ Ucnd, Sci ulula and rvfher inherited i-kin aiid blood dimane, t'uiicnr.i, thf sfre.-it Skin Care, uurt CatifUif Sm.p, an exqiinite k.n Beant.fler, ex'ernaliv, ai d Culi en i ii lí sol'' .ni, 1 1, e ia-w IÏJoed Pui .fier, lnu-rua 1 ¦ libia A ('OMPLKI'K CUIth 1 hsve sniTtTpd II mv Ufo wlth ki;i dieeeipe of ilitl'tTt'iii klnd, and liaví' i v.-r rnnd perrainenl r' ir , nut'', iy tliu a-lvicií of h 1 idy fr end 1 u-crt yuir v iniabh' Ouíicura lit-medies. I i:vh thi'in ihcMUííh trial, u.iiií: six of the Cuticura , ni. lwo hoxee ol Cotiatnt and Keven t)f Vutictira ioap, aort the resalí vu jui I hnd l)e-n tod it woiild he- aeompMe cure. BKI.LK WADK, Rlchmúnd, Va. Refercnce.O W. Latimer. D n t'ii B"i"" ¦. SALT RHEUM CUBES I wa trouhled ili t-alt i beum íor a imnilnr of M ihaí th' hUiíi '-Dtirely carne off of ni y i ¦inl-fnm theflnL'er i pn tu He lint. 1 trled remedies aicl doctora1 precc Ipilom to vn onrpove untit 1 commenct(l taking Cuticura lienedles, and ww I am intireiv earaVl. K. r. I'.UiKKK, ¦: Nprlhtni)ton SI., Boílun. DKIKJGISIS KMDOBSE THKM. IU ¦ tld a qaantity ot yrn r Cmicura Ht'int1 dlw. Ooeof "iy caatmnen, .Mrs. HenryKintz, who IwuJ letter on her; buda t( am.'.i an rztent n t.irtii nklo to M'e! ort', nwi íor eisflit yi-ATr¦li - ir rrl r.nlv, f.oinpKtely cuieil l.y '.lie n'. u ir ujed ci l'. N. YB,'D."Unftt, Cantón, Oblo. ITC1IIMG, STALT, P1MPLT. For ihe i i-i you i htv i bad apectea of UchíriL', -'i'y umi plmply huiiíoi-s on niy tacr to which I h v }ilit';i a cnai muy aaibode "f treaim nt without a ocoeaa, and wblck wnsapeedlljr uad ontlrely curft li ririciiri. .Ml. 1S8A0 l'IIHLl'S, ifiv.iia O. NO M' IMÍ'IXK LIKE THKM. Weaiveaold your Cvticura Benudiet líi-t x yiNir.-í, and no merlicli'.ert on our j.1 a ve better -:ii lafai tion C. I . ATllKKiuN, Drngglst, Albany.N.T. Sold hy all PruirLri-t. Prlce: OuTicDBk. 99 C a.; Rmoltimt, flVOO : 8oár, üjets. I'otter Uhi ii vu OaaiMUUL Co., Boston. BendrorHow to Curf kin DlKfaseH " PT5 TTT3C Pimple, siú" Blemlahea and Baby UltiÜ DJ, lliimors cured by l'nticura Snap. Catarrh to Consumption. Catarrh )n itrd '-iroctive (orre t-tands mxt to and uii(loul)tt-íl]y leuds un to cuDfatnption. It ia thtrufore Hiii;iilitr that ttaote afflicted wltfa thU Tearful -hon'd nol muke ít the object of thclr llvi'tt ti riil tbfiunilve ol it. Deccptive r medie conocied tiy Ignoran, pretenderá to medti il knowl,: ve w-k'icd the confldence of the (freat ni Joriiy (il sntlcrer iu ail ad vertiré d reui They beo m rerfgoed to a lite ol Batoery ratbei than torture themaelvet with douh't'ul paíllaUves. Bat ttait wlll n rer (jo. Cdtirfb nluti IM nel il every {%! und oomlmUed wnh aJl our n(bt. Id mm y ca-ea t ie d setM lia a-mini' d düLgerou 8ymptoi;iN. bono!) und cuitflagt1 Oí tíU ' a+ ol tie&iing. tif emiig atul of tastiní; Bft affectftd a to b uwlefl, the uvaia o elotgated, the throal so ii.flaraud aud lrrítiU'd a to produce a con-iani and dlbtref Ing ovnsh. SANUrMKiis Uadicai, CUEE roeeta every phíiMf uf Uauirrb, trúm a simple hoAd ootd to ihnui loJUbnonu .iud de.truciivj t?t ic-. It if local and conttitu:1on. Iiiftam 'n Irelievlnjf, permanuní in curliiL', mife, conomlcal unl never-íalmi:;:i' fniuiíir otjubnttleof the Radical CüRl, ;il;il He box of CATHAKB a flKsíh.vkm', and onc Improved [nhalkk; prlce l.-0 KIDNEY PAINS. ¦f And thiit wcary ronnation ever present { JH w th ttaofe of lnflamed Ktdoey, Weak lL lïack uud 1-oiiiH AcUok Hipé and Sides 1 t ovcrworked or WOTD out by dl-ease, deb'líty or dUsIpitlon, are r'lived Ín onf miñiitr and ppeedlly cured by the uticuka Anii-Pain l'LAf-TKK, a new oriR-lnal.eleifant and it il immatioD. A t druntristr, 25c ; ihv for $1.00, or ni Po T IJuri AkS C'hhm it'AL Co., Boston. C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency lu the city. flaUkbUalied over aquarter of aeeotury ago. Represeutlng I he fullowlng tlrst-cliisa rómpanles, wlth over 60,000,000 ajillal Hlid MUeU. HOME INS. (JO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN3. Cü., of New York. (llt.Mili INS. CO., of Philadelpbia. (HtlKNT INS. CO.,of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, ofLondon. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON KIHK and MARINE, Of lioNtou. KatCM U us tlio LTCNt, Líber ully Adjiísli (1 hikI proinptly l'aid. C. II. MILI.EN. .¦Blfc JAMI-H O. III,VIi: i 4fl WÊ UKKATIIlbTOKV T OutsclU nll othor books.' JTon. WK J.S. Wiof Va-, Hay: ' Whw r, r vJíBlW tales ít up.nomatter vfn Ihi r he ¦k ( Mr. BUUne'a frinul ar n mu, KAU Kill inri r mt lí Uncn vttlil 1.4 ' Tfl A hta rend tne, wholc." Hon. Allrn I :iiiirinan, layai 'M cíojwío " ín trtir jhiIíHi-iiI hitortt." L. ¦.'!!(. Wailf'-ll OJl i-i JHJllLiítíPWtestífe". ' 'íilaiy. Ali1ri-s8, MAT T aelda ir kit, bat tlio6 wíl irrité to I I SUinonCo.,Portlnil,Mliie,illreclT I _ I I II fn-o, full mformtlioo bout work which l the; on do. cd lir.ti ImiiK.tliat wlll 1T U 1 JJJJ ,iira from ts u 25 per dy. om br. rarnrdiTr(.'iillii dr Ellher mx, younrorolo. (apilal nol rvqulred. Vou ara atarted frea. Thos. wbo tlart at uuca ai abolutel7 ture uf toug Uttl fortoDa. AlllaDw.


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